Black technology: I have a refitting factory

Chapter 251 It’s over before it starts, spaceX will definitely win (4k 2-in-1)

spaceX launch base.

"Good afternoon everyone, I think all the viewers of our station must have paid attention to the satellite competition incident that was very popular a month ago.

I am here today just to bring you first-hand information on this matter. "

A brown-haired woman spoke to the camera. She was a reporter from Yingjiang ABC, named Billie.

"According to the agreement between the two parties, we will start the launch test at 8 o'clock in the afternoon on our side and 8 o'clock in the morning on the opposite side. There are still three hours before the official start of the launch test. Let me take you to understand the latest situation."

After Billie finished speaking, she walked towards the door. When she reached the door, a man in his forties wearing gold-rimmed glasses was already waiting.

"This is a senior engineer from spaceX, a very young man. This time he will lead us to visit the entire base and introduce the strategy of spaceX for this competition."

After Billie's introduction, the man with glasses led them inside.

"Generally speaking, we don't allow reporters to enter this area. But this time is special, so you can go in and take a look.

This area is where our engineers work. We have a total of more than 2,600 satellite and rocket researchers, a very large R\u0026D team. Only in this way can we ensure that our technology is always leading.

Go this way..."

The man with glasses introduced them as he walked, and soon he led the group to a large floor-to-ceiling window. Outside the window was a large flat ground, with a huge rocket launcher standing in the center of the flat ground.

There is already a rocket on the launch pad at this time.

"This is our launch area. This rocket is called Falcon 10. It is a new type of rocket we have newly developed."

The man with glasses pointed at the rocket outside the window and introduced,

"This rocket can send up to 60 satellites at a time. It also uses a special material that can be reused and recycled."

Just as the man spoke.


A rocket landed from a high altitude, spraying flames from the bottom and then slowly falling to the ground.

"What is this? Is it the recyclable rocket you promoted before?"

Seeing the situation outside the window, Billie asked in surprise.

"Yes and no."

The man with glasses smiled and replied, "This is a newly upgraded product.

By the way, the rocket on the launch pad is also the same product. Not only can this thing be recycled now, but the time it takes to take it out for reuse will be much shorter.

Put it this way, if it used to take twenty days to maintain and continue to use, now this latest product only takes three days.

In other words, we can launch in a cyclical manner, from an average of once every 3.9 days to once a day.

And we have produced many units of this thing. According to speculation, in theory, it can be fired every six hours at most. "

When he said this, the bespectacled man's face was filled with pride.

"Once every six hours, 60 at a time? That means you can launch 240 missiles in one day?! Oh my god!"

Billie looked extremely surprised, "Then it looks like there is absolutely no possibility for the Chinese side to win!"

"Theoretically yes!"

The man with glasses nodded affirmatively, "So in terms of future communications, we will definitely be ahead of the world.

In addition, after developing this new rocket, we are also developing a moon landing spacecraft.

Currently, China is leading in this aspect, but that may not be the case in the future. "

"Hahaha, I'm looking forward to your new technology. Speaking of which, I'm a little bit looking forward to the Chinese people's reaction to our show."

Billie laughed, "Probably shocked and surprised!"

After speaking, he made an exaggerated expression.

It's live on the radio here.

White elephant.

Aerospace live broadcast room.

"SpaceX seems to be well prepared. Expert Murik can launch up to 240 satellites a day. Can you explain what level this is?"

The host asked.

During this launch competition, they planned to watch the live radio broadcasts on both sides.

The one I saw first so far was the Eagle Sauce side.

"This is a very strong level. Currently, the number of satellites launched worldwide per year is 2,200. Excluding the 786 satellites launched by SpaceX, it means that only 1,300 satellites have been launched in total.

Currently, 240 missiles are launched a day, which means that five days can equal the world’s annual launch volume. "

Murik explained with a smile.

Seeing the information coming out of Yingjiang Radio's live broadcast, he felt extremely happy and relaxed a lot.

