Fainting, Isaac falls deeper and deeper into the abyss. Isaac's mind and body are falling deeper and deeper into the abyss.

As Isaac's consciousness disappears into the deepest darkness, he is visited by memories of the past.

It was when Isaac Restore was still about Allen's age. Still young and innocent, Isaac was living with his family in Diostra, the land of the sun. Diostra is a kingdom located on the continent of Icilia, far away from the Kingdom of Sertoria.

In a remote corner of the countryside, the Restore family's house was located in a remote corner of the countryside. It is a simple wooden house. There was no one around. It is home to Restore and his family. The house is large and spacious, but it is a bit of a wreck. There are holes in the roof and walls.

The roof and walls have holes in them. We want to eat some good meat! I'm hungry.

It was Isaac, not yet ten years old, who complained of this. He is a hailing eccentric now, but at this time he was an innocent boy who hadn't been dyed in any color yet.

'Don't be extravagant. You'll have to put up with the bread. ......

With a casual remark from Isaac, his father Roland's expression darkened.

The Restore family is made up of three people. Roland Restore, the family patriarch; Kaisa Restore, the eldest son; and Isaac Restore, the second son, Isaac Restore. And Isaac Restore, the second son, Isaac Restore. More than anything else, they all share the same devil's eyes.

They live in a ramshackle house because of that "devil's eye". Roland is the sole male breadwinner in charge of their two young sons.

Not long ago, Roland worked as a blacksmith in one of the most famous blacksmiths in Diostra. "He had worked there under the cover of the devil's eye, until the master of the blacksmith's shop found out about the eye.

At first, the master was puzzled and kept Roland working, but word of his strange eye spread quickly to the other blacksmiths, and soon it was spreading across the country. The Restorers were the only people with pure white eyes. The strangeness of the man caused the Diostras to fear him.

People were afraid of Roland. His eyes didn't have a name at first, but eventually someone began to call them "The Devil's Eyes". In contrast to the Lunatists, the Diostras believe in the sun. In contrast to the Lunatists, the Diostras believe in the sun, and their constant search for light has led them to associate the alien eye with the devil and to fear him. This fear tormented Roland.

Within a few months of his master learning about the "devil's eye", Roland was fired from his job as a blacksmith. He was well aware of Roland's servants, but the effect of the rumors and the fear of the people was so great that he had no choice but to dismiss them. Needless to say, from then on, there was nowhere for Roland to work.

Additionally, there is no mother in the house. And that may be another reason for the devil's eyes to come into play.

Why are we in the house all the time? Why can't I go out there?

Kaisa's cheeks are puffed up and she stares at Roland's face.

It's a good thing that you're not the only one who has been living in a ramshackle house, especially after the rumor of the "Devil's Eye" spread. It is because of Roland's love for them. The only person who should be rejected by the people around him is himself. Roland believed that he was the only one to be rejected by those around him.

'It's ...... like everyone hates these eyes,' Roland said, looking down. "'If I had kept the devil's eye hidden, I might not have forced my son to live like this. Roland was filled with a strong sense of remorse.

'What do you mean? Does that mean we can't go out there because our eyes are white?

Naturally, Kaisa couldn't understand what Roland was saying. Not being out at all, Kaisa and Isaac didn't know that their eyes were feared by the whole country.

'Anyway, we're not supposed to go out there. 'You'll have to be patient for now,' replies Roland, looking down.

'For now? ...... How long do we have to put up with this for?

Young Kaisa's frustration is growing. Two children of playful age are trapped in the house. Kaisa's patience is running out.

Father," she says, "we've been eating bread all day. Father, we've been eating bread all day. I want to eat a lot of good food! Isaac tugged on the hem as he came up to Roland's doorstep. Pure and innocent, Isaac couldn't possibly understand the problems this family was facing.

Isaac's words and actions, which were unadulterated, made it even harder for Roland. Two small children are suffering because of his inability to get along on the outside. Regrets, however, come later. I can't pretend that the bad news that has been spread can't be undone.

"Patience, Isaac. It's not a good time to be a father," he tells Isaac.

The eldest son's cold stare pierced his father. It's a good thing that you're able to get a good idea of what you're looking for. He must have a much better understanding of this family's situation than Isaac.

Aside from Isaac, maybe Kaisa resents himself for not being able to do well on the outside. Roland thought, and his face, which was just looking down, went even lower.

From then on, every day that came and went, Roland left his two sons at home and went off somewhere else. It was always during the day when Roland would go out, and he would come home at night.

Roland always came home every day with a trifling amount of food. Roland never ate it himself, but gave it all to his sons. His body was so thin in those days that it was hard to imagine Roland's present appearance.

One day, a few days later, Roland was found in the doorway of a certain blacksmith's shop, far from his home. At this time, Roland was wearing sunglasses to hide his abominable eyes.

When Roland knocked on the door, an elderly blacksmith came out.

''Um, I heard that you are looking for a blacksmith here,'' Roland tried to be polite in his greeting. "'There's a bad rumour about Roland all over the country as someone with the Devil's Eye, and an employer who has never met him might be willing to hire him without realizing he's a rumour.

'Oh, well! 'You're a craftsman, aren't you?' the blacksmith smiled happily and invited Roland into the house. You will be able to find a lot more information about the company.

It's a good thing that you're able to get a good idea of what you're looking for.

At this time, the rumors had already tailed off, and people other than Roland had also been badly affected by the rumors. However, the one thing that all the rumors had in common was that the person with the "Devil's Eye" was a blacksmith. In particular, the blacksmith's rumors were particularly damaging. This blacksmith must have had no small amount of influence on this blacksmith.

''A man with mental strength like you would be more than welcome to join us!

So far, before they've hired him, they've discovered he has the devil's eyes, and he's never had a chance to get another job. But this time, Roland was feeling good about himself.

"So, when can I start working for you? Unable to restrain himself from deviating, Roland moves on with the conversation. The blacksmith has a good impression of Roland. If the contract is signed as it is, Roland will graduate from his joblessness in the clear.

...... I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave. The blacksmith's demeanor suddenly turned cold, contrary to Roland's expectations.

It is a very good idea to have a good idea of what to expect.

'I don't want to hear any more about you. The entire country's blacksmiths are inconvenienced because of your work as a blacksmith. You should be thankful that you are not killed. Go home.

Somehow, the blacksmith had figured out who Roland was. The blacksmith had been unlucky enough to see the pure white iris peeking through the gap in his sunglasses. There was no other blacksmith with a white iris except Roland.

Roland's heart, which had been soaring, was at once plunged into the depths of despair.

Roland left the blacksmith shop without saying anything as it was. In the end, this time was no different than before.

Day after day, Roland continued to look for a new job, but it was nearly impossible to hide the "Devil's Eye" in this country where rumors had spread. He can't work with his eyes closed, and he is at a loss for words.

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