Black Ride

Vol 5 Chapter 733: Snow shadow

On the morning of the next day, Wu Qi woke up from the bed in the house.

The corpse virus in his body sucked up the nutrients of "food" overnight, and was full of vitality that promoted physical movement. The place where the hands and feet have comminuted fractures has also been repaired.

This is not because Wu Qi's bones can grow and repair, but Wu Qi applies the energy of "gravitational" power to the extreme precision. The gravitational energy injected into the fractured bone fracture is like the nano-robot of energy creation, which continuously and strongly absorbs the bone particles at the microscopic level.

The energy used for micro-repair is extremely small, so small that it can be completely excluded from the energy supply required by Wu Qi's battle, and can be controlled by Wu Qi for up to 48 hours. If Wu Qi falls into deep sleep or coma, the gravitational energy of these aggregated bone particles can still work for a long time.

This is the way Wu Qi’s innovations have “repaired” the body of the dead. Although the repairing ability and speed of this method are not better than Kazan's green dust and evolutionary rejuvenation, it is very practical in his current situation.

Wu Qi pushed open the door of the room. Other hunting team logistics personnel who got up on time in the house No. 5 were walking around the corridor of the house. They all carry the washing supplies and an iron basin, and when they have the water, they return to their room to wash and clean.

The hunting team’s camp is located in the desert, but it is not water-free. There are several natural control abilities in the logistics team of the hunting team. The logisticians collect the water in the air and convert it into liquid water, which is stored in a huge tank to supply the hunters with daily water needs.

However, the lack of water in the desert area is an indisputable fact. Although hunters have water resources for washing and eating, bathing is very troublesome. End hunters like Wu Qi have to take a bath for at least ten days.

A hunter with a certain level of cleansing ability like Wu Qi does not matter.

Wu Qi watched the corridor for a few seconds, saw some faces that he had not seen in the camp, and saw some familiar faces. He also took the iron basin to pick up the water. In the first few minutes of the morning, almost everyone spent the quiet work.

After finishing the arrangement, Wu Qi replaced the hunting hunter with a hunting squad that was easy to operate in the desert terrain, revealing a strong and well-balanced arm and two slender and powerful legs. He carried a long bow and a quiver, hangs a long knife into the sheath, and walks out of the gate of the house.

On the dark sky, there is a blazing white arc hanging high. The light from the arc is very bright, like a linear sun, illuminating the desert land except the dark sky.

Xu is a habit of the sky in the abyss, Wu Qi has a feeling in the heart, such light is already bright enough.

Wu Qi’s activities followed the schedule of the hunting team’s schedule. In the morning, he participated in the hunting team’s routine training for the second time, and his hunter was still Leicaon.

Before the werewolf Leicaon was about to be dismissed, he said to Wu Qi: "How was the injury repaired yesterday?"

Wu Qidao: "No problem."

Lekaon listened to Wu Qi's tone without reluctance, and smiled with confidence.

"That's it. Actually, I was thinking after the training ended yesterday. The reason why you fell down after the first group ended is whether it is my problem. After all, I am the second-hand of the hunting team. The hunter is relatively top-notch, and you are just a new person, so it is too harsh."

Lycaon stood in Wu Qi’s point of view to be able to say these words. Wu Qi was surprised to say: “Thank you for considering this, but my strength is not good, and your training effect is reduced.”

"No need to care, every hunter of the hunting team is trained with the seniors step by step. I was brought up by Harvey and brought up the new novice hunter. This is the legend of the hunting team." Leicaon Smiled.

Wu Qi nodded. He and Leicaon stood at a distance of 200 meters, and Leicaon first shot.

Wu Qi sinks his heart and recalls the results of yesterday's training. The body coordination and the perception network are laid out, ready to see the arrows shot by Leica.

He swears that today he must once again "see" the gray gossamer wrapped around the arrow.


"At 12 o'clock, I found a dragonfly crossing the territory!"

"It's an albino, and the hair is white and pretty."

"Hunt it, brethren!"

Wu Qi was still immersed in the training session in the morning, and suddenly a series of hunters yelled at the ear. He understood almost 70% and looked up at 12 o'clock.

The place has a white snow cockroach, which is about 150 cm long and 27 cm long. It is easy to see the species it belongs to from its physical features.

There is no blasphemy in the desert. The cockroach mainly lives in the forest shrub area. The hunter of the hunting team can see at a glance that this guy is coming from the territory of the tenth throne next door.

