Faced with Belmode’s inquiry, after being silent for a while, Qianye finally nodded and admitted.

Although I am a little worried that Belmode is deliberately playing his words, Kudo Shinichi’s handle is still in his hands, unless Belmode wants Kudo Shinichi to die with her, she should be unlikely to expose her affairs.

Qianye gambled right, although Belmode’s face was very ugly after seeing Qianye nodding, he still didn’t say anything after all.

“After a long day, only me and Gin Jiu are really loyal in the organization?”

“No, except for you and ginjiu, they are also quite loyal.”

“They might as well be unfaithful, that kind of pig teammates might as well let them go to the enemy’s side, if they hadn’t dragged their feet, the organization would have killed the FBI and CIA long time ago!”

The organization is indeed a pill, except for Belmod and Gin Jiu, the others are either Ergozai or Pig teammates, and Belmode has countless opportunities to kill Akai Shuichi when he is in the United States, but they all fail because of Calvados.

If Calvados hadn’t been really loyal to her, Belmod would have killed him long ago.

Although the vodka around Gin Jiu is better than Calvados, it is not strong there, originally because of the existence of the organization’s think tank, Belmode still has a little confidence in the organization, but after hearing that Qianye is also a second or five, Belmode also began to think about the possibility of joining the FBI witness protection program.

“By the way, the boss seems to have left you a letter. Senya-kun, are you sure not to be the boss of the organization, you should know that if you leave the organization, I will definitely leave, and if Gin Shu becomes the boss, the third world war is not far away. ”

“I’m an agent of Huaxia, and if I become a boss, I won’t be able to go back.”

“The problem is that I have a feud with many people in the organization, and if I become a boss, the consequences may not be much better than the result of Gin Jiu becoming a boss.”

“Miss Belmode, is there anyone else besides the natural little nurse and us who are the news of the boss’s death?”

“You mean…”

“That’s right, the only people who meet the boss are his nurses besides us, as long as we kill those nurses, aren’t the only people who know that the boss died are the two of us?”

After discussing with Chiba and Belmode, it was finally decided to hide the news of the boss’s death for the time being.

However, although Qianye has not yet taken the boss position, he has begun to perform the duties of the boss.

After watching Belmod take out all the information of the organization, Qianye also felt a touch of shock.

Qianye has always thought that it was just bragging after really becoming the boss of the organization, and Chiye found that this sentence was not all bragging, except for those very backward African countries, basically all countries are covered by the organization.

Moreover, even those countries that are relatively backward have various ties with organizations.

There is absolutely no problem with the organization really wanting to start World War III.

Before parting with Chiya, Belmod also wanted to ask about the Miyano sisters. However, Chiya knows Belmode’s hatred of Miyano and his wife very well, and if Dr. Miyano had not committed suicide, Belmode would definitely not have let him go, and if she knew the news of the Miyano sisters, she would definitely not let them go.

So Qianye could only give her a fake news and attract her attention to the United States.

“But I have to call Shiho back.”

Although Shiho Miyano was given a vacation just yesterday, now that the boss is dead, the research of aptx4869 naturally does not need to be further delayed.

So far, the daily income of various industries in the organization is an astronomical amount, but if the research of aptx4869 is successful, this number can be doubled several times, after all, no one can refuse the temptation of immortality, especially those who are rich, even if they sell billions of aptx4869 in a thousand nights, there are definitely countless people vying to buy it.

And the last time I saw Eiri Li, Chiye found that the corners of her eyes seemed to have a wrinkle, and in order to prevent the people around her from aging one by one, Chiye also had to continue the research of aptx48969.

“Gotta take the time to contact the old man.”

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