Blue Sword

Chapter 102 Entering the City

Lost all three battles.

The Spartans were silent.

If they lose only once, the Spartans may still be angry and regard the mistake as a great shame.

However, losing three times in a row cannot be explained by mistakes. It can only be said that there is a huge gap between the strength of the two sides.

The Spartans respected the strong, and they looked at Ask in awe.

What kind of monsters are in your mercenary group (gender is not important)!

Being able to lead these monsters, how terrifying is this leader's skill? !

"Is this enough?" Ask asked with a smile, "If we still try, we only have non-melee professions such as mages, gunners, thieves and doctors left here."


They still wanted to try the strength of other people, but it didn't seem to be for consideration or to save face, but to see how powerful other monsters were.

But Asik said so, it's not easy for the Spartans to point at a doctor and say "I want to challenge you to a duel", that's embarrassing.

So Cang Qing Sword and his team successfully joined the Spartan mercenary group and boarded the bus to the city of Olympia as foreign aid.

"Actually, we are here to aid Olympia." Rudasius, Asker and others explained in the car, "Constantinople has fallen, and the Franks established the Latin Empire there and supported Flanders. Baldwin, Earl of Si, is the emperor of the empire."

"But after the siege, on the one hand, the industry in the Golden Horn had been completely destroyed, and on the other hand, the Seljuqs were also raging in Asia Minor, resulting in this Latin empire having no financial support at all."

"So they have occupied Thrace, followed by Macedonia, and the ultimate goal must be to plunder the wealthy Cyres."

"In the foreseeable future, the city of Thessaloniki should not be able to defend. But we can help defend Olympia, just like a nail nailed on the march route of the Latins."

"If they want to go south to conquer Shires, we will sneak attack on the rear of their army and cut off their logistics supplies. If they want to attack by force, we will repel them on Mount Olympia."

"Just like our ancestors led 300 warriors to defeat the Ilanian army at Thermopylae!"

"Roar!" The Spartans in the car roared in unison.

Ask pondered.

There was no such plot in the previous life. It seems that because there are no players in this world, the hurricane set off by the butterfly wings has changed a lot of the plot.

In the previous game, after players pushed back the Franks, the Seljuks occupied Constantinople.

Then the attack on Siris began in the first version.

The first was the attack on Crete. The island originally belonged to the Eastern Solomon Empire and was sold to Venis after the fall of the imperial capital. This is also a copy of the so-called "Battle of Crete".

In the end, the Seljuks won and captured the island from the Venisians, and then used it as a springboard to attack Shires from the northeast and southeast.

The Spartans defended the Peloponnese, the Seljuk landing force to the southeast. Olympia defended the Seljuk Army in the northeast.

These two forces jointly defend Siris, but have never met on the common battlefield.

In this world, the Franks captured Constantinople first and established the Latin Empire.

Venis also destroyed Constantinople and took Crete as a trade fulcrum, so he had no interest in Cyris at all.

As a result, the Spartans had enough energy to move north to support Olympia.

Of course, the enemies of Olympia this time are also different from the previous life.

The Seljuk enemies in the previous life were mainly composed of extraordinary troops, that is, ranked extraordinary beings who controlled a large number of unranked mortal armies, as well as a large number of devils and extraordinary creatures to attack.

As an arcane mage with group damage AOE, it is not a waste to defeat these massive enemies.

This time in the Latin Empire, the army was composed of a large number of knights, knight retinues and levies. The characteristics of these Frankish poor men were that they all had extraordinary strength, and their attributes were more physical, and they had high health and durability.

Then it is unrealistic to rely solely on output suppression.

An arcane mage who focuses on spiritual power will be very injured when the enemy gets close to him. Even the corpse of Alexander, who is controlled by the demigod, suppresses the entire audience with the Lv.5 meteor shower, and cannot escape the wave after being approached by Asker. Destiny to go.

Therefore, the support for the Spartans is also a timely help for Olympia officials.

It was nothing more than that even though the free passage was blocked, these Spartans could still take special vehicles to Olympia.

The city of Olympia is built on the towering Olympus Snow Mountain. There is a giant Eden tree on the mountain, more than a thousand meters high, named Olympus...

Since the names of these Cyruss go round and round, they are collectively referred to as Olin Mountain, Olin Tree, and Olin City for the time being.

Olin City is built inside the trunk of the Olin tree. It is a veritable "city in the tree".

The original purpose of the Sirians building the city here was to obtain the flowers and fruits of the Orin tree, namely the "Flowers of the Tree of Eden" and the "Fruit of the Tree of Eden". medicinal materials.

In fact, the Orin tree itself is a huge extraordinary creature. Due to its excessive size and weight, its lower trunk has long been overwhelmed, and the tubes around the bark have almost been crushed and deformed.

The Sirians who built the city here punched a huge cavity around the tree trunk at the bottom and built a city in it. They also helped support the cavity with high-strength materials, which also protected the conduit and ensured the stability of the tree roots. Water is continuously transported to the branches and leaves above the trees.

That's why the Orin tree can grow so huge, and it has formed some kind of wonderful and tacit symbiotic relationship with the Siris people living inside it.

The bus drove up the mountain road, and the road gradually extended to the tree roots. These tree roots were so huge that everyone initially thought they were rocks.

Then the bus drove into the tunnel, with only the faint lights from the top of the tunnel remaining.

Suddenly the car stopped.

"We're here." Rudasius said, and the leader got out of the car.

Everyone from Cangqing Sword followed the Spartans out of the car, and saw a military fortress at the end of the tunnel, guarded by soldiers with live ammunition.

A nobleman dressed as an officer was waiting there and shook hands with Rudasius vigorously.

"Quintus Appius." This military officer introduced himself, "Welcome to Olympia, Spartan."

"Fight for the Empire." Rudasius gave a military salute.

Quintus looked behind him, his eyes falling on the Cang Qing Sword people.

There is no way, because the Spartan attire is too obvious: wrought iron plate armor, heavy infantry helmet, stainless steel greaves, and a red cloak behind him (used to wrap the body after the battle).

In comparison, these people of Cang Qing Sword have full-body armor, half-body armor, chain armor, iron armor, cloth armor, leather armor, and a dazzling array of equipment. At first glance, they look like a miscellaneous mercenary army from nowhere.

"Foreign aid." Rudasius simply said two words without explaining anything more.

"Very good, Olympia needs more combat forces." Quintus didn't ask any more questions. On the one hand, he already knew the Spartans' speaking style, and on the other hand, he believed in the Spartans' vision.

Not everyone is qualified to be recognized by the Spartans. These guys are tyrannical and have their eyes high. They have refused to fight with the Sirians many times in history because "the Sirians are too weak."

It was not until they were conquered by the more militarily powerful Solomons that these Spartans began to switch their allegiance to the empire and were willing to be incorporated into the army by the empire and other peoples.

"We are the last group of Spartan mercenaries." Rudasius said directly, "Has the level of martial law in the city been increased again?"

"Another assassination occurred a few days ago." Quintus said, "Mr. Aristo, a member of the Association of Mages, was assassinated. The murderers were two assassins in black from Elania. Four or five of my young men died. Only then did he cut down the two assassins in a pool of blood."

"The mage is too weak," Rudasius said.

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