Black Dragon Code

Chapter 45: Assault

Seeing the troops passing through the black moor along the embankment and pouring into the marginal areas of wildness, Roy's gloom grew day by day. Although he buried his worries under the calm and calm mask, it still existed, and as they crossed Every kilometer keeps growing.

Is it because I received a message from Ludu saying that the green dragon is going to postpone it?

No, not so. He Roy Brando, son of the Earl, did not have to resort to external forces to deal with a tribe of orcs.

In the eyes of this northern man, the vast wilderness called Mangye. After so many years of exploration and shuttle, he knows everything, not to mention an army next to him. It stands to reason that he should be fearless and stable like Mount Tai.

However, tonight is an exception. It is very different from the past. There is an inexplicable thrill in the dark surrounding him, which makes him extremely disturbed.

His intuition has always been accurate, he realized the danger, as if something had been ignored by him, that was the reason for his worry.

Paranoia is common among human aristocrats, and Roy is no exception. He is an ambitionist, so he is more sensitive and suspicious, and strives to control everything.

He repeatedly checked his inferences and confirmed that there was no error in the logic, but he was unsure where to rise, and there was always a layer of haze over his heart.

"Be vigilant!"

He reminded His Majesty soldiers and glanced at the sky-the stars are disappearing, which indicates the dawn of dawn, but the earth that has lost the light of the stars and the moon will be the darkest moment of the day and the most slack time for people. .

The dark winds of the trees were blowing like shadows, and like a living creature, Roy felt himself being watched by an inexplicable object that was cold and unpleasant to him; the caster beside him seemed to notice it, and clenched his staff.

Damn, what did you miss?

Uh ...

I soon knew that.

A sullen thunder awakened Roy's contemplation. He looked up at the sky, but only saw heavy clouds like thick cotton.

Suddenly, a terrible growl came from not far away, Roy's body was involuntarily tightened, and the people on the ground had been shrouded in a great shadow.

The deafening roar erupted above his head, the atmosphere was torn by a hurricane, Roy desperately stabilized the frightened wildebeest, and reluctantly looked to the sky.

Unfortunately, this time he saw a hellish scene.

A dark, smoky monster filled Roy's gaze, roaring, reaching out his claws, and diving towards the army.


Meet a black dragon who is about to be an adult-they have been attacked by a dragon!

The army suddenly boiled, and people shouted at the horse.

Fortunately, they are not pouches, but regular real soldiers. Although inexplicable, they still don't see the confusion. These are the most elite professional soldiers of the Cageling Brando family. They responded quickly and immediately met.

The Hussars called for the war horses to spread apart from each other, and the army forwards in black armor supported their shields and closed their lines of defense together to form an unbreakable wall of iron light.

Jain is a giant shield of about half a human. These soldiers form an array for short-handed contact. In close combat, the importance of defense ranks first.

They split their legs, resting their shoulders against the earthy shield, wearing heavy armor, and holding the sharp sword in the other free hand.

As long as it can block the impact of this dragon, it will be dragged into the quagmire and slaughtered by others.

的 The training to fight the dragon is also a required course for the professional soldiers of Eladia, but because this black dragon is too strong and fierce, they subconsciously used the battle line against the red dragon.

At the same time, the black dragon has arrived!

In the long history of Elladia, almost every famous battle is related to the dragon, nothing compares with the scene created by the dragon and the human being fighting each other. In a close battle, whether it's a dragon or an army, the power displayed will be heartbreaking.

Bronze and steel were shattered in a hoarse whine, dull and weird, and the echoes were endless. The huge black dragon slammed in directly, like a meteorite falling from the sky. Countless hard shields broke at this moment. Broken muscles, painful wailing.

Its power is too strong, making people feel like they have hit a mountain, and the defense array is constantly moving backwards.

"Keep your ground!"

Roy roared in the indigenous languages ​​of the northern nations. The blood on the soldiers' hands had splattered blood, but the shield was higher, and the black dragon roared back with shaking.

Such an elite and strong soldier, I am afraid that even if it is a mountain, they will be stopped. The defense array was shattered in a short time, but the impact of the black dragon caused by the subduction also disappeared.

It has gathered its wings, and it is time for the short soldiers to meet!

The Black Dragon was warmly welcomed by the unmistakable snoring sound of steel and the squealing sound of the body crashing. Now, it is facing a siege by a regular army, and it has more than 100 people in front.

"It's our turn now, come forward and fight back!"

The human warrior's leader shouted an order. The soldiers held up their weapons, using swords and sledgehammers in color, and at a further distance, the archers had completed their aim, pulled the trigger of the crossbow, and the overwhelming arrows also roared. to.


In the face of the turbulent crowd, the black dragon growled and opened his mouth ~ ~ the next moment, the air suddenly twisted, and the hot flame swept the human position.


The neurites near Roy's temple jumped wildly. How could this **** black dragon breathe out the flames, it was incredible, wasn't that the ability of the red dragon?

The sorrows and sorrows are everywhere. Fire is an irresistible weapon for most living things, especially human beings. Nearly forty soldiers were swept into coke in an instant, and more were suffering from unspeakable pain and it was difficult to continue the attack.

"Ice barrier!"

However, less than ten seconds after the flames raged, the tidal whistling magical aura had rolled over the soldiers' bodies, resisting the invasion of the flames, and protecting them from pain.

I really have a caster.

The movement of the black dragon was suddenly paused, and the heart-warming eyes swept in the direction of the sound. It saw it, not far from Roy, a caster sitting in a black robe sitting quietly on the horse. Above.

I saw the black dragon's eyes glance in this direction, and the mage seemed to feel something, revealing one hand gently lifted the hood, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and looked at it without fear.

Soon after, the caster raised the staff under the watch of the Black Dragon—


The puppet magic model has already been constructed. An unparalleled elemental fireball emerges from the front of his staff, locks the violent black dragon not far away, and whistles away at the speed of Mach.

Faced with an astonishing speed of fireball, slow-moving dragons cannot avoid it, they can only rely on spells to resist it-so at the same time as the element is flourishing, the experienced caster is ready With "Spell Curse", watching the black dragon's every move, he was ready to crack the opponent's spell at any time, and let it eat a solid fireball.

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