Blackstone Code

Chapter 256

After temporarily solving the trivial matter on Vila’s side, Lynch found Aser again, and this time he arranged the location in a relatively high-end cafe.

There used to be many people here, but now there are not many guests. Everyone is considering saving money. They are no longer willing to consume some expensive and unnecessary things as they used to be.

This also led to the fact that there were not many people in the cafe and it was very quiet.

Aser came very quickly, Lynch let him sit opposite him, “Dont be nervous, and there is no specific job, this time I am looking for you, just want to talk to you about you Hometown.”


Aser’s expression paused briefly, and his eyes lost their luster and focus, as if recalling something. .

The duration of this memory is very short. He quickly returned to reality. While apologizing for his distraction during the chat, he was also a little confused about Lynch’s problem.

“Mr. Lynch, my hometown is not a rich place. There is no such a developed and advanced technology system as the Federation. There is no industrial foundation. It is just a poor place. That is why we came out. .”

When talking about his hometown, Aser was very moved. It was indeed a poor place. It was not only backward but also poor and ignorant.

So far, people still believe that they will fall into the arms of gods after death. The gods in their beliefs created this World. Every breath of this Revered Divinity is the rebirth and destruction of the world. In short, A great god.

Any country with theocratic power higher than the secular regime will be very backward in the development of science and technology, because they spend a lot of time, energy and financial resources on how to please those who do not exist, let alone give The gods they fed back.

Ignoring the progress and development of technology and society, Aser’s hometown has nothing to do with him in his eyes.

If religious colors and the beauty of the natural environment due to the lack of technical and industrial foundations can be regarded as one of the few advantages, then these are the only ones left.

But since Lynch mentioned it, Aser still talked more or less about his hometown. In fact, he and his family were in correspondence with each other, but every contact was separated. For a long time.

“Tell me about the distribution of the government there, its general structure, society’s class situation, economy, etc. You can say anything you like.”

Lynch further The exploration made Aser even more confused, “Mr. Lynch, no offense, can I know why you are interested in these? Or what are you interested in, so that I can find the things you want in more detail.” /p>

Lynch laughed, “You know, the new president is coming to power, and we will usher in a new era. Before, we closed the door and no one knew who we were on.”

“Now that we have opened the door to let people see our position, this will also usher in many opportunities that have not appeared before!”

“I often Speaking of society responsibility to you, this responsibility is not only the society responsibility of the federal state, but also the responsibility of the international society, and we have to take it.”

Aser can clearly know every word in these words How to spell them, there are several meanings, but he is very confused that his ability to understand seems to be wrong, because after these words that he can figure out with no difficulty are grouped together, he can’t understand a single sentence.

But if you dont understand it, its not ashamed. Aser without the slightest hesitation for Lynch started talking about the things in his hometown, society, economy, culture, and the biggest contradiction there-the regime. The struggle with theocracy!

The two of them sat here for four to fifty minutes, during which the waiters refilled a lot of cups. Aser was dry after talking, but he always maintained his demeanor in front of Lynch .

Lynch listened to what he said, while showing a thoughtful expression. He thought about it for a few minutes, and then he asked another question, “Aser, if there is an opportunity, you are willing to go home Is it?”

Aser, who was still relaxed, suddenly became tense, and the expression on his face turned to anxiety, “Go home? No, Mr. Lynch, did I do something wrong?”

In his impression, going home has actually become the greatest punishment in his life. Knowing that he can now settle in the Baylor Federation, his family has also received great treatment.

That backward country is relatively backward among the international society forces. They have an innate fear of a powerful country, but it is precisely because of this that they are increasingly advocating theocracy.

This sounds like…its hard to understand. Shouldnt this unite to study technological development?

In fact, when a place is too backward, when people face advanced science and technology, they are just like facing things in myths. At the same time, supporters of theocracy are in order to consolidate their power and strength. , They will instill a wrong idea into the people-faith can defeat material.

Of course, the people at the bottom have been foolish under their deception, but the ruling class is still relatively sober.

When Aser got a residence permit from the Baylor Federation and had a social security number, and became a serious “foreigner”, his parents and brother sisters seemed stiff when talking to people Many, society treatment is better.

If you let him go back now, over the years his parents, brother sisters, how much preferential treatment they have received from society, and how much respect they have gained, is not just vomiting back from both principal and interest!

Looking at Aser’s somewhat anxious expression, Lynch slowly picked up the coffee and took a sip, “Aser, my friend, you are too nervous, haven’t you considered another possibility? “

He put down the cup and moved very gently. There was no collision sound between the coffee cup and the saucer. “It’s not just you going back, I will also go and do business.”

“Doing business?” Aser’s eyes widened, “Sorry, Mr. Lynch, I don’t understand at all, what can fall into your eyes in that backward and poor place? Is it?”

Lynch slightly one , “You are wrong. In fact, your hometown is full of amazing wealth, but you and those people are invisible.”

“Gold, gems, spices, precious minerals, some plants, even some animals and their furs, as long as these things are shipped from you, they are all money!”

This is also Advanced society is the most basic way of plundering backward society. Some things you know can turn into money, but because the technology is not up to standard, you can only export raw materials in the end and make very small profits.

It may even be impossible to make any money because it cannot be shipped.

This is a very good time. The entire world is busy rebuilding and developing themselves. Their eyes have not yet looked at the entire world, and people will not care about some changes in a poor place. It gave Lynch great convenience.

Aser thought for a while, it is indeed the truth, his memory of his hometown is actually a bit vague, but there are still some things that are impressive.

For example, the High Priest that wears gold and silver in each village, such as the primitive forest that is dense enough to get lost, such as those hidden underground but unable to mine various ores.

These are indeed money, but…

“What about transportation? Mr. Lynch, if these items are shipped out, they may cost more than if we buy finished products locally. More expensive? Aser once again put forward some of his views. When the level of transportation is not developed enough, transportation cost is also a headache in cost control.

Lynch said casually, “Then solve it locally. A meal of gold ore and a meal of gold are completely different in value. If it is a ton of gold, I believe that even if we spend money to transport it back , We also have enough profits.”

Isnt it? Isnt it not enough to make money to turn stones into finished gold ingots?

Without waiting for Aser to continue to ask, Lynch continued, This is also one of the international society responsibilities that I put forward. As a developed and advanced country, we should help some backward countries develop technology. I believe if I brought equipment and funds to invest in your hometown. They would give me some convenience. What do you think?”

Aser cant refute this sentence. Although his hometown is poor, backward, and ignorant , But the ruling class is not so stupid.

They will be very greedy to allow Lynch to do things cheaply there, let Lynch put down their guard, and then quietly, slowly, change something, until they take Lynch’s assets over there.

Aser felt that this situation should be told to Lynch, but Lynch just laughed, did not answer him, and even told Aser that this matter has basically been determined and is the main development direction and plan this year.

As long as he can handle the President and the damn new department, he will immediately take people to Aser’s hometown.

As for why Asers hometown is actually very simple, there is enough poverty, backwardness, and ignorance, but rich in natural minerals and resources, and he also has a reliable localAser as a guide.

With these help, the rest is just some simple work.

If the natives want to give it a try, he doesn’t mind letting the natives and their gods know the pronunciation of the word “bullet”, its meaning, and making people full of fear for it.

Predation has never been just and benevolent. Every large-scale plunder between civilizations is bloody. Some people who cant adapt to it will be eliminated, and those who adapt will be Become part of the interest group surrounding Lynch!

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