He was slapped in the face during the last live broadcast, and he originally thought he had completely lost the chance to be on the radio.

Unexpectedly, after comprehensive consideration, this person chose a path to go to the dark side. Take the white elephant confidence route and bet that spaceX will win.

It can be said that this is his only chance. If something goes wrong again, he will no longer be in the radio station. Forget about any endorsements.

Before the show started, his heart was in his throat.

But as soon as spaceX’s new technology came out, he knew it was stable!

120 pills a day is definitely a very abnormal figure.

Compare your heads over there!


Maybe there is a chance to win given some time, but now, it is unlikely.

SpaceX has hidden this technology for so long, and suddenly brought it out just to catch them off guard.

"I have to say that Yingjiang's technology in aerospace is still very strong. At present, we still have to admit that they are a little better than us. But there is no need to lose sight of this. As far as I know, a large part of the spaceX R\u0026D center comes from our country. people."

Murik then spoke.

"Can we say that our country has produced a lot of talents in aerospace? The success of this series of rocket launches is largely due to us."

The host took over.

"That's okay, hahaha!"

After Murik finished speaking, the two of them smiled knowingly.

"By the way, the live broadcast in China has almost started. Let's take a look at what's going on there first and connect to the screen."

The host seemed to remember something and spoke.

After his words fell, another picture came in.

The other side.

Yangma Studio 1.

The layout of the entire studio is like being inside a spaceship.

"This morning, dear viewers, today is a special day and a milestone in China's satellite launch. After today, the way of launching satellites will change. Here we have invited Professor Wan, an expert in aerospace and a recipient of national special allowances. Explain to us why it’s special.”

The host turned his head and looked at Professor Wan next to him.

"Everyone knows that in the past, we used rockets to launch satellites. Rockets are basically disposable things and are thrown away after use. This is a very wasteful behavior, and each launch is a one-time use. It’s completely new manufacturing and the process is very long.”

Professor Wan said and gestured, "It's not cost-effective, it's not cost-effective. So we have been thinking about how to optimize this plan! Mainly we want to make a recyclable rocket system."

But halfway through the research, I discovered that this is not the final answer. Even if the rocket can be recycled, it is a very wasteful behavior. Therefore, we changed a direction and finally developed a new launch method based on the inspiration from the lunar landing spacecraft.

This method is actually very simple. It is to use a spacecraft to bring satellites to the sky. The spacecraft can be reused, so there is no need to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to build a new rocket every time.

The only thing to do is to complete the maintenance of the spacecraft, and the cost is relatively low. "

"It sounds like this technology is indeed the direction of future development. If this spacecraft is used for launch, what kind of efficiency will it have?"

The host asked.

"The storage space of this spacecraft is relatively small, and it can bring 10 satellites up at a time."

Professor Wan replied.

"Um, with this number, I remember that rocket launches before could bring at least 30 to 40 satellites up. Doesn't that mean the speed has dropped?"

The host asked quite puzzled.

"Well, the quantity is indeed a little small."

Professor Wan nodded.

Speaking of this, he felt quite helpless.

In fact, it is not that the spaceship cannot be made larger. It is so small now. The main reason is that the spacecraft studied this time was based on the spacecraft given by Su Qi as a template, so the load capacity is not high, only two tons.

Su Qi's satellite weighs 200 kilograms, so it's almost ten tons.

"But the breakthrough point of this thing is not the load capacity, that is, the number of satellites launched each time. The main breakthrough point is that it is now in a state of pipeline launch. Explain it this way!"

Professor Wan added, "Now after one launch, the time it takes for the spacecraft to come down for maintenance is almost 4 hours. After the maintenance is completed, it can continue flying to send satellites to the sky. It can go to the sky five times a day."

This is already higher than the frequency of airplane flights. "

"That means that fifty satellites can be launched into the sky in one day?"

The host asked.

