Blackstone Code

Chapter 680

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Early morning, the Lynch Movement changed a set of dry summer clothes in the restaurant, he looked at the breakfast while looking at morning news.

TV news is obvious to the impact of the newspaper industry. As the major TV stations began to master the early audience to watch the psychology, the sales of the morning newspapers have already appeared.

In fact, this is normal, most people, here is the people in most middle and lower classes, their concern is far less than those in the middle, so they don’t care, they can get to work before getting up. Time How to have valuable news in segments.

may be interesting to them, it is valuable, TV news is very good to catch this, some TV stations are mainly based on reports of Wonderful News, satisfying some people always want to do some and so ON desire.

Lynch did not read the newspaper, he drank some wine yesterday, now I don’t want to see those words, just want to find someone.

“…… Yesterday, a research institute in BUPEN suburbs suddenly produced a fire, and the police said that this may have a direct relationship with irregular experiments, and the NOT AT ALL of the fire caused personnel casualties, but the entire research institute has become Ashes … “

Looking at the brand of the “XXX Electromechanical Research Institute”, Lynch knew that Mergen’s consortium began to clean up the residence.

The biggest difference between the consortium, the group and the individual operator is that the consortium is a whole, they don’t care about the life and death of the A Certain company, once the Mergen’s Directors decided to break the tail, then anything can’t stop them.

Lynch eats a snorkeling steak, beef digestion takes longer, hungry, and also provide good nutrients, as the favorite of heavy workers.

Of course, you can eat beef in the morning without physical labor, at least it will not have too much disadvantage.

The fried beef is not a bit of beef fiber, the gravy and sauce is very good, very tender.

Lynch looked at the news, there is already a certain confirmation in his heart, there is no doubt that the fire will “destroy” all technical information, and it is very harder that these technical information is not backed up.

Electromechanical Research Institute is incinerated, the next is its home, manufacturer, if this factory will announce bankrupt in the near future, the reason why they are bankrupt is looking for them.

They spend a lot of funds in research and development of new technologies in the research institute, and the results have just been gradually mature, and they will be paid, and the loss is heavy.

At the same time, this company is facing some business claims – there is a great possibility that Mergen’s own leather bag company has completed the lawsuit through some “self-defense contract”, before other companies or individuals filed all values, holding all values s things.

, the problem solves, the research institute is burned by the fire, talking about the use of technical discount compensation, the upper number of parent companies have also broken, and now there is no stock, only one group is holding stocks I don’t know How to be a good shareholder and some of the rights or individuals who have a contract not find a default party.

If these people are reluctant to give up, the next big probability is endless fighting lawsuit.

If Soreon is smart, he can seek some simple benefits. For example, when you purchase things from the Mergen consortium, you will give a suitable discount, or simply ask for a little compensation.

but if he wants the $ 9 billion default?

is not, the long lawsuit is waiting for him, and here is a federal, he is a Gaverla people, the local protection policy will make this lawsuit to drag several decades, and even the last Meigen Group can reassure – Our NOT AT ALL does not fulfill its commitment, but the resort’s harassment affects our company’s reconstruction plan and bring us a huge loss of image, and we ask for a claim.

Before the Megan Group did not make a decision, slamming their stocks is normal, once they make a decision, a series of Shameless changes will not make them lose too much not.

“Mr. Lynch, there is a Mr. Solun hopes to talk to you.”

The villa’s temporary Steward appeared outside the restaurant, this villa Lynch did not live in every day, naturally Impossible has a special management team here, so whenever he lived here, the service company in the villa area will dispatch. A team temporary service team came to Lynch.

These people will not explore the privacy of the owners. If they don’t have it necessary, they will not even go to the second floor, except for maids, because maids need to pick up beds and rooms.

lynch points less than twenty seconds, a 30-year-old youth appears outside the restaurant, his expression is a bit surprised, it seems to be surprised that he has entered the house, but Lynch is still dining.

He has a brown perm and looks very loose, wearing a decent dress, a top person.

