Black Dragon Code

Chapter 58: Hogg

The Dulu Basin, inside a newly excavated cave by the orcs.

"Do you really believe them? Lord Caesar."

The old leader Sifu found the Black Dragon with doubts. Although he did not accompany Caesar to see those trustees before, as a tribal leader, he was able to know all the details of what happened at that time.

"What's the difference if you don't believe me?"

Wu Heilong smiled: "Of course, these guys can really go to war with the human army, or they can fool around, but their actions have no effect on us."

"The reason for letting them out is simply to spread smoke, which in turn consumes Roy's power."

Caesar said bluntly: "You have also seen that humans are staring deadly at the Tulu Basin these days, and the orcs want to withdraw silently and it is almost impossible to complete."

"Ahem ..."

Tsuff's cough made the Black Dragon frown. I did not expect that after a few days of rest, the old wizard's condition did not seem to improve, which is not good news.

The old orc coughed for a moment, bowed his waist, walked through the air, and then broke away from Gal's help, and then said, "What do you mean?"

"First put pressure on humans and then transfer them in batches."

Black Dragon twisted his neck, and the little guy was tickling him in the back: "To be honest, I have some thoughts on the Werewolf clan, and their leader is very good. In addition, I heard that the Gouda people are very talented in mining minerals. In the future, Maybe it can also play a role. "

"If these guys can complete the task and then swear allegiance, I would be happy to bring them all in."

As Caesar said, his voice gradually muffled: "But don't think about it, they were sent in by Roy."


The black dragon looked at the orc leader who accompanied the old wizard and stood beside him: "I need your help. Please go back and capture a few captives. I want to know what the **** humans are doing."

"I understand." Gal snorted in response.

"and many more."

Gustav stopped Gal, who was about to leave, first retreating to the Black Dragon, and then slowly walking away to the big orc: "In this case, let your things go first."

Caesar saw that the old wizard took a rolled sheepskin from the old robe and handed it to Garr, leaving with the orc who was about to go on the mission, still whispering something in his mouth.

But since he didn't talk to him intentionally, Caesar didn't want to ask more, this guy is thinking about other things.

He was a little uneasy in his heart. For the first time, he felt that things were out of control. He reasonably told him that Roy was in the next big game. In order to be safe, he should evacuate Mangye as soon as possible.

However, due to the greed in the bones, the black dragon sprang up unwillingly. He wanted to strengthen his strength first, complete the service of the werewolf and the doghead, and then migrate.

I am a bit contradictory.

Caesar grinds his teeth, and the tip of his claw gently strikes the sandstone ground, hesitating.

After considering half a ring, this guy finally chose a compromise solution. Since it has been so long to wait for the wizard's recovery, it is not short of two days. Caesar decided to wait until the human captives asked what was happening. Make a judgment based on the actual situation.

Uh ...


In the marginal area less than a kilometer from the Dulu Basin, Hogg led his gnolls to stop their pace. The horrible wolverine leader was smashing his mouth, sitting on a fallen trunk with his buttocks. Set aside his weapon, an exaggerated short-handled axe.

"You, you, you ... all come."

Hogg ordered a few clever wolfmen among several tribes, and signaled that they came close to themselves: "Listen clearly, this area is monitored by human beings. You will lead each of you and leave from different directions. By the time we Then merge again. "

"Big boss, do we really want to listen to that dragon and kill those humans? Those guys don't look good, they look like the elite army of the northern countries."

Although the intelligence of the Gnolls is not particularly high, they are much better than an orc with a tendon. At least they know how to avoid disadvantages and know how to judge the strength of their opponents.

I ca n’t say good or bad, it is precisely because of this wisdom that when facing a more powerful enemy, the wolfman will have the same fearfulness as higher creatures, which will affect the war will.

"I know, humans are strong."

Hogg whispered, "But what can I do?"

The situation is no longer than it was then. An ambitious Roy appears in Mangye. The young human resource has the same force and wrists. Soon, many people in Mangye have to oppress. Before this, the human even wanted Integrate all forces in this area.

The Gnolls clan had previously thought of resistance, but due to the situation, they eventually had to show their weakness to the opponent.

However, when they thought they had to accept this fate, things turned for the better. In this place, a black dragon turned out.

If you have to choose between humans and true dragons, Hogg certainly prefers to rely on dragons. UC Reading at

However, he also knows that things are not as simple as ordinary wolves were taken for granted.

These evil races, unlike those who are righteous, can form alliances and gamble with each other when their minds are hot. It is very difficult to establish a trust relationship between evil species. The black dragon has a very obvious and serious caution against them.

So, the wolves need to prove themselves, and the black dragon needs a courtesy and a vote.

Hogg knew that this matter was completely unpleasant for the tribe, but in order to have a reliable and stable reliance, they had to deal with it even if they closed their eyes and gritted their teeth.

"Ready to leave."

Before thinking, Hogg had made up his mind, and the blade of the short axe shone brightly: "Separate here, then meet under the hump, be careful, let the coyote explore the way, pay attention to the traps and tails along the way."

"Oh, right."

This huge wolf man slowly stood up, and the shadows of the sun were spreading over the trees: "Going to some guys to stare at the dogheads, this is a fairly safe job, first come first serve."

"If they give up the task, it's fine."

Before waiting for his people to ask questions, Hogg went on to say that his voice is a bit similar to the black dragon, and it is also full of gloomy and cruel meaning: "But if they are also ambushing humans, then you have to keep an eye on these miscellaneous pieces and keep them all the time The news tells me. "

These weak and lowly wastes are simply not eligible to be your dependents, and are not eligible to seize the resources we deserve, even if they are really harvested, it will become our loot. "

Hogg picked up his weapon, shook his paw with a claw, and walked forward: "Goblin? Oh, they're just good enough to act as play clowns, picking up food in the **** dump."

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