Black Ride

Vol 4 Chapter 718: Impulsive heart

"Wu Qi, if there is no one among the people behind you, only the captains of Nero, who they don't know, will you use yourself as a bait to meet the Grey Queen?"

"What are you talking about, what do you think I am a bad person!"

Wu Qi recalled her last conversation with Renee. He can't pretend that he doesn't understand, or treat Renee as a child.

Renee just listened to her own answer and suddenly made such a move, throwing him far away into a safe place, letting himself be swallowed up by the Grey Emperor.

"Rena, I really can't understand what you think in your head!" Wu Qi said to himself in a hateful way. He strode to the tall figure of the Grey Queen, and he was less than a hundred meters away from her.

The three-color flame wrapped in the power of destroying the soul has already been deceived to Wu Qi, and will breathe in the hot air with a breath. At this time, Wu Qicai suddenly realized that his long knife was empty.

In order to defeat the Grey Queen, he has long paid for the energy in the long knife, and there is enough energy reserves to display the "bubble shield" that blocks the three-color flame. There is no "bubble shield", he is a pure flesh and blood, is a moth to fight fire.

Wu Qi never imagined that he had lost his reason in this life and death, and he was dominated by sensibility. If everything can be thought out with reason at the moment, it is not impossible to survive.

"Rennie, this must blame you..." Wu Qi muttered to himself. There is nothing in his words that complains and blames. Instead, one of them is caught by the **** of death and looks at the fate of the fate.

When the fire of ghosts and gods came into contact with Wu Qi, Wu Qi was overwhelmed. The Grey Queen passed through Wu Qi and engulfed Wu Qi. The action still did not end.

The whistling sound of the air slamming the air everywhere, the Grey Queen is like an unconscious machine that has been wound up in countless circles, she can't stop. Devouring a human female, a human male, can't satisfy her desire to destroy.

On the wilderness in the distance, Nero and others all fell below the ground. They put thick soil on their bodies, and they didn't even show their eyes.

They can't run the 270-kilometer-old Grey Queen, and Renee sacrificed herself to create a little time for them. The way they can make the most of this time is to hide.

Renee was swallowed up by the burning gray queen, and even the guy without the paint was swallowed up. Nero can understand Renee's sacrifice spirit, but he can't figure out why he has to run to death.

In order to protect them? They are purely cooperative and utilizing relationships.

"This guy, is it against Renee..."

The only thing Neero has to do now is to be responsible for his own life and the lives of the soldiers, to reduce the frequency of breathing, and to persist for as long as possible without being exposed at all.

This will make it possible to survive, but it is just awkward.

Time is such a second and a second. In the last ten seconds of the life of the Grey Queen, I could not find other targets that could be destroyed. She screamed and screamed in the sky, and had no words in the face, and the sound was ten kilometers!

The "space shock" that released all the power without the fire surface swept the surrounding 10 kilometers, and even the air 10 kilometers away had a weak air tide. After this stunned glimpse of the stone, the fire of the faceless body collapsed, and the three-color flame of the gray queen's whole body was extinguished in large chunks.

Until the last flame broke into a bright red hairspring, and then disappeared at the end of the wind, the vitality of the entire body of the gray queen burned out. Her 50-meter-high behemoth has returned to the real body, and it can no longer be moved.

The whole world was quiet for a long time, and the soldiers of the investigation team finally couldn’t stand it, only to let the eyes and nose appear on the surface of the land. They first discovered the body of the Grey Queen, and there was no danger in the plains where the eyes were.

Nero took the lead and greeted the soldiers. He smacked the soil contaminated by his body, and the body was dominated by the idea of ​​determining Renee's life and death, and immediately acted.

The land that the Grey Queen passed was not spared a single inch, and all of them were scorched in the grass. And in the long scorched earth, a scorched earth suddenly had a movement.

A figure slammed through the scorched dry crust and climbed out of the scorched earth. She was stained with earthy ash, and her face was beautiful when she was white and clean. She looked like a little girl who was walking away from waste soil.

This woman is Renee. Renee did not scratch her hair a bit. The beautiful blonde hair was smashed for the long hair of "Golden Gold", and it was able to drop a large pile of soil particles.

Whether the body is dirty or not is not important to Renee. Until the last second she thought she was going to die, and now she breathes the air full of fire, and the feeling of being alive is a little more.

Renee thought about things a few minutes ago and couldn’t help but sigh. When he was an impulse, he threw Wu Qi out and left himself to "send death" for Wu Qi. Although this is a behavior to die, but Renee's heart is not willing to die.

She was able to release the "Dragon Skeleton" and "Regional Control" at the moment when she was swallowed up by the three-color flame of the gray queen. The golden liquid skeleton of the "Dragon Skeleton" instantly forms a gold bone cover that covers the whole body, and the force of "area control" blocks the high-intensity energy flame that affects the body 2 meters away from the body.

With a two-pronged approach, Renee barely managed to get into the land. She had just broken into the surface of the "regional control" can not support, how much power of the three-color flame all squatted on her golden bones.

The burning flame of the three colors is really terrifying, but fortunately the three-color flame only stayed on top of her for a second or two, and then went further afield. Just a second or two of the heat attack has already completely ruined Renee. If the Grey Queen stayed for a long time, Renee estimated that she had already gone to the ghost gate.

"Wu Qi? No. I should change it back to paint." Renee said to herself. She stood up straight and saw Neero and others from a little further distance.

Renee glanced around the scorched earth around the circle, and saw the body of the Grey Queen after she burned her vitality. I can watch the circle and the circle, she just can't see Wu Qi.

Nero and others ran over, and the first sentence that Renee spoke was: "Where is the paint?"

Nero's instant expression made Renee's face froze. She tried to ask, and the voice of the voice trembled: "He, won't run away?"

A voice rang coldly: "On the contrary, when he was thrown on our side, he ran to the direction of the Grey Queen as soon as he landed."

Speaking is Song Wei, Renee heard what Song Wei said, and the brain suddenly became blank.

God is just a big joke with her.

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