The thick Chernobyl blade tore through the sea. Shock waves emanating from the shaken blades reached the bottom of the ocean, which was divided into punctuation points.

"What an idiot!

Isaac opened his mouth and opened his eyes behind the sunglasses.

"It's not just stupid. If you had the same eyes as me, you'd know better."

"Is this the power of the Chernobyl?

Roland prompted Isaac to take off his sunglasses and observe the torn sea.

Isaac and Roland have the same “devil's eye”. It is a peculiar eye that can see all the energy that is invisible to the ordinary eye and the flow of it.

After careful observation, the ripped ocean quickly recovered. It is hard to imagine that Roland only broke the sea to show his strength. Something's still going on.

"Whoa, seriously!

At the moment the sea was restored, Isaac foresaw terrible changes that were about to happen.

The sea suddenly whirled as far as the eye could see, causing a violent storm. The sea, which had been calm until just now, was in a flash of desolation. If there were any ships sailing nearby, they would sink most easily.

"We're not done yet!

Roland then waved the Chernobyl toward the sky as before.

The changes that took place in the sea also took place over the sky. As if the sea of clouds had broken, the sky was immediately covered with dark clouds. The rough skies cause winds so intense that they are likely to blow away everything, causing rain and lightning.

"I've shown you the power of the Chernobyl. This is the Chaos!

Roland set off a storm in no time. When the power of “chaos” is given to nature, which is formed by order, order is immediately disturbed and wild. The black magic of Roland (Grimor), which made nature an ally, was terrifying.

"Damn, I knew it was a monster! Isaac stayed there during the storm without being able to fly. Without the power of the Magic Sword Del Moore, Isaac would have sinked into the sea long ago or been caught in a whirlwind storm and left the front.

They were parents and children, but this was the first time Isaac had seen Roland's black magic (Grimor). Apparently, he hasn't lived together forever.

Whenever he was about to hit lightning, Isaac absorbed it with his magic sword. The blowing wind was absorbed in the same way.

Isaac was distracting his nerves. If he makes one wrong choice, his life is in danger. If you fall into a raging sea, Isaac with the Magic Sword has no guarantee of life.

"Fucking dad! You're a coward forever! Come to me now and fight fairly!"

"I can't hear you at all!"

In contrast to Isaac, who even had a serious face, Roland had a sober face. Certainly, the storms and thunderstorms that surround us and the rain that descends make each other's voices harder to reach.

"Bullshit! You can hear me!

Isaac determined that Roland was provoking. The voice of Roland, who didn't scream out loud, was in Isaac's ear. Roland must have heard Isaac's voice.

"My clothes are wet and depressing....."

Throwing away sunglasses with large droplets of water, Roland even threw away the Knights' clothes, which were soaked by heavy rain. Half-naked, Roland is being hit by a pleasant rain.

"This is bullshit..." Isaac was frustrated. Not only did he pretend not to hear, but Roland didn't even see Isaac.

But shortly afterwards Roland was surprised. Isaac approached without yielding to the wild sky and sea.

"Hey, stop scratching your feet. If you don't do it, you're dead."

"I don't think I'm worried about you! I'm just going to beat you with all my might."

Without losing to the rain or the wind, Isaac filled his distance from Roland.

"You're an idiot, too. You will soon be overrun by the M-12. Give yourself up."

"Don't make me laugh. If you can stop it, stop it!

In the storm, huge blades collide. Wet in rain and illuminated by lightning, the Magic Sword Del Moore and the Magic Sword Chernobyl had a dubious and beautiful glow.

The three magic swords ran into each other for several minutes. Intense wind and rain interfere with Isaac and Roland's breathing. In a situation where they couldn't breathe properly, they hit each other with their magic swords.

Eventually, they stopped their hands and stopped moving. I couldn't keep swinging my sword for much longer. The storm was caused by Roland, but it had little impact on the surgeon himself. The storm itself is not magic, only caused by black magic (Grimor).

