Black Ride

Chapter 65: Dark hunting

After walking across the tens of meters of promenade, Wantai walked into an empty space. The railings and stairs full of rust have the most profound sketch of the factory. Here is where Wu Qi and others have stayed.

He looked at the top of the 15-meter-high factory. The four-storey factory building and staggered stairs and partitions made the space of 100 square meters a certain degree of complexity. However, in the thermal imaging glasses, Wantai clearly saw a profile lurking at the top of the plant.

Wan Tai smiled and pretended not to see the man who was at the top of the factory. He walked quietly onto the rusty copper staircase, and it was very well-dressed, and even his eyes were replaced with caution and caution. One layer, one layer, one layer, four layers will arrive soon. After carefully searching through the entire four-story area, Wantai looked at the balcony that could be removed from the horizontal staircase.

The balcony is rectangular, 5 meters wide and 15 meters long. If you step onto this balcony, then the back of Wantai will be unprepared against the top of the raised building, aligned with the muzzle of the black hole. In fact, if there is no thermal imaging glasses, the person kneeling at the top of the factory is completely in the blind spot of Wantai, and there is no possibility of being discovered.

"Go to hell!" Wan Tai suddenly stopped in the first second of the balcony, and turned quickly, aiming the large-calibre assault rifle at the hot human figure crouching on the top of the factory.

Without any hesitation, Wantai’s palms twitched, and the thick fingers immediately pulled the trigger.

Just before the moment when Wantai was about to pull the trigger, there was a sudden scream from the headset.

"Report, three men and one woman are running away from the northwest side of the factory. Please shoot!"

Wantai was shocked and pulled the trigger finger for a second. But how could he speak at this time, he slammed the trigger, and the large-calibre assault rifle made a deafening roar, and any sound was dwarfed in front of it. The thin chain of fire and the four or five 12.7 mm bullets that rushed out quickly flew to the contour of the thermal imaging. The muzzle was lifted up by the huge kinetic energy, and it was pressed by Wantai with a tough force.

However, what shocked Wantai was that the outline of the thermal imaging actually took a slap in the first place, as if I had expected that Wantai would shoot at this second. The powerful bullets easily tore the top of the iron-paneled factory building. The iron plate was torn out by a huge kinetic energy enough to pass through a hole in one person. The broken iron piece jumped up into the sky, and the hole was instantly transmitted. One meter dry hot sun.

The thermographic silhouette of the human figure jumped up and ran towards the southeast side of the steel plate on the top of the plant, which was frightened, and made a huge footstep. Wantai went to the fourth floor in order to have the nearest pursuit position, just in case. He rushed to the balcony angrily, then turned his head and jumped on the top of the raised factory.

The space suddenly became bright and empty, and a crowded figure suddenly fell into his field of vision. The man was armed with military equipment, his waist was round and his arms were thick with bandages.

That is Zhang Bai.

In every corner of the factory that Wantai does not know, there has been a **** hurricane at this moment.

Wantai forgot the instructions to the subordinates because of anger, and in the corner near the northwest side of the factory, the mercenaries of the two **** lions leaned against the walls on both sides, and the strong body that had survived the battle lost power. Sliding down against the wall.

A teenager with a long knife stands quietly between the two mercenaries, and looks like a ghostly shadow in a dimly lit space. In his right hand, he held a **** military tactical straight knife. The hot blood was connected to a red line on the silvery and sharp blade, and it was condensed into a rounded blood bead at the tip of the knife.

There was a slender blood mark on the neck of the two mercenaries who fell gently on the ground. The blood marks were cut lightly by the sharp saber, and there was no blood spray from beginning to end.

The darkness engulfed Wu Qi’s body, only a pair of bright, deep black eyes, always showing a calming light.

Wu Qi used the headset to say to Zhang Bai, who was lurking on the roof: "Get started."

Perhaps it is because the lucky **** is standing on the side of Zhang Bai, Zhang Bai is in action, just in front of the shot of Wantai. The purpose of Zhang Bai’s action is not for others, but to attract the attention of all enemies only as a target.

Wu Qi did not look at the mercenary on the ground. Such a mercenary had killed two groups, leaving the last group. If it wasn't for this group of mercenaries who found the escaped Wang Sheng, Wu Qi rushed for half a second, and the movement may be exposed, otherwise he will not let Zhang Bai take action.

Wu Qi's stealth technology is exercised in the jungle hunting life of 9 years. It is far above these mercenaries, and even if the mercenary heavy military boots are still quiet, stepping on the floor of the factory will make a slight noise. For listening to Wu Qi, this is equivalent to perspective.

Those who master the sound will be the king of darkness.

The footsteps of the factory have already heard the sound of footsteps. The footsteps of Zhang Bai are soaring and loud, and they can be heard clearly in the corner of the factory. Wu Qi immediately sneaked into the darkness, and he had heard the position of the next group of mercenaries.


The top of the iron-paneled factory building is covered with blazing sunlight, showing the same color. Wantai leaped to the top of the raised factory and saw the running white chapter.

Zhang Bai's look ran wildly. He had just listened to Wu Qi's instructions and sent a But he didn't think about it, and the bullet actually passed by in a flash.

Huge vibrations came from the side, Zhang Bai subconsciously looked over there, saw the fiercely chasing Wantai! The tall figure of nearly two meters, wrapped in a streamlined combat suit into the horror of the gray leopard, the large-caliber assault rifle in the hand, as well as the eyes and movements seem to be chasing the prey, and everywhere A dangerous atmosphere that you can't compete with.

What if I get a shot from that big caliber rifle? It will be torn like a slab of iron on the top of the factory!

Zhang Bai was afraid of consciousness, but he reflexively took the rifle and put the rushing Wantai into the red spot sight. What shocked him was that Wantai Mingming was running at a high speed, and he even made an aiming action with him at the same time.

Zhang Bai’s fingers had already pulled the trigger, but the huge muzzle of the black hole that caught his eye through the sight made a raise in his heart.

I will die.

The gunshots are ringing! The large-caliber rifle in the hands of Wantai fiercely shot a series of metal storms and swept away toward the chapter. However, the gun in Zhang Bai’s hand disappeared only after a loud bang.

Zhang Bai slammed down to the side by the raised terrain of the top of the factory. He dropped the gun and escaped the metal storm from the large caliber rifle. The recent broken gold thread was only 12 centimeters from his neck. The hot wind picked up his skin, and the bullets pierced the sound of his ears.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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