When Isaac was in his past memory, Roland was in a rough sea. Unlike Isaac, he is conscious.

Freshly sunk, Roland quickly shook the Magic Sword Chernobyl. The slash ripped the ocean apart and only temporarily erased the water around Roland.

Below Roland floating in space is Ursula, who lost consciousness. Even if you say you escaped submerging, it's temporary. The surrounding rough waves pour in, and the ocean that disappears is quickly restored.

"Wake up! Teme is in trouble" Roland struck Ursula's head with the head of the Great Sword. Chernobyl has the power to Nullify Magic, but the black lightning that struck Ursula has already disappeared.

"What the hell..." Ursula quickly regained consciousness with a strong shock.

"I was stunned, stupid," said Roland, who breathed relief, immediately riding on her back.

"What happened to your kid? Ursula, who had passed out, certainly didn't know what had happened to Isaac.

"Bowls are sinking," Roland did not rejoice or grieve, staring quietly at the raging sea.

"You're just gonna let him die?

"He won't die like this. I'll be right back. Prepare for the second round." Roland relaxed his lips. He does not underestimate the power of Isaac and the Magic Sword Del Moore.

Isaac slowly sinks deep into the sea. By the time Roland slashed the sea, Isaac was already sinking quite deep, unable to show his face outside the sea.

Gradually, the light that plugs in is not reaching. Isaac is getting closer to the bottom of the deep, dark sea.

Next to the sinking Isaac was the Magic Sword Del Moore. With the owner, Del Moore also sinks towards the bottom of the deep sea.

In the meantime, Del Moore suddenly vibrated and the vibration spread around. It didn't fit once, and Del Moore vibrated underwater many times.

That wasn't the only change. After the vibration, black rays of light pop out of Del Moore's sword one after the other and melt into the raging sea.

As several black lights ran around, the rough sea suddenly quieted down. Does the calming of the ocean of the Great Age mean that black light has arrived in the dark clouds that cover the sea and the storm has calmed down?

"Coming," said Roland, at sea, anticipating Isaac's resurrection. The blue sky peers at sea. Roland's manipulation of chaos (Caius) was most easily contained by the black light earlier.

Shortly afterwards, Isaac and Del Moore jumped out of the bottom of the sea. The devastated Isaac lost his trademark yellow jacket.

The difference is not only that there is no yellow jacket. Somehow Isaac's body was floating, Del Moore was not held by his hand and floated just like he himself.

Roland's eyes seemed to be covered in dark energy around the resurrected Isaac.


Seeing Isaac resurrected, Roland sweats cold. I think I know what happened to Isaac.

"To what?" Until then, Isaac closed her eyes and glanced at Roland in front of her.

The intimidation was incredible, and Roland overwhelmed his face.

"It's the Magus. Del Moore's power is extremely powerful in the Magic Sword. Normally Magic Swordsmen cannot use Black Magic (Grimor) unless they use the Magic Sword, but rarely the power of the Magic Sword resides in the Magic Swordsman himself."

During the battle, Isaac gained new power. The most powerful black sorcerer (Grigori) was born here with the power of Del Moore.

"Isn't that nice? Long live if you can use black magic (Grimoire) without a contract with the devil." Isaac was optimistic.

"It's not like there's no price for not signing a contract. To put it bluntly, you are beginning to merge with the Magic Sword. But to put it badly, you're about to be eaten by a magic sword. An overpowering Magic Sword eats a Magic Swordsman. When you become a complete Magus, your consciousness will eventually disappear. There is a magical sword in the shape of a temee" Roland's face saw the color of burning. Instead of claiming to have the power of the Magic Sword, Isaac is being swallowed by its too powerful power.

Maybe so. I can see with this eye that magic is pouring into me more and more. "Isaac didn't change his expression much, even though he was about to lose himself. His special eyes saw an enormous amount of magic pouring into his body.

"That's dangerous. I was most afraid of that. When I heard you got Del Moore," Roland was losing his game. Roland is Isaac's father, even though he has been away for a long time and has not spent enough time as a family. I don't want to turn my son into a monster.

