Xiao Feng no longer forced to leave after hearing Tu Tu Tu's words. Therefore, he nodded and said, "Fine, I was indeed a bit rude just now. However, since you made me wait so long, I'm a bit hungry. Can you get someone to get some food for me? "

"You!" Tu Tu was speechless, but he still shouted to the soldiers outside: "Go to the kitchen and get some meat and wine!"

A soldier outside answered and went off to prepare.

Yue'er helped Zhang Yun take the antidote. After a short while, the poison in his arm stopped spreading. Tu Tu Tu at the side saw the situation clearly, he turned his head to look at Xiao Feng who was sitting on the table chewing on a piece of beef, and thought: Could it be that this brat actually brought out the antidote?!

After less than an hour, the soldiers that had been sent to look for a doctor returned with two doctors. When the two doctors saw that the princess had taken the medicine, the poison had already started to dissipate. The poison had already been controlled, and it would soon be completely fine. Thus, Tu Tu Tu and Yue Er believed Xiao Feng's words.

Tu Tu Tu saw off the two doctors and apologized to Xiao Feng, who was in the middle of enjoying his meal: "Little brother, I was just too busy to notice and almost missed out on something big. "I hope you don't mind Tu Tu's apologizing!

Xiao Feng grabbed a piece of beef and took a huge bite. He then drank another mouthful of wine and said unclearly, "If it wasn't because I was afraid that you, the princess of Mongolia, would have died and messed up my plans, I would not have had the heart to save her." He wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and got up. "I'm full. I should go."

Tu Tu Tu did not understand the meaning behind Xiao Feng's words, so he did not stop Xiao Feng this time. Instead, he said: "Little brother saved the life of the princess, are you asking for nothing?"

Xiao Feng stopped at the door and turned around, "Didn't I just say that? If you, a princess, were to die tonight, it would ruin my plans. That is why I am here to save you. As for whether or not you seek anything, I really don't think much of your Mongolian items. " Saying that, he walked away without looking back.

What an arrogant kid, he doesn't know what's good for him! However, even if he was angry, Tu Tu Tu could only be angry in his heart. He had saved the princess, which was the same as saving your life. This point was undeniable.

After an hour, Zhang Yun's arm, which had turned black from the poison, gradually returned to normal. "Yue Er, you stay here and wait upon the princess. I will have someone prepare some chicken soup for her to drink." It is already late, let the princess rest well! "

"Alright, I'll be troubling you for this!" Yue Er replied.

Tu Tu Tu sent someone to cook another serving of chicken soup, and Yue'er fed it to Zhang Yun. The poison in Zhang Yun's body had receded, but he was still in a weak state. After drinking half of it, he had actually fallen asleep.

After this incident, Tu Tu Tu increased the number of patrolling people in the Princess' Mansion. He changed from the previous three people into the current five people, a team of five people, for five minutes and a patrol for three minutes. He also specially arranged for four soldiers to be stationed at the entrance of the Princess' Mansion. It could be said that even a cat and a dog would not be able to escape from this place.

As for Xiao Feng, he left the Princess Mansion and returned back to the Immortal Calore Inn. However, he didn't go to the three heroes of Hebei to explain what had happened. He did not know that the three heroes of Hebei were still awake. However, that was not important. What was important was that he should first get a good night's sleep.

Thus, Xiao Feng returned to his room to rest, causing Hebei's Big Three to wait until two or three in the morning. Seeing that Xiao Feng had yet to return, they couldn't wait any longer and finally fell asleep.

However, early the next morning, Xiao Feng knocked on the door. "What son of a bitch is knocking on the door? Are you still going to let me sleep?!" Gu Yiwu cursed angrily from inside.

Gu Yi Heng was wide awake, thinking that if the waiter knocked on the door, he would definitely speak. This person knocked on the door but did not say anything. Could it be that brat from last night? Thinking of this, Gu Yi Heng immediately got up, put on his clothes, and said to Gu Yi Wu on the other side of the bed, "Third brother, don't talk nonsense!"