This abyss, who does not have the consciousness of different thrones, may just cross the familiar environment because of curiosity. When he comes to the desert, he may return to his nest in the forest at night. But once they are discovered by the hunters of the hunting team, they don't want to go back.

The hidden hunters of Wu Qi, including Wu Qi, quickly swept to the sides of the ferrets. When they were ready to block the retreat of the ferrets, the sables keenly discovered the unscrupulous hunters and immediately turned around. Just run.

However, hunters have long caged the sleigh into the range of the bow and arrow. Five people took the arrow and pulled the bow, aiming at the speed of 150 km per hour. The desert-colored arrows cut through the sky, and the air in front of the left and right sides of a snow-covered raft was actually evaded by the sleek and swaying movement of the snow owl.

The four hunters pulled out a plurality of arrows to launch a series of volleys on the escape path of the ferrets, and Wu Qi’s footsteps stunned a dust, and in a flash he opened a large distance from other hunters’ positions. In the positive direction of the ferrets fleeing.

As a result, the hunter squad really formed the encirclement network of the ferrets.

Other hunters saw Wu Qi's speed as a moment of movement. When they were surprised, they didn't think about it. They used the language of the abyss to scream: "Stop it!"

"Of course." Wu Qi understood the words of the hunters and said in his heart.

As long as the long knife is pulled out, the shape and speed of the ferrets are similar to those of his abyss, and life and death are all in his mind. However, the hunting team can only use bows and arrows in the hunting activities. This is an iron that cannot be shaken.

Wu Qi's hand quickly and lightningly pulled a desert-colored arrow from the quiver, and took the arrow and bowed it in one go. A blink of an eye arrow flew to the front of the snowy forefoot 5 meters.

Just then, the assistance shots of other hunters also fell to the snowy body!

The arrows shot by the hunters are all arrows of disappearance, and the snow owl can't perceive the position of the flying arrows. A few times before the sled can escape the arrows, the hunters look at the arrow trajectory when aiming at the bow, and add a little luck to successfully avoid all the arrows.

The running track of the ferrets is just the perfect way to avoid the trajectory of the arrows of the four hunters. The only hunter who shoots at the forefront of the arrow, the arrow that does not have the momentum to eliminate the arrow itself is just blocked. It is the perfect center of the escape route.

The sledge was forced to a dead end, and suddenly a whole body of white aurora was lit up. The snow-white aurora that suddenly appeared blocked the sight of the hunters, and after the aurora flicker disappeared, a 2 meter high near-conical giant ice appeared in the original position of the ferrets.

There are 5 arrows in the ice, and the body of the ferrets has disappeared.

"how is this possible?"

The hunters have their eyes wide open, and the heart of the snow is difficult to move, but it can be moved instantly. It only disappears with a one-second blind eye. It can sprint for more than 40 meters in 1 second, and it should be discovered by them from which direction.


Wu Qiji said. The other hunters listened to Wu Qi’s scorpion, but he didn’t understand what it meant, but the effect of his looking up was undoubted.

The ferrets are running and jumping in the sky, and the moisture in the air is condensed into a piece of suspended ice steps, becoming the springboard for its movement. When these suspended ice steps were stepped on and they were about to fall, they all quickly rose back to the water vapor. If the hunters don't look up, they can't catch the clues of the ferrets running away from the air.

A wild ferrets have a natural control of the water system, and they can apply their abilities to such a precise level. The preciousness is beyond doubt. What makes the hunters nervous is that the snow is so embarrassing, and the possibility of lurking into the throne of the throne is very high!

"Don't let it run!" The head of the hunter squad, Leopard, screamed and bowed his eyes. Other hunters have followed suit. At one time, more than a dozen arrows slanted straight to the sky, or they shattered the ice steps that the ferrets had just stepped on, or they were deflected by ice obstacles that suddenly condensed by the ferrets. The correct trajectory In the case that the hunters are not in the middle of the arrow, the ferrets are jumping higher and higher in the air. Now they are 80 meters away from the ground and will soon be 100 meters away from the ground.

The hearts of the hunters are almost all in the heart of the mother, how can this snow can run away? It jumps higher and they really have no chance to shoot it down.

Looking at the snow shovel that is about to escape to a safe distance, Wu Qi’s repressed heart of hunting is faint.

The more critical moments, the faster Wu Qi makes decisions. He slammed the bow and took out four arrows and shot them all at high altitude with a curved shot. After four and four, all the arrows left in the entire quiver were shot in the sky by two breaths, and the height of the snowboard was nearly 20 meters.


PS: The headache burst, only three thousand words, I am dry.

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