The little girl called Haibara Mourning is indeed quite beautiful, but Conan’s heart has long been filled with Xiaolan, and he can’t fit anyone else at all.

And even if he could fit other people in his heart, a ten-year-old girl could not enter, after all, he did not smelt copper, and he did not want to try it at the maximum death penalty in three years.

Under the leadership of Shunya, a group of people went to the place he and his brother rented, and after checking Shunya’s brother’s room, Conan’s expression also became serious.

Shunya’s brother almost didn’t take anything, his wallet and mobile phone were at home, and he had already judged when he saw this, Shunya’s brother definitely couldn’t have run away from home, but was involved in something.

“Has your brother seen anyone lately, that kind of guy who is more okay.”

“Yes! A few days before his disappearance, his brother had met a woman dressed in black. ”

After thinking about it carefully, Junya soon saw the scene of his brother meeting with suspicious people.

However, after hearing Shunya’s words, Conan’s pupils immediately contracted violently.

Dressed in black and engaged in illegal trades, he immediately thought of gin and vodka that would turn himself into a child.

Although he has been tracking down the news of the other party since he became younger, the whereabouts of the other party are too strange, even a councilor like Thousand Nights has not found the other party, let alone a child. After hearing Shunya’s words, his heart also quietly became excited.

“Finally, finally let me find it!”

He was good at drawing Natsume Soseki and had contact with members of the organization, and Conan’s mind immediately conceived the general story of what happened.

The 1,000 yuan bill is really the head of Natsume Soseki, and Shunya’s brother is favored by the members of the organization because he is good at drawing Natsume Soseki, and wants him to help make fake banknotes, but Toshiya’s brother does not cooperate, so the black-clothed organization directly uses force and kidnaps him.

After discovering that the case was involved with the black-clad organization, Conan also became serious.

First, a group of them came to the place where Junya said that his brother had contact with the woman in black, and sure enough, he found someone who used counterfeit banknotes here.

Using a real bill on his body to pretend that the other party had dropped it, after exchanging it to the other party, he successfully used Dr. Agasa’s newly invented tracker to find the other party’s base.

However, after following the tracker to find the other party’s den, Conan also showed a face full of shock. The other party’s hiding den is a newspaper office, and it is indeed reasonable to use the newspaper office to hide and print counterfeit money, but next to the newspaper office is the police station.

He could not have imagined that someone would dare to put the den where counterfeit money was printed next to the police station.

“But it’s quite in line with the organization’s style.”

When Conan was happily finding a clue about the organization, several imps of the juvenile detective team immediately determined that the newspaper in front of him was the lair of criminals after listening to his reasoning, and rushed directly into it.

“These imps!”

His face changed, and Conan hurriedly chased after several people.

From the last contact with Gin Vodka Conan, it can be determined that they are no worse than Moriya Teiji, even if it is a group of children, they will not hesitate to do it.

For the safety of several members of the juvenile detective team, Conan also opened the anesthesia watch and power sneakers.

Fortunately, the situation in the newspaper office was different from what he thought, and there was only the man who paid the bill with fake money, and he was put on the ground with a single anesthesia needle.

“Wow, a lot of Natsume Soseki!”

After putting the guy down, the people of the juvenile detective team also rummaged around the room, looking at the stack of thousand-dollar bills, Conan was more sure that this must be a criminal den for the members of the organization.

“Alright, little brothers, detective time is over.”

But before Conan could rejoice, the woman who Joon had said had contact with his brother pushed the door and walked in.

Looking at the gun in the other party’s hand, Conan also left a cold sweat.

Although using strong sneakers can indeed knock the opponent unconscious, it is estimated that he has been hit by the opponent’s pistol before that.

“What to do, what to do!”

When Conan was tangled, he suddenly found that the little girl named Haibara Mourning standing on the woman’s side directly touched the pistol on the unconscious man, opened the safety and aimed it at the woman who aimed at him, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation.

“Wait a minute!”


After a gunshot, a woman dressed in black slowly fell to the ground.

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