"Isaac exploded anger and a black shock wave was emitted from his body.

Shock waves reach Roland in no time. It was a heavily held Roland, but it was unbearably unbalanced and was about to fall into the sea.

Ursula's tentacles appeared there and Roland escaped the fall.

"I can't stand it right now. I'm in a bad place."

As a result of the shock waves that occurred earlier, Isaac's black shirt was torn to pieces and the brown skin underneath was exposed.

Isaac, whose skin had been exposed, had noticeable changes in appearance. A black pattern like a vortex appears on the upper body like a tattoo, and a similar pattern appears on the face. After careful observation, the pattern also appeared to change shape little by little.

"This is really fucked up."

The black pattern that appeared on Isaac's body is gradually expanding. Roland was aware of it. The trouble isn't just Isaac putting Del Moore's power behind him. If we don't settle this quickly, Isaac will be gone.

"Get lost!"

Isaac, unable to contain his boiling anger, pushed his right hand forward with emotion. Following that move, the Magic Sword Del Moore flew towards Roland. Isaac was able to manipulate Del Moore freely, even if he no longer held it in his hand.

Roland immediately took hold of the Chernobyl and captured the incoming Del Moore. Del Moore, whose momentum had been killed, did not go any further and turned back towards Isaac.

"You've disappeared from before us when we were little. And yet, why are you standing in front of me?"

Isaac was more emotional than ever before. Isaac's most unforgivable thing was that day. Isaac still clearly remembered his father's back as he walked away.

"I did disappear from before you. But I didn't quit your parents. Thanks to me joining the Knights, you've lived a life of freedom, haven't you? Roland was going to be him and always make responsible choices as a father. I can feel no regret in the words.

Thanks to you? Don't make me laugh. So you did your duty as a father? No kidding. "

Roland's unconcerned attitude touched Isaac's scales.

"I can't see it in my eyes. The fear of the people around me is an exclusive disgusting thing. Everyone's afraid to treat me like a monster. I couldn't bear to think that you would see the same thing."

The words out of Roland's mouth were a departure from the conversation flow, but the most emotional words ever. Roland was hunted back then.

"What's that supposed to mean? It doesn't explain anything." The words that came from the bottom of his father's heart didn't resonate at all with Isaac's heart in this situation. That was the answer to the mistake of not shooting at all.

"That's why I couldn't live with you in that country. I couldn't stay poor in Diostra. I let you grow up in an exotic land, in a decent living environment, and I devoted myself to my work."

"Then I should have taken you to Celtoria. Why didn't you live with me?

Again, Roland's answer wasn't what Isaac wanted. If Roland had taken his two sons to Celtoria at that time, there might not have been a parent-child relationship.

"You and Sertolia were too busy to raise you on your own. Everything was to earn money to raise you. Yeah, I thought it was the best choice." Maybe that was the wrong choice. Such thoughts distract from Roland's view of Isaac.

"No matter how much money I have, the void in my heart grew with every passing day. You made the wrong choice."


The scene of that moment was flashing back into Roland's mind, listening to his son's heart. Roland believed that the happiness of the children was different from what the children wanted.

"We're just... you're just... ahh, that's enough! The chat is over. Don't be stubborn, I'll get you cleaned up!" Isaac swallowed his heart's screams and interrupted the emotional encounter. Even if you hit each other like this, you can't tell the difference. That's what he decided.

When Isaac opened his hands to take a deep breath, Del Moore pierced the ocean.

At that moment, the sea began to burst into flames, and the water therein began to swirl like octopus tentacles. Water tentacles hit Roland at sea one after the other.

Using two thick swords, Roland slashes the water tentacles one after the other. As Roland spilled it, Ursula used her own tentacles to cut it.

When all the water tentacles were knocked down, Roland jumped towards Isaac in the air.

Then the encounter of the Magic Sword begins again. Isaac holds Del Moore firmly in both hands and intercepts the approaching Chernobyl blade. A tall sound of metal bumping into each other plays the tone.

The two magical swordsmen knocked each other's feelings against each other over and over again.

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