Black Ride

: Nine hundred and four

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Wu Qi, Kazan, and Hailem have been in the inner circle of Heiyuan for a while. The "sea surface" of the inner circle of the Heiyuan Sea is a swamp-like black mud as wide as the sea. Wu Qi and his party have so far perceived more than ten third-order hegemonic individuals through the surface of the Heiyuan Sea. This density can even be compared with the rich and powerful Lark Forest.

What really deserves their stop is the jurisdiction of each ambassador. The last time Kazan took Helen and Lois into the Heiyuan Sea, he took a map of the Heiyuan Sea and marked the range of activity of each ambassador.

Sufficient advance preparation is a sharpened sword for the next investigation. This time Kazan took the path straight to the jurisdiction of each ambassador in the Heiyuan Sea.

Hundred-bearded octopus and sea monsters, lava mountain crabs living in volcanoes, a 200-meter-long squama dragon, a Kraken siren who controls the kingdom of the mortal mermaid, and the first sea dragon to lead the black mud palace embargo guard.

Heiyuanhai's five seats make each strength strong, but they were all hooked by Wu Qi's blood of returning to the ancestors. Heiyuanhai surface was led out, and then Wu Qi and Kazan were attacked without realizing the status quo. All died on the spot.

Even if it was the first Sea Dragon to control 3,000 sharks, they failed to survive the pinch of Wu Qi and Kazan for 3 seconds.

The black and black Heiyuan sea is burning with fierce blazing fire, and hundreds of sea scorched corpses float on the sea. Wu Qi and Kazan face each other, Wu Qi asked: "Can't I hide it?"

Kazan said silently: "It was a bit missed. The last time the Hailong people appeared alone, their memory was erased, but this time they took the accompanying sea ride. But the black mother throne is not a fool. Our plan for this trip is to give a final word. If you miss again and come back a third time, the probability of being found is too high. "

Two kilometers ahead is the black mud palace that looks like a floating mountain island. The black mud palace contains the last stumbling block before the investigation.

"Let's go." Kazan reapplied his "refraction", hiding his way.

Wu Qi finally glanced at the sea below, extinguished the blazing fire and then followed Kazan and Helem's back.

They don't need to care about the bodies of these giant sharks and sea horse cavalry floating on the sea. The black mud of the Heiyuan Sea is the source of life, and it is also a natural cemetery that can quickly decompose the body of the organism and convert it into nutrients.

A quarter of an hour later, the hinterland of the Black Clay Palace.

A good black mud wall suddenly exploded, and the three-color ghost fire spiraling like an angry beast spewed out into a huge empty space behind the wall. The lingering fire snakes were stuck to the place where the fire tongue passed, and then Kazan passed through the wall of fire divided to both sides and set foot on this dark open space.

The bright fire lit up the surrounding scene. This huge space is tens of meters high and has a very wide surrounding. A throne composed of numerous bones and black mud is placed on the tenth-level throne steps at the end of the space. Out, there are hundreds of bones on the armrests, which emit the evil and horrifying eerie atmosphere all the time.

"That throne." Wu Qi's pupils narrowed. When he saw the throne standing at the end of the black mud palace, he remembered a throne made of bone and black mud, which looked like it.

The Dark Throne, the boat of the throne, what kind of origin does it have with this black source sea?

Wu Qi went forward step by step, searching around with energy perception, and transmitting a message to Kazan: "Which corner of the three generation veteran would you come out of suddenly?"

Kazan pointed directly at the black throne at the end of the black mud palace: "In the huge black mud wall behind the throne. When I get closer to the black throne, be careful when you are ready to destroy it, he may jump suddenly from any direction come out."

Wu Qi got it. The tactics were simple, and Kazan acted as a bait.

After that, Kazan went up the throne steps. He looked around, condensing a six-foot fire blade in his right hand, and slashing at the black mud throne.

Everything is silent. A six-foot fire blade with three colors of white, purple, and black split the black throne in half, and the broken throne pieces fell to the ground, and the flame was still burning fiercely on the cross section.


Kazan looked back cautiously, Wu Qi and Highham were in the middle of the palace. There is no suspicious figure or breath within the reach of the perception network.

Wu Qi cast a look at Kazan. It was alertness and caution, with a bit of doubt and reflection in it.

Kazan removed the entire black throne and even the high platform on which the throne sat, but even if he had broken to this extent, the person expected was still absent.

"Kazan, could it be the reason I replaced Lois. The guy lurking in a certain corner felt the breath of the two thrones, knowing that he had no chance of winning, so he could not hide it?" Road.

Kazan thought that Wu Qi was justified. The three generations of veterans had the ability to control the black mud in the entire black mud palace environment, so at that time he dared to win a chance with himself. Even if Hiram erased the memory of the other party, but now the time and the characters are different, the other party may not make the same choice ~ ~ If the guy does not come out, we can only assume that he has been spying Our worst case scenario, and in this case the entire Black Mud Palace is investigated. Kazan said.

Wu Qi touched his chin and suddenly thought: "Is there anything in the Black Clay Palace that is more practical and valuable than the power symbol of the Black Mother Throne, such as a treasure house that stores precious materials such as regenerating flower dust? If the treasure house is destroyed , That guy might come out and stop. "

"If only the throne can be repaired, it will be irretrievable to destroy the treasure house," Hailem reminded. Kazan means the same thing.

"So, then ..."

Wu Qi turned to Hellum and quietly asked a few words. After getting a reply from Heilham for a moment, Wu Qi's mouth slightly raised, and then he stood in the middle of the Black Mud Palace Hall, opened his arms and looked up at the ceiling and shouted!

"I know you are here. The first ambassador to the throne of Heiyuan was" Ipofizi. "As long as you are willing to show up, I promise to tell you the whereabouts of" Heiyuan Wangzhou "in the name of the thirteen throne. Is your choice. "

Wu Qi's high-pitched voice spread throughout the black mud palace hall, penetrating through the solid black mud and reaching deep inside the thick black mud wall. His words shocked not only the hidden 'Ipofizi', but also Kazan and Hiram.

Wu Qi asked Heilham exactly the same details in the memories retrieved from the minds of all the Heiyuan Sea ambassadors and even Ibofiz, about the "boat of the throne".

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