Black Ride

Chapter 901: Uninvited guest

() The blizzard over the land covered by quicksand has not stopped, and the temperature of the environment is returning to minus Baidu. This is caused by Highlam's deliberately leaving a gap in the black space to the outside world. If he sealed the ice curse with a complete black gas space, the perception and power of the ice curse would be completely sealed in the black gas space.

Highlem thought that as long as he could stay like this now. The first reaction after the Ice Cursor was brought back to life was to restart the ability "Frost and White Kingdom", and she did not stop casting the ability after being covered in the black gas space. In the dark space without a sense of space and time with no fingers, she could hardly quickly understand what happened to her and what kind of power attack effect she was caught in.

The sense of time that black gas space gives to the target life is something he can control. He can make the Ice Curse Block make the time in the black gas space feel extremely fast. In this way, the Ice Curse Block makes the attempt to maintain the "Frost Kingdom" that can be lifted for 1 minute, and it may have been maintained for half of the real world. Hours.

Heilham practiced the plans he had in mind on the Ice Curse Block, and he secretly used the "Read the Heart" ability on the irresistible Ice Curse Block, making the Ice Curse Block mentally The activities all moved into their own minds.

Heilham immediately heard a mental activity of the Ice Cursor. He mumbled to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "It turned out that Tianwei Gulong could perceive ..."

Harvey naturally didn't hear Haylem talking to himself. He coughed twice, then relieved his breath, then looked around at the vast ice field that was getting colder, and his eyes could not help showing a hint of battle victory.

The condition of this body is really not optimistic, which he knows best. I'm afraid he has to stay in a quiet place for the rest of the war.

Because he can no longer participate in the war, these "eyes" who can see through everything must not be on the battlefield. Originally, his "eyes" were needed in the planned battle plan to confront the enemy's metamorphosis, to crack the opponent's ever-changing, but now he was injured. The metamorphosis was first planted in the hands of Wu Qi. All have withdrawn from this war before.

"Helham, although this wasn't your task, ..." Harvey said.

"Okay, you go back to the pale palace to heal quickly. If you move fast, you might catch up to the end of the war," Helem waved her hand and let Harvey hurry away. "I will give this quicksand snare place Come and sit, you do n’t have to worry; even if you fall behind, you wo n’t be able to take the bag. ”

Harvey's serious and calm face rarely smiled. He said, "Well, if you really let this fall, I will definitely blame you."

"Do you manage that much? Please."

Highham reached out to the sandy plains in the south, signalling that Harvey should leave. Harvey paused for a second, no longer hesitating, and moved his legs straight to the south horizon.

"Master Harvey, let's guard you back!"

At this time, Lycanon and other accompanying hunters were freed from the ice block. They also heard that Harvey was going to return to the pale palace. When Harvey left, he shouted and rushed to catch up.

"No need. You stay with the Sixth Admiral Highham. This is your duty in this war."

"But if there is an enemy who will go around and block it!" Lycaon was still uneasy.

Helem appeared unknowingly behind Lycaon, patted him gently on the shoulder, and almost scared him to turn around and jump up.

"If some enemies are going around, can you hunters stop them? By then, Harvey has to slow down and be dragged by you and cannot retreat. If you don't understand the situation, listen to the order!"

Helam took a sigh, and he made Lekion look at the hunters with a word.

Lycaon was the most sensible, his first fist bowed and said: "Sorry, sir, we are reckless."

"Hm. Look, Harvey has gone."

Helam left the sentence and turned around, and Lycaon and the hunters looked at where Harvey had originally stood, and it turned out to be empty.

In this way, the seat in the town of quicksand snares was changed to the sixth seat Highham. Hilem walked silently to the high ice mound like a glacial bluff, and on the shoulder of the sergeant stood a black rumbling messenger crow.

"Come on, Tianwei Gulong. Let's calculate the new account and the old account together."

Hailem gently rubbed his black short knife in his hand, and the ethereal voice suddenly became extremely fierce.


At the same time, the borders of quicksand snares. The Bailing Army led by the Tianwei Gulong, the Fire Musician, and the Black Elf patriarch successfully bypassed the unbreakable barriers organized by the Heavenly Bone Tree and moved to the empty, quiet east corner.

The ambassadors of the Lark Corps headed by Tianwei Gulong would not have thought that the Transformer and the Ice Curse had permanently withdrawn from the battlefield between the two armies at this moment. They commanded thousands of elite soldiers to drive straight to this point. Tianwei Gulong flew over the Bailing Regiment. The climate perception ability that can travel through tens of kilometers tells it that the "Frost and White Kingdom" is still continuing, and the power of spreading the deadly deep cold is increasing.

"Very well, we can enter the" Frost Kingdom "under the control of the Ice Curse for more than ten kilometers. At that time, according to the predetermined plan, we will move in and out.

