Black Ride

Vol 5 Chapter 735: Accidental harvest

Wu Qi’s eyes flashed inconspicuously. Harvey’s words are either positive or suggest that he is eavesdropping.

Wu Qi pretended not to understand the deep meaning that may be sandwiched in Harvey's words. He said sincerely: "Thank you, Harvey is concerned, Wu Qi will learn the language of the abyss as soon as possible."

"There is one more thing, Wu Qi wants to ask adults about one or two."

"Yeah." Harvey lifted an oversized wine glass and drank a drink. By default, Wu Qi said.

Wu Qi said bluntly: "Is the ferrets captured by our team just a gifted individual, or a spy sent by other thrones?"

"This...not good to say. Is it a spy, time will test everything."

Harvey is still a normal chat tone. His tone was as steady and there was no emotional fluctuations, and Wu Qi could not determine whether Harvey had concealed anything.

Wu Qi actually hopes that this clever snow scorpion is a spy, so that it can involve other thrones.

"Speaking of it, adults, the forest outside the desert is the territory of the throne?"

Harvey broke Wu Qi’s thought and asked: “Are you very interested in this?”

"Yes." Wu Qi admitted with generosity.

Harvey paused for a second and looked at the desert in the north. His black lacquered eyeballs seem to reflect the scenery at the end of the desert, and there is also a faint feeling of faintness.

Harvey’s low voice slowly came: “The north of the throne’s territory, the 'silver sand desert', is the “Bai Ling’s Forest” in the tenth throne. The resources of Bailing’s forest are rich, and the third-order energy contained in the earth’s veins is very strong. The most energetic area even reaches the level of energy light particles floating in the air, quite beautiful."

Wu Qi first heard that there is a saying that "the earth's energy is thick and thin" in this world. He turned to think that if there is a lot of high-order life in one place, and there is almost no high-level life in another place, The third-order energy concentration hidden under the soil is naturally different.

"Gaussian stone" is an example. It is precisely because of the high-level life-fall that the third-order energy in the body spreads to the surrounding soil ore and combines with a large amount of minerals to change, and this rare and peculiar new era ore is born. It can be said that Gaussian stone is the product of "ground energy".

"The Tenth Throne... Is Harvey's adult familiar with the forest of Braun?" Wu Qi thought while thinking in his own mind, and did not leave the information revealed in Harvey's words.

Harvey was silent for a moment, and immediately said: "I am familiar with the part of the forest of the Lord. I am also a companion of the ambassador to understand some things about me, including the veterans of the hunting team such as Lekaon. I am the 'black elf' family, the Bailing The third of the "Bai Ling" in the forest is the third spiritual species. My origin is the forest of the spirits, but later wandering, and later joined the throne of the throne."

"Black Elf? What kind of race is that?" Wu Qi did not suppress his own heart of seeking knowledge, but "winning chase."

"A hunter race known for its speed and keenness. The black elves are similar in appearance to humans. They are naturally long and slender and perceptive. Every black elf is a good seed for hunters. All ethnic people are good at bows and long knives."

Harvey came in detail. Wu Qi listened earnestly and found that Harvey’s words were even more today. These words are not a secret that cannot be said, but Harvey is willing to say to his newcomer who has just entered the hunting team, which is somewhat unexpected.

Wu Qi glanced at the wine glass in Harvey's hand, thinking that the wine played a little role in it.

"Adult, is it that you teach us the disappearing archery, and the Black Elf's archery?" Wu Qi took Harvey's words and went down.

"It is true, you are very smart." Harvey reached out and pointed Wu Qi's head. Harvey’s giant body is not covered, and a finger is as big as Wu Qi’s half head. For Wu Qi, it is no different from being photographed.

"It's very similar to our black elves..." Harvey's words followed a whisper. Although light, Wu Qi heard it very clearly.

Talking to here, Wu Qi felt that it was the best time to retreat. He found a reason and retired to Harvey reverently.

After Wu Qi left, Harvey continued to sit on the steps and drank the wine. It’s just that his dark, deep eyes don’t have a trace of chaos, but pure clarity.

Wu Qi sent the finished wooden plate back to the restaurant and walked out of the camp with a long bow and a quiver. Halfway through, he saw the cage of Guan Xueyu. The ferrets wore five locks and were crouching in the cage with their eyes closed. There are two guards next to her cage who are watching and drinking while eating meat.

As long as you think about it, it is not difficult to touch the snow. But Wu Qi finally gave up doing this.

If you only want to know the snow scorpion with the revelation of the desert gods, you will have a chance in the future, and you don't have to rush for a while.

In the first half of the second day, Wu Qi was still spent practicing the arrows in the desert. This morning, he insisted on the third group. The total number of arrows in the team was 35. Compared with yesterday, there has been tremendous progress.

Wu Qi is very much looking forward to the third day and Lekaon's training. Now his abyss language and bow and arrow skills are increasing day by day, time and hard work will be the best teacher to help him grow step by step.


On the third day, after a good night's sleep, it will arrive as scheduled. Wu Qi woke up from the bed, the first thing to pick up the iron basin to go out to pick up the water.

Next to the faucet of the sink stood a short stature with a height of about 140 cm. Wu Qi thought that there wasn't a short man in the whole house No. 5, and he went forward with curiosity.

Wu Qi walked to the front of the short man and found that the other party was an old old short mouth had a pair of white beards, and the proportion of eyes and face was much larger than that of ordinary humans. He is now wearing a loose pajamas, from which he can see the muscles of his body.

Wu Qi had his own answer in mind, and when the other party took over the water and turned around, he happened to look up and hit his gaze. Wu Qi naturally nodded slightly and slightly, and the old short one had no expression. Looking straight ahead, I crossed Wu Qi’s side.

Wu Qi has no other thoughts. He thinks that it is probably the right choice to say hello when someone else has just started in the morning.

The good time to say hello is when you are having breakfast. Wu Qi and the old short one walked out of the No. 5 housing house and walked into the restaurant together. I ordered a breakfast in tandem, and then sat down in the adjacent seat.

"Young man, you have been following the old man since the early morning, isn't it?"

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