"Senpai, throw the clothes you've finished wearing in the washing machine, and put all the lunch boxes in the trash can."

"Sorry, I did plan to do this originally, but it was fine for the first few days, but then I gradually forgot about the garbage."

"It's really arrogant."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's house is not very big. After all, she is only one person. If the room is too large, it will not be good. Apart from the living room, there is only a separate bathroom and a bedroom. All the rubbish in the living room will be cleaned up.

"Do you want to clean the bedroom? Let's say it first. If I see something more exciting, I may not be able to control myself."

"It's okay, wouldn't it be better if you couldn't control it, then I'll be the congressman's wife."

Even though he said so, Qianye still went into Shiyu's bedroom in the Hill of Xia to help him clean up.

In fact, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka's living habits are not bad, at least she didn't throw away all the clothes like Ying Lili, only some coats or shirts, stockings and fat times on the bright side, Qianye didn't see it.

Qianye was very suspicious of this, whether Kasumigaoka Shiyu's stockings and fat times were all disposable, and they were thrown away after they were worn.

Otherwise, how could I have never seen it from time to time.

"What are you thinking, girls' underwear is very expensive. Even if it may be used as a one-time use, I will wash my clothes occasionally."

"I see. I thought the washing machine in the bathroom was just a decoration."

Folding clothes and tidying up the room, although Megumi Kato is taking care of Ye's own life, Qianye is actually very skilled at taking care of others, and in a short while, Shiyu Kasugaoka's room is tidy up in an orderly manner.

"Huh, I've finally finished cleaning up, senior, won't you give me some rewards?"

Seeing the messy house turned bright and beautiful with her own efforts, Qianye couldn't help showing a hint of satisfaction.

"Is it okay to use myself as a reward?"


At first Qianye thought that Shiyu of the Hill of Xia was just joking, but before he could say anything, Shiyu of the Hill of Xia immediately hugged him from behind.

"Sister, you are serious"

"Why, you dare not"

...... Qianye managed to tidy up the house and returned to chaos with the efforts of the two of them. Looking at Shiyu of the Hill of Xia next to him, Qianye couldn't believe what had just happened.

"Why, do you feel like you're dreaming?"

"Yeah, when I was in high school, my dream was... to do something like this to my senpai, and even write this thing into my bucket list. I didn't expect that the dream would have come true before I was too old. "

"Then don't you have to do the same to Kato and Eiri on your bucket list?"

"Cough, in fact, in addition to you, Ying Lili's cousin is also on it!"

"Pervert, go to hell!"

Chapter [-] ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━? Laziness is the primary productive force

Because of Shiyu's initiative, Qianye completely forgot to help him appreciate the things he said less about, but it's not bad, anyway... With Shiyu's level, even if he doesn't have his own appreciation, it is still the most famous novel. one of the writers.

Originally, Qianye planned to invite Shiyu of the Hill of Xia to live in his own house. After all, his house was indeed very large, let alone one of Shiyu of the Hill of Xia, even if a dozen people lived in, there would be no problem.

But thinking that Kato Megumi is still there: Qianye's house is helping, Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt that it would be embarrassing to move in, so she declined Qianye's invitation.

The daily life of the parliamentarians is very boring. At 6:8 in the morning: get up to exercise, eat breakfast at 830:[-] after taking a shower, and [-]:[-]: [-]: start work and hold a meeting at about ten o’clock. I like the habit of procrastinating work, even if Qianye's ability is outstanding, he has to wait until five or six in the afternoon to complete the work.

Sometimes I even have to work until seven or eight o'clock, not to mention taking bribes, and I don't even have time to see a friend.

Sometimes Qianye was very suspicious, if it wasn't for the needs of those big families, would anyone really be willing to do this kind of work.

"If I had known, I would be a person behind the scenes. Like Belmod, I have eaten and slept all day long, and I have nothing to do to tease and molest the little girl. It's such a comfortable day."

Looking at the thick stack of documents on his desktop, Qianye's mentality also collapsed.

Although these documents seem to be quite a lot, in fact, Miyano Akemi and Kato Megumi have already dealt with them. When they were just sent to his office, the thickness of the documents was at least five or six times that.

"People are all dead, why can't they work online? What's the point of wasting so much paper?"

After correcting the document a little, Qianye lost interest completely. Although Kato Megumi and Miyano Akimi couldn't handle it, it was actually nothing serious, it was just a signature of financial appropriation or an application from a real estate company.

After picking out the documents related to the Si Gong family, Qianye signed all the other documents directly with his own private capital.

This way of working may seem a bit random, but in fact, this is what Qianye can do. . . . . .

Since the document was sent to him, it must have gone through a lot of inspections. Megumi Kato and Akemi Miyano will definitely be checking while the document is being issued. If there is a problem, they will definitely find it.

"Yang Xi, the work is done, let's go eat."

In the restaurant, Megumi Kato had prepared a sumptuous dinner for a long time. After this period of training, Megumi Kato's craftsmanship is not as good as those of those... Michelin chefs, but it is not too far behind. .

"It tastes very good, Xiaohui, let's have some together."

"No, I have to help my sister cook when I get home."

"Well, Xiaohui lives with her sister and her husband now."

Qianye always thought that Kato Megumi had been living by herself since An Yilun also died, but listening to her, it seemed that things were not the same.

"Accurately speaking, I should live with my sister. My sister is not married yet."

"How old is your sister and not married yet.

But it must be inconvenient to live with someone, so why don't you live in your own home?"

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