Tianwei Gulong wanted to stop, and ordered the shock of the legions below: "All troops, go forward!"

The Lark Corps spearheaded two teams of scouts. One team is an aerial scout composed of flying bird life, and the other is a land scout composed of various reptile life. When the land scouts quickly stepped into the boundary of the quicksand trapped land, the blocks they stepped on to the quicksand pits were instantly sunken deep below.

They didn't hold for a second and went directly into the sunken sandpit, which was almost as if they had fallen on their feet and the figure evaporated out of thin air.

In the latter half of the team, the crawling life scout saw his teammates die first, and the emergency action stopped quickly. The action stepped on the teammate's back in front and jumped out of the quicksand pit slightly slower. At this moment, Tianwei Gulong suddenly descended into a row of thunderbolts. The silver light shone through the sky and quickly hit the sand in front of the entire army of the Lark. Using a command that was better than words, the Lark army was stopped in place.

"Stop, the soldiers with flying ability go forward first," the Fire Musician ordered further.

The Gulong Corps headed by Tianwei Gulong can fly, and after a small episode in the quicksand pit, all members flew into the airspace of the quicksand trapped land. The rest is the Fire Lion Corps headed by the Firebringer, and other soldiers with flying capabilities.

Soldiers with flying ability can continue to move without fear of quicksand pits, but with such a huge discount, soldiers who can continue to march southwest account for less than 30% of the total number of Lark groups.

The steel ancient dragon flew to the side of Tianwei ancient dragon, whispered a few words in dragon language, and then came forward magnificently. Under the concentrated eyes of the army, it fanned the steel dragon wings that were huge enough to cover the sky, and suddenly rolled up a black squall. All soldiers who are close to the dark strong wind all lower their center of gravity or block the wind with their limbs, because the power of the black wind spiraled away a hundred meters away is too terrifying, and the body temperature will be deprived if they touch the edge of the wind. Mostly.

The Steel Gulong exerted most of the power of the "Buran Lan". The dark wind current around its dragon wings was 5 times the speed of a typhoon of class 13. If the non-silver desert air was dry and overtaken, there would have been countless fine and icy frost particles associated with "Buran".

Gang Gulong looked back and gave Tian Yulong an eye, Tian Yulong understood it, and instantly turned the beautiful dragon posture in the sky, shaking thousands of wings and shaking out thousands of drops of water.

A large number of water drops released by Tian Yulong into the air were swept away by the dark "Buran" wind. At the same time, the Ice Charm Corps, which is composed entirely of Ice Curse fighters, also listened to all members to release water or ice abilities into the air; countless second- and third-order water and ice abilities were mixed together The damage caused is none, but it brings a lot of moisture to the dry air.

This is the "accumulated" power. A large number of soldiers of the same ability can exert a single power, and they can stack a single ordinary or even a weak power to a level of war!

There is a huge amount of water in the air, and everything is ready. Steel Gulong suddenly blasts a pair of steel dragon wings, which will seal the high-speed flow of darkness and blow down the air pressure, sweeping hundreds of kilometers of silver and white sand!

In a hurry, countless crystal clear ice particles quickly spread out from the end of the sandy sea when the dark storm swept across the silvery white sandy sea! The clattering ice marks covered the southwestern end of the sand sea for dozens of meters in one second. The soldiers looked at the quicksand pit in front of them and could not see the end. The sand and sea were covered with snow and snow. Ice field.

The wind speed of the "Buran" wind is one of its most powerful means of attack. The appalling wind speed can cause the surrounding air to rapidly cool down. Once there is sufficient moisture in the environment, it can create a third-order difference equivalent to the ice system. Effect.

The steel wing of the Gulong has turned the road of the Bailing Army's land march into a thick ice field without knowing where to go, and somewhere where there is a drift sand pit. In this way, the natural traps formed by the drift sand pit are not attacked. Self-destructive.

"All Army ~ ~ Go forward!"

Tianwei Gulong's order resounded, and the entire Bailing Army stepped into the frozen sand plains. Even if there were tens of thousands of feet on this frozen sand plain, the ice surface covering the surface did not show any signs of fragmentation; the war intentions of tens of thousands of soldiers seemed to have condensed into a **** battle spirit at this moment. The blocking ground advances to the center of the quicksand snare!

The distance of more than ten kilometers is not long, and the entire army can pass through at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour for seven or eight minutes. Tianwei Gulong continued to send out air scouts, and let the Electric Dragon Bird Corps and Sky Knight Guards go forward.

Tianwei Gulong wants to see the edge of the "Frost and White Kingdom" as soon as possible so that it can be certain. That's right, but in fact every section of the path that the Braun Forest Corps has traveled, there are hundreds of bone butterfly soldiers lurking ten meters deep and deeper below the "ice field".

The Lark Corps has to drive straight in, and the Silver Sand Corps has to catch them!


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