Gu Yiheng opened the door and saw Xiao Feng standing outside, holding a sword wrapped in cloth with a smile on his face.

"Aiyaya, it's little brother. Quick, please come in!" Gu Yi Heng said with a smile.

Xiao Feng did not respond and walked in. At this time, Gu Yiwen and Gu Yiwu had already put on their clothes and were standing in the room. Upon seeing that it was Xiao Feng, Gu Yiwen's face was expressionless; a look of displeasure appeared on Gu Yi Wu's face.

"Sit down." Gu Yiheng greeted and sat down first. He then continued, "Last night, little brother went to the princess' mansion, did you get anything?"

Xiao Feng placed the sword on the table and sat down. He said directly: "The Princess Mansion is indeed heavily guarded. From what I observed last night, the guards at the Princess' Mansion are a three-man team, patrolling once every five minutes. There were two soldiers standing guard outside the hall and two soldiers in the hallway that led to the backyard. The rest of you, take turns to replace them. That's it. "

"If that's the case, then little brother has a thorough understanding of this matter." Gu Yiheng smiled and then said, "I asked the three of us to wait for your news at the inn last night, but when did you return last night?"

Seeing the three of them in such a bad mood, Xiao Feng guessed that they must have slept very late last night. Thus, he snickered in his heart, but didn't show it on the surface: "Last night at Princess Mansion, there was an accident. "As far as I know, someone from the Sky Mountain Sect already went to the princess' mansion last night."

The three of them were shocked when they heard this.

Gu Yiwu interjected from the side, "Then what's the result? How do you know? "

"In the end, we were discovered by the patrolling soldiers of the Princess' estate. He managed to escape. However, this will alarm the people from the Princess Mansion, so I'm afraid that the patrolling arrangements will be strengthened. " Xiao Feng laughed coldly.

Gu Yiwen looked at Xiao Feng and saw that he was not lying, so he said: "Does little brother know that person's appearance or name?"

"This person's qinggong is not bad, and his hidden weapons are first-rate." "Also, I have fought with Jean before. He called Huo Wushuang 'Senior Brother'." As Xiao Feng spoke, he looked at Gu Yiwen and asked, "Can the three of you determine this person's name from these two points?"

"Three years ago, didn't Huo Wushuang already get expelled from Heavenly Mountain Sect?" Gu Yi Heng was confused.

"If so. This person must be the Heavenly Mountain Sect's new Chief Disciple, Li GuangChou. I heard that Li Guangxun is a good assassin, I'm afraid that's him. " Gu Yiwen said, "Little brother, you said that you fought with this person. What happened next?"

"I don't know much about these people. I only know one person called Huo Wushuang." Xiao Feng smiled faintly. "What happened next?" "What do you think? Since he's unable to defeat me and is willing to admit defeat, I'll let him go."

When the three of them heard this, they looked at each other in surprise. Gu Yi Heng thought to himself, if I fight with Li Guang, if he doesn't use concealed weapons, I still have a chance. If Li Guang uses concealed weapons, I'm afraid I would be unable to defend myself. Who would have thought that this little brat would speak so easily and actually casually beat Li GuangChou? Just which sect did this person come from?

"This Li Guang Chou is truly a failure with many things." It's just like the Huo Wushuang from before, I'm really stupid! " Gu Yi Wen said with a hint of hatred, "I'm afraid that what little brother said is true, the Princess' Mansion will definitely strengthen its guards, and I'm afraid it will not be beneficial to our operation."

"Then what should we do? Are we really going to give up now? " Gu Yi Wu asked.

Xiao Feng was unwilling and unwilling to listen to their plans, so he interrupted and said, "I have already told you everything that I need to say and have also investigated all the matters that I have promised you. Now, isn't it time for me to ask you a few questions? "

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