Blackstone Code

Chapter 261

“Social activities?”, the girl couldn’t help but raised her eyebrows, “Sorry, my schedule is very full recently, maybe I don’t have time to participate…”, she smiled Get up, “Sorry, I didnt mean to joke, but I really dont have time to participate in some social activities.”

She instinctively thinks that Lynchs social activities may not be too advanced, which may be What some people see as a girl’s innocence is actually derived from her arrogance in the bones.

Born in such a family, what she hears, sees, and touches every day is not the top chaebol, some important politicians, and the stars.

On the one hand, she will seem innocent and natural to communicate with some people, but in fact she still has a feeling of aloof and remote.

“Don’t you listen to me talk about the social events I want to participate in?” Lynch is not worried, he has seen too many things in several decades, he has seen the sky Something that has also rolled in the pit, if a little girl can shake his mind, it would be too small for him.

The girls tone was indifferent, “Then tell me, maybe I will squeeze some time.”

Until this moment, in her words, she Her tone and attitude all showed her coping attitude.

“I was invited to the celebration of the inauguration of the new president, but I lack a suitable female companion. Do you know what I mean?”

The still steady voice makes the girl face The confident smile on her face solidified, and she wondered if she had heard it wrong, “Did you just say the word president?”

It is not unusual for the new president to hold celebrations after he takes office. It’s not something that can’t be said.

The presidents campaign team and the supporters behind it spent tens of millions of calculations on the federal Sol, allowing the president they support to overcome all the difficulties and overcome difficulties, and finally stand on the top of the power of the Baylor Federation Shouldnt it be, or cant it be celebrated for such a just and honorable thing?

Of course not. Not only will there be a celebration, but it will not be sneaky. This will be a grand celebration.

Its scale and grade can be said to be the highest in the Federation, when the time comes, the entire hastily eyes will be focused here, which will become the most shining stage of the Federation.

Every guest who participated in the presidential celebration will become the focus of people’s discussion and attention in the coming months and even years, and their every move will have a great society influence.

Severellas father was also invited to participate in such a celebration, but he brought his wife, not his daughter, which made the little girl secretly angry.

Girls, or most children, are like this. They hope to get more recognition. There is nothing more than their most admired father who invites themselves to participate in a significant political event. It is more proof of this.

At this moment, she suddenly heard that she had the opportunity to participate in such an event. When she thought that she would be photographed by the media under the flashlight, when she thought of the astonishment on the guy’s face when she met her father, when she thought The president would hold her hand and call her “Lady”, and Severilla’s heartbeat speed missed a beat.

Lynchs voice is still as steady and calm as before, It looks like youve been very busy lately. Im very sorry that I interrupted your rest at this late hour. Goodbye, Severella Young Lady. !”

Lynch hung up the phone decisively in Severellas shock. She shouted several times into the receiver, but there was still only a busy tone.

This is not a prank. The other party really hung up the phone, and it was precisely the hung up call that changed the initiative between the two parties in an instant.

It was originally Lynch who invited the girl to become his female companion to participate in the event. He is a very passive party, but now he has successfully caught the girls appetite, and then decisively choked off by hanging up the phone. With communication, as long as the girl calls him, it means that she loses the initiative, and the initiative is completely in Lynch’s hands.

Because of the girls shouting, the housekeeper who appeared on the side yelled “Young Lady” softly and interrupted her yelling, which made Severilla had to restrain her temper. She pulled a strand of hair that was not so honest and took a deep breath, “I dont know whats wrong, the communication is broken, has this Mr. Lynch talked about his situation?”

“For example Tell me about his contact information, or what other way I can find him?”

The housekeeper has seen more things in his life than the girl has seen. He nodded, “This is a man from Sabine City. Mr. Lynch.”

“Sabine City?”, the girl was a little dazed, “then what the hell is that place, why have I never heard of this place name?”

” Young Lady, Sabine City is located in York State in the southwest part of the federal state. It is not the capital of the state. It is still a small city that is not very famous, so you have not heard of it. It is normal. Many people dont know this small city.”< /p>

Severellas reserved nodded, “So is there any way we can get the contact information of this Mr. Lynch?” She added a little, “Maybe the sudden interruption of the call will make him think I I did that on purpose. I might not call me again. I have to take the initiative to contact him and apologize to him for the accident.”

