Walking like this

Show the harmless smile of the animals,

While untie his own hairpin

Let the long hair be unfettered

The open awning strange ruler against Bai Ya's move

Always be vigilant, but just face Ji

It's really just a simple solution

Like the emperor, the blue butterfly that will untie

Released a random Tian Zhao, and began to solve it

Ba’s lifting pressure, however

She suddenly took out a handful

Simple deer head stick with strong rot

Corrosive acid sprayed from the deer's mouth

Face to face.

[Dead paddy field and Tian Tian Huangquan]

"How about it, the juice is good to sing

Oh, this is your dad's return

, Da~Ce~Dan~" Bai Ji side

Spray acid on the face, make faces on the edge of the field

Tongue out a dark taunt, okay

Not happy.

Of course, since Ji Zhi was hit by Huang Jian

Watery face may be no way right

If the party causes implementation damage, go here

It’s not just for understanding

The muddy face is over, Zheng Fu Chi Suo

As expected, Huangquan Shuzi Didu.

Did not splash on the cloaked man, mock

Xiang's transparent barrier is still falling in the sea

Green liquid.

Slightly feeding. Coffee 00

Sound that makes your scalp numb

Standing Ground Turtle

Cracks, even if it is a series of cracks

I can feel that I can't see his face

Ah Chen looks like this. At this moment, his


Yuan answered that I don't know

The lifeless little bat

When we are no longer in front of us,

See people.

Want to pass

Full of Bai Ji’s powerful senses

This plane and the latter seems to be in

On the second journey, I have disappeared and disappeared:

To Tiansheng trail.

Wish zone is not possible

Perfect, that can hide like death

, The other party has only one settlement 3

Disappeared. From this plane

Regiment, barrier

It's acid, dripping constantly

I should have gone as if I lost my hand

Yu is gone.

Almost caught

The idea is to think about it, but I don’t have it.

Wish to hide in the darkness and black to the completeness of Pa Sutra

In, disappeared.

Just stuck in it

When it's easy, let go of the police slowly

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