"It can be understood this way, and as mentioned before. Launching a satellite requires manufacturing a new rocket, and this manufacturing process is also very long. It will not be like now. As long as you have a satellite, I can launch it for you."

Professor Wan said.

"Sounds like this is a pretty good value?"

The host said again.

"Yes, I think there should be no one better than us. And in the future, if necessary, we will develop a large spacecraft, and then we will be able to bring more satellites to the sky."

Professor Wan smiled and said, “But it’s not certain whether it will be used for satellite launches, because the demand for satellite launches is so huge.”

"I have some other questions, that is..."

The host continued to ask.

at the same time.

White elephant.

Aerospace live broadcast room.

"As you can see just now, compared with Yingjiang, it is still far behind. Only 50 satellites can be launched a day. This is still the most ideal situation."

Murik spoke.

Seeing the live broadcast on China Central Television, he felt that this competition was more stable.

Although this thing from China is cost-effective, the cost and time to build such a spacecraft are much higher than building a rocket. As for the spaceship, it was only developed over there, and it was impossible to build a few more in a short period of time.

Well, even if it’s an overestimate!

Now three units have been built, but in the end they only produced 150 units a day, which is still far behind SpaceX.

"Also, some viewers may wonder whether there will be multiple spaceships over there?"

When Mulik said this, he said very confidently, "It's impossible, the craft of the spacecraft is very complicated, and just like what I said before, they always concentrate their efforts on big things.

This spaceship is a deformed product of this situation, so it is impossible for more to come out. At most two, there is a small chance of three. It's also close to the start of the game and the results will be visible soon.

I won't be wrong this time. "

"So has this competition been settled now?"

The host took over.

"The conclusion has been reached."

Murik nodded, "Actually, the Chinese side lost a bit unjustly this time. According to previous estimates of spaceX's level, their launch speed this time was much higher than spaceX.

Even if there is any breakthrough, there is still room for error in their expectations.


When he said this, he paused and raised his voice, "But they probably never expected that spaceX would make a qualitative breakthrough this time. Our boys from Baixiang worked hard there and developed a The brand new rocket directly increases spaceX's speed tenfold.

If the fault tolerance rate is broken, then losing the competition is inevitable. "

“Isn’t that where we can all download the broadcast?”

the host joked.

"It's not impossible!"

Mulik smiled and said, "Okay, just kidding. We still have to persist until the end, and will take you to watch the launch scenes of the two parties. I will analyze the differences for you.

There is still some time to wait for the competition to start. I have prepared some aerospace knowledge and information here that I can talk to you about. Let me first talk about the mechanism and principle of this recyclable rocket..."

He began to speak according to the prepared material.

This thing is easy to make, but a little simpler to explain.

And as a professor, although he often appears on major radio stations, he still doesn't give up on the knowledge he needs, and has been paying attention to the most cutting-edge knowledge. The first two mistakes were actually based on my own knowledge.

It was only because China did not play by common sense that the ship capsized.

This time he also made a conclusion based on his own knowledge and intelligence, and he was more confident this time.

This thing should be a small probability event. Two consecutive times is already considered great luck for China.

Three times, impossible!

During his explanation, time passed quickly.

The time agreed upon by both parties is approaching quietly.

"Okay, the live broadcasts on both sides have cut to the launch site. We can see that spaceX is ready, and there are five more rockets waiting nearby. Wait, five rockets, the first launch looks like spaceX is planning to give A surprise for us.

Including the one on the shelf ready for launch, there are six in total, which means that 300 satellites will be launched into the sky today. That’s it! "

Murik said in surprise that he was indeed surprised by spaceX. He didn't expect that it was even better than he said.

When he saw Yangma's live broadcast, the smile on his face became even bigger. What he expected was right, there were only three spaceships parked in Yangma's live broadcast.

Although the three ships exceeded expectations, how can they be compared with spaceX?

This wave, a sure win!

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