Lynch did not put more attention on him, but continued to eat breakfast and looked at TV.

This has lasted for about seven or eight minutes, and Lynch ended the breakfast.

He came out of the restaurant and looked at the Sherun outside the restaurant, extended his hand, “We see?”

So Lun’s top step, holding Lynch’s hand, full face is a smile, “Yes, Mr. Lynch, our first time!”

“I like Gaverla people, you are very enthusiastic, very polite and etiquette, and very tag, this is what I like your reason!”, Lynch refers to Zhulen, it is very paralyzed. It seems less suitable topic.

He took Saul to the living room, while walking, he didn’t forget to talk to race this sensitive thing. “I met a lot of people in Gaverla, Jienia, and some covered Fla’s noble. “

“Everyone is very polite and educated, they don’t know how to lying, nor will ‘the dangers of people.” Two people went to the sofa, Lynch pointed to the sofa, let Sony sat down, “You know, ‘人’, you may not understand, this short sentence is actually a proverb.”

“It is probably the” real gentleman never launched a challenge when the opponent is injured. “

Lynch looked at Sofun, “Are you also such a Gaverla nobility, right?”

Sony is a bit awkward, but still nodded, “Yes.”

“Very good, very good!”, the speed of the smile on the Lynch face is very fast, more than just … sincere?

may also be more brilliant, he gives Solun’s pressure is not small, obviously he has a young appearance, but Solen has a pressure in the face of his father.

He feels ridiculous, it is incredible, but it is a young person than yourself, but the pressure is actually.

“Talk about your intention …”, Lynch said, LOOKED TOWARDS Steward, “Let’s take tea or coffee?”, he said that the last sentence is looking at Solun , The latter is a coffee, as long as a little sugar, don’t milk.

Sony is sitting on the sofa, his hands together, but very quickly, slightly biased, a face apol, “I have to apologize to you, Mr. Lynch. “

Lynch Faint Smile makes people can’t see what he is thinking. “When we introduced each other, I remember that we said, this is the first time we met each other.”

“How will it be misunderstood between the first meeting?”

Lynch looked at him, he had to avoid the eyes of Lynch, just like a knife, stamped him Dreenched with blood in Lynch!

When in the small room, Lynch chats with some people, they told Lynch a truth.

When you want to give a person, then no matter how the other party’s response is, you can’t “calculate”, this will only make people feel so confused.

is like now, if the Governor of Shadel and his son said, even if it passes, people will only feel “Maybe I have to sin, as long as I go to apologize, I will forgive me.”

This is not to say that it is a bad thing. Tolerance should be based on absolute authority. Only by mastering the performance of the power to determine the power of others, it is only stupid!

After a few seconds, Sapelln lowered his head, and once again admitted his mist to his Father. “Mr. Lynch, we made a very stupid mistake, arrogant and despised fascinated our eyes, now We understand the mistakes we committed, and we also want to make up for it … ”

Lynch Slightly is a head, “How do you plan?”

Sony is silent, and there is a lot of small actions in his hands, and it seems that he seems to struggle.

At this time, Steward sent coffee. He hides his own emotions with actions of coffee.

In fact, the situation in the Amei region is poor than the imagination. First, the domestic and federal will announce a new round of military projects to Society, which is targeted, plus the next military exercise, Gaff The Basically Basically Basically to the Amelia is all out of service.

To restore capacity, it is necessary to wait until three months, it is after entering the autumn. For example, if you enter the autumn, if you want to send something, you can only pass the land.

and landing … more trouble, those anti-government militants Everyday ALL in a big destruction of the railway, this is a headache, the train often takes step of the road to stop repairing the track, the original for more than ten days Drag of infinity.

Nothing to make up, Amelia does not enter the autumn, unless the Governor decided to give up some unimportant cities, focus on several important core cities.

, but gives up the control of the city, even if there is a can have a creature of the city, it means that Gaffra’s power in Amelia is recession, which will give those anti-government armed tissue belts. Go to an illusion – we can win!

A sudden military exercise makes many things have lost control.

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