Isaac rides on the Magic Sword and calms his disturbed breath. Rain pouring hard into Isaac's mouth, even if he's not moving around. It was very difficult in this space just to breathe.

On the other hand, Roland was holding his breath with little exposure to the storm. Ursula, who is his scaffold, is perfectly protected from heavy rain and storms. A giant Ursula octopus leg makes an umbrella to protect Roland.

"I can't let you get away with this!

When Roland was fully breathing, Isaac struck back. It was part of a storm that had absorbed Isaac until now that Isaac freed him from the Magic Sword.

The compact storm that jumped out of the Magic Sword flew towards the dark clouds that covered the surroundings. Remarkably, a small storm released from Del Moore is dyed black. Clouds, rain, thunder, everything was black.

The black clouds that hit the “black storm” immediately disappeared. A part of the cage of clouds surrounding Isaac and Roland was vented. Naturally, there was no rain or lightning coming from it, and the wind that blew around it felt a little weaker. The storm scratched the storm out.

"I'll do it. But this storm won't stop until it's holed up." As Roland said, Isaac's holes are naturally filled. Natural energy is not comparable to the increased energy in the Magic Sword. With the eyes of the devil, Roland knew the situation on the octopus umbrella.

"I know," Isaac closed his eyes for a moment and descended towards Roland.

"I just wanted to create a moment of opportunity! Isaac was able to breathe and move smoothly as the storm weakened for a moment.

As soon as he got off Del Moore, Isaac grabbed Del Moore's pattern and shook it down. Del Moore's blade slashes octopus feet and hits Roland hiding underneath.

Shortly afterwards, Isaac heard a tall sound. Roland's unbelievable smile appeared under the chopped octopus feet. Roland still sees Isaac's movements even when his vision is covered.

"You think such an easy-to-understand attack will succeed? I'm surprised you thought such an attack would work."

Attacks from blind spots do not work for those with the Devil's Eye. In the first place, there is no blind spot in the eyes of the devil. At least, in a magical sense.

I'm not after you.

"What?" In Isaac's words, Roland instantly understood his son's thoughts. Upset, Roland dropped his gaze on Ursula, who was playing his scaffolding role aggressively.

Ursula on Roland was beginning to sink. Ursula, who should be able to move freely through the sea, is beginning to sink.

"I've been hit. You were going to lose my scaffold because of Hannah," Roland praised Isaac's strategy as he sank into the sea.

"Even if you don't have black magic (Grimor), the August is different. I'm glad I kept the absorbed lightning."

As soon as Isaac tore it apart with the Magic Sword Del Moore, Isaac released the thunder that had been absorbed into the Magic Sword. The lightning mixed with other magical powers in the Magic Sword was changing many times more powerfully than it was originally.

Ursula, who struck the black lightning directly, was electrocuted and fainted without being given any resistance. Unconscious Ursula sinks into the sea with Roland on board.

"I'm getting stronger... Booze"

"Why don't you give it a try?

With a smile of pride, Isaac looked down at Roland sinking from above Del Moore.

In a storm, the state of war changes in an instant. Isaac's vision, which was supposed to have been watching Roland, suddenly blacked out.

"You're out of your mind. You didn't hit me. I didn't think you'd win."

Roland watched Isaac sink into the sea from high ground.

Like Ursula, Isaac was struck by lightning. A little carelessness can be fatal. The advantage that desperately took away was also taken away in an instant.

Nature is irregular and very difficult to read. When Isaac's vigilance eased slightly, the lightning fell out of the black clouds in bad time.

As a result, Isaac sank deeper into the sea than Roland did.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I don't suppose this is the end of it." Roland's face was still struggling out of the sea and watching. It was only a matter of time before Roland sank completely into the sea, just as Isaac did.

Eventually, the rough waves swallowed even Roland. The children and parents with the devil's eyes sank in the wild sea.

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