While Isaac is in the memory of the past, Roland is in the middle of a raging sea. Unlike Isaac, he remained conscious.

Roland, who had just sunk, immediately swung his magic sword, Chernabog, wide. The slash sliced through the sea, temporarily obliterating only the seawater around Roland.

Ursula, who was unconscious, was right below Roland in the air. Even though she had escaped being submerged, it was only temporary. The stormy waves around her wash in and the vanished sea will soon be back to normal.

'Wake up! I'm not going to be able to get a hold of you," he said. I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make your life easier and more enjoyable.

''What in the world......'' the intense impact caused Ursula to quickly regain consciousness.

'I was knocked out, you idiot,' Roland let out a breath of relief and quickly got on her back.

'What happened to your kid?' Ursula, who had fainted, was naturally unaware of what had happened to Isaac.

'Bowles is sinking,' Roland neither rejoiced nor saddened, but stared silently at the raging sea.

'Are you going to leave him to die like this?'

He's not gonna die like this. 'He'll be back soon. Roland's mouth relaxed as he prepared for the second round. He did not underestimate the power of Isaac and the magic sword del Moor.

〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 ...

Isaac slowly sinks deeper into the ocean. By the time Roland slashed through the sea, Isaac had already sunk so deep that he couldn't face out of the sea.

Gradually, the light that comes in is no longer able to reach him. Isaac was getting closer and closer to the bottom of the deep, dark ocean.

Beside the sinking Isaac was the magic sword Del More. He and his owner are sinking towards the bottom of the deep sea.

Suddenly, Del Moa vibrated, and the vibrations spread around it. It didn't stop at one time, and again and again Del More vibrated in the sea.

That wasn't the only change. After it vibrated, streaks of black light shot out of Del More's blade one after another, blending into the raging sea.

As several black lights rushed around, the raging sea suddenly became quiet. Does this calmness of the great tense sea mean that the black light has reached the dark clouds covering the sea and the storm has calmed down?

'It's coming,' Roland, who was at sea, foresaw Isaac's return. The blue sky was peeking out over the sea. The power of the chaos (chios) that Roland controls was easily contained by the black light from earlier.

In no time, Isaac and Del Moa jumped out of the bottom of the sea. Swallowed by the rough seas, Isaac had lost his trademark yellow jacket.

The difference wasn't just the absence of the yellow jacket. Somehow Isaac's body was floating, and Del More wasn't held in his hands, floating just like himself.

Roland's eyes could see the thudgy black energy surrounding the resurrected Isaac.

'It's finally happening: ......

Roland broke out in a cold sweat as he witnessed Isaac's resurrection. He had an idea of the changes that had happened to Isaac.

'To what?' Isaac, who had previously closed his eyes, opened them with a snap and stared at Roland in front of him.

The intimidation was so tremendous that Roland couldn't help but feel his face tighten.

''It's a demon. The power that Del More possesses is extremely powerful even among demon swords. Normally, a mage cannot use black magic (Grimoire) without the use of a demon sword, but in rare cases, the power of the demon sword can reside in the mage himself.''

In the midst of the battle, Isaac gained a new power. The strongest black mage (Grigori) with the power of Del More was born here.

''That's good. You can use black magic (grimoire) without signing a contract with a demon, so long as you don't have to deal with a demon," said Isaac optimistically.

The fact that you don't have a contract with them doesn't mean there isn't a price to pay. You are beginning to merge with the magic sword. But at worst, you're about to be eaten by the magic sword. The more powerful the sword is, the more it will devour the mages. If you become a full-blown demon, your consciousness will be gone. I'm sure you'll be able to find the right one for you. I'm sure you'll be able to find the best way to get the most out of your time.

''Maybe that's true. I'm sure you'll be able to find a great deal more to say about this. I'm sure you'll be able to find a great deal more to say about this.

That's the danger. 'That's what I feared most. From the moment I heard you had Del More in your hands," Roland was losing his will to fight. Even though they had been apart for a long time and hadn't spent enough time together as a family, Roland was Isaac's father. He doesn't want to turn his son into a monster.

It's not a good idea to have a good time, but it's a good idea to have a good time.

It's a very good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. I'm sure you'll be able to find a great deal of information on this topic.