The role of the housekeeper is to solve the trouble as the master, “Of course, Young Lady, you can find out the contact information of Mr. Lynch tomorrow morning.”

“Good job, Woolf, I am waiting for your good news…”, Severilla just left a few minutes I stepped, stepped suddenly, and said, “This sudden interruption of communication is very bad. I dont want some people to be lazy and cause the same thing to happen to my father on very important calls. Another person will maintain these lines. Okay. Is it?”

The Woolf steward slightly bowed and saluted to show that he knew what to do.

The girl nodded left quickly after paying her respects. She knew that she would have insomnia today.

The same insomnia is the electrician in this manor. The electrician who originally worked in Wardrick Manor is very comfortable. Not only can he get a high salary of more than 400 yuan per month. , The benefits are still very good.

They can eat fresh and delicious food every day, and the work is not heavy. The Woolf butler and the owner of the manor never ask how much the wires cost, they only ask for the safest and best .

This generous attitude allows him to reduce a lot of daily maintenance work, and drive a small manor with the laying of enterprise-level lines. He can even ensure that even if no one maintains those lines for a year, impossible Any problems occur.

But on that night, the butler did not have any original announcement that he had been fired, and asked him to pack things up as soon as possible. This sudden shock made the electrician awake all night.

He didnt understand. It was when he was discovered when he was stealing food in the kitchen, or when he was disposing of the useless copper wires with thick fingers ranging from tens of centimeters to several meters in length. He didn’t want to lose all of these things caused by being known, but there was no way.

On the 2nd day, Servierila only freshened up after nine o’clock and started to have breakfast. At the same time, she also got a note with Lynch’s contact information and placed it on the dining room table.

From the handwriting on the note, it must have been written by Woolf. This housekeeper has served the manor and the Wardrick family for a long time. He knows how to interact with the house. Get along with everyone.

After breakfast, Severella returned to his room, picked up the phone and dialed the phone, and the call was soon connected, which also made Severella sighed in relief.

There is a little more smile on her face, there is about a point of sincerity, and the rest is hypocrisy, “Is it Mr. Lynch? This is Severilla. We called yesterday, and you said You are my book fan…”

An excuse originally used by Lynch to arouse her curiosity to answer the phone, but now it became the reason she used to pull in the relationship with Lynch. Sometimes the “offensive and defensive” transformation is so magical.

“I remember your voice, Severella Young Lady.” Lynch’s voice is still so stable and gentle, it seems that nothing can interfere with his emotions.

“You can call me Rila, my friends call me that.”

Listening to the warm and hearty voice of the girl on the phone, Lynch’s face added a little smile In fact, these girls, or women are all the same.

It’s just that he looks younger now, and his face is tender. If he goes to find socialites or something that is already famous in the upper circle, it will give people a very awkward feeling.

Its like everyone hopes that youngsters should look like youngsters. Even if these people didnt look like youngsters when they were young, these people would use universal values and significantly higher than societys requirements. Moral standards, to demand others, even if it is inappropriate.

So this girl is the first choice. If the fishing fails, Lynch will choose other…the ladies who have no direct interest, but that will leave him with “greedy love”. Such non-positive reviews.

Fortunately, the fish finally got the bait.

Names like nicknames are used only among close people. Many people are very disgusted with how others call themselves. The girl’s attitude has explained everything.

Of course, this battle is not over yet, “Okay, Rila, do you have anything to do?” Before Severila could answer, Lynch said, “I don’t have that many time , You know Im very busy now.”

“I interrupted your work?”, Severilla apologized to ask a question, when already knows the answer, “Im sorry, Its just that the communication line here was suddenly interrupted yesterday, I want to apologize, its not your fault, and what we talked about yesterday……”

to ask a question, when already knows the answer Its not just Serviera who will, Lynch will also, “What happened yesterday?”

Servieras hand fiercely twisted the sheets, “Its just to invite me to be your female companion. I I haven’t given you an official answer…”

Lynch snatched again, “Really, I thought you were too busy without time, and I don’t want to interfere with your life.”

“no!”, Severilla’s tone is very firm, “Lynch, I have time!”

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