Then Ursula's tentacles appeared and Roland was spared from the fall.

'I'm in an excruciatingly bad place right now,'

The shockwave that had just occurred had caused the black shirt Isaac was wearing to chatter and tear, exposing the brown skin underneath.

With his skin exposed, Isaac had undergone an obvious change in appearance. A swirling black pattern appeared on his upper body like a tattoo, and a similar pattern appeared on his face. Upon closer inspection, the pattern seemed to change shape little by little.

''This is seriously messed up.

The black pattern that emerged on Isaac's body was gradually expanding a little by little. Roland had noticed it. It wasn't just the fact that Isaac had taken Del More's power into his own hands that was troubling. If he didn't settle this soon, Isaac would cease to be Isaac.

'Fuck off!'

Unable to control his simmering anger, Isaac thrust his right hand forward in a fit of emotion. Following his movement, the magic sword Del More flew towards Roland. Even though he no longer held it in his hand, Isaac was able to control Del More at will.

Roland immediately readied his Chernabog and caught the flying Del More. With his momentum killed, Del More didn't go any further and turned back towards Isaac.

'We were still small, and now you're gone from us. So how can you stand in front of me?

Perhaps due to the effects of his demonization, Isaac was more emotional than ever before. What Isaac couldn't forgive most was that day. Isaac could still clearly remember his father's back as he walked away.

He said, "I'm gone from you, for sure. But I didn't leave your parents. I joined the Order and you've had an uncomplicated life because of me, haven't you? Roland, in his own way, had always thought he had made responsible choices as a father. I can't feel any regret in those words.

'Thanks? Don't make me laugh. So you think you've done your duty as a father? You've got to be kidding me.

Roland's demeanor, which was not a bad thing, turned the tables on Isaac.

'I can see it in these eyes,' he said. "I can see it in my eyes," he said, "the awe and disgust of the people around me, the exclusive disgust they have for me. They all think I'm a monster, and they're all afraid of me. I was terrified that the same thing would happen to you.

The words that came out of Roland's mouth were the most emotional words ever to come out of the conversation, though they were a distraction from the flow of the conversation so far. Roland had been trapped in those days.

'What's that supposed to mean? 'That doesn't explain anything,' the words that came from the back of his father's mind didn't resonate with Isaac at all in this situation. It was a misguided answer that didn't hit the mark at all.

'That's why I couldn't live with you guys in that country. He said, "That's why I couldn't live with you guys in that country, I couldn't stay poor in Diostra. I wanted you to grow up in a foreign land with a good living environment, and I could focus on my work.

"Then you should have taken him to Seltzeria. Why didn't you come live with us?

Again, Roland's answer was not what Isaac wanted. If Roland had crossed over to Seltzeria with his two sons at that time, the parent-child relationship might not have been so strained.

I was too busy to raise you all by myself," he said. It was all about earning the money to raise you. I'm sure it was the best thing to do. Such thoughts diverted Roland's gaze from Isaac.

'No matter how much money I had, the emptiness that lingered in my heart grew with each passing day. You made the wrong choice.

Isaac: "Isaac: ......

When Roland heard his son's true intentions, the scene of that day and that moment flashed in his mind. The children's happiness, Roland believed, was not what they were looking for.

'We just want to make sure that you're ...... oh no more! Enough chitchat. Let's get this over with, instead of complaining about it! Isaac swallowed a heartfelt cry and interrupted the emotional clash. It would get no better if they continued to bicker over words. He decided to do so.

Isaac held out his hands as if to take a deep breath, and this time Del Moor thrust into the sea.

At that moment the sea began to rage, and the water everywhere began to swell like the tentacles of an octopus. The water tentacles attacked Roland at sea, one by one.

Controlling two thick great swords, Roland slashes down the attacking water tentacles one by one. What Roland misses out on, Ursula uses her own tentacles to smash away at them.

After slashing down all the water tentacles, Roland leaps up towards Isaac in the air.

Then the clash of magic swords began again. Isaac grasps Del More firmly with both hands and intercepts the approaching Chernabog's blade. The high-pitched sound of metal clashing against metal plays a tone.

The two mages clashed their blades over and over again, as if they were battling each other's emotions.

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