Black Dragon Code

Chapter 41: reaction

"Oh huh."

Luna found Caesar under the leafy tree canopy.

Surrounded by large green fir and old elm trees, the black dragon was lying half-down, laying his neck flat on the ground, and his sharp claws were dragged on the ground, writing incomprehensible handwriting.

"It grows so fast." Luna couldn't help thinking of Caesar's beautiful bright black scales gradually turning into dark gray for camouflage.

She didn't think he should be interrupted to think. Whenever Caesar fell into silence, she would become very serious, even a little scary, so the fairy of Mori would return to her mouth and wait quietly.

Xu Xu blew the treetops and snorted, and Luna's thoughts became complicated.

It seems that Caesar Oltorenso has entered adolescence. That is the beginning of sexual maturity. Will he start looking for a spouse?

I will definitely.

She saw Caesar's horns, sharp fangs, and strong body ... In the eyes of dragons, this guy must be the best choice for co-bred offspring, and there must be many mother dragons like him. Mori's Fairy suddenly became a little angry for some reason.

At this time, Caesar finally got up slowly and shook off the dirt on his body.


When Caesar saw her standing there, she said, "The Crow Crow is gradually on track, and I'm thinking about the next arrangement."

He didn't have to explain to the little guy originally, but Caesar was willing to say more. Although the Fairy of Mori was forcibly taken by him, he has now become one of the few black dragons to communicate.

"One thing, I think I should tell you."

Lu Luna shook her head and signaled that she didn't care about waiting a little: "Many new people have appeared near the Crow Clan."

"It's normal."

Caesar reached out his paw and let the little one sit in his palm: "The dry season is coming, and many people remember the fruit pulp that caused a sensation in the market last year to drive out the curse of the flames, and came to the Crow clan to investigate, trying to see Some clues. "

He sneered in his heart. Whether on Earth or Eladia, this kind of thief who can't get on the stage and try to gain for nothing is indispensable.


Xiao Luna shook her head expressionlessly: "I've seen those peepers before, but this time is different."

"Caesar." She added: "Do you think ordinary peepers will be in groups of three and carry standard weapons around the tribe?"

"Standard weapons?"

The black dragon froze for a moment, then looked down at the little guy in the paw, and looked directly into her eyes: "Are you sure?"

"If my eyes are fine."

Lu Luna expressed 100% confirmation: "This group of humans do not know when they started to appear on the edge of the tribal land; they are wearing uniform light armor, and the sword is painted with a pattern I do not know."

而且 "Also, I saw almost everyone carrying one thing, covered with cloth, and looking at the shape, I guess it might be a crossbow."

Luna said more and more seriously: "They have quiver in their leggings."

Caesar completely stopped to climb into the lair, and after listening to Luna's description, his expression became serious, and he mumbled to himself: "Scout."

In Eladia, this kind of person should be called a thief, but most professional thieves do not play the handbow. They have better bows and arrows to choose from. The same pound of bow, under normal circumstances, the rate of fire is handbow. Three to four times.

The only advantage of handbows over bows and arrows is that they can keep aiming, and they can follow the commander's orders to pull the crossbow at any time to maintain unity. If you want to do this with a bow, sometimes the deadlock in negotiations is too long, and the shooters will be tired.

He will assemble a crossbow, only the army.

These are scouts sent by the army.

"Do the orcs know?"

Caesar is a little uneasy. This is not a house play. The presence of investigators is actually a signal that some forces in humanity have already planned to attack them.

Damn, this is just getting on track, can't you give me more time?

"I know, but humans have appeared a lot during this time. They don't seem to be attentive. The message chain was broken in Gard. Even Sifu was never notified." As a long-lived wise creature, Luna also realized the matter. The severity of the speech is fast.

"It will trouble you to run again."

Caesar lifted the little fellow in her hand and let her flap her wings and flew up: "Go and inform Siff, ask him to come to my lair to discuss, and tell the soldiers to take up their weapons and prepare for battle."

"Okay." Luna answered.

Uh ...

斯 When Sifu entered the black dragon's lair accompanied by the orc leader Garr, he couldn't help but be surprised at the other's life habits. Caesar's lair was completely unclean and dirty as recorded in the books, but was extremely dry and well organized.

"Lord Caesar, your place marvels the orcs." The old wizard complimented.

"Thanks to our son of the forest."

Caesar glanced at Luna, who was sitting in a small house made of stones. Instead of continuing the topic, she asked Gal: "Are the warriors ready?"

"The children can't wait."

Gustav replied, his forehead crumpled: "But please forgive the orcs. I am a little puzzled. Is it really as serious as the fairy of Mori said?"

"I'm afraid more serious than that."

Caesar nodded solemnly: "The weak races occupying rich resources is a disaster and it is jealous. I had guessed that there would be such a day, but I did not expect it to come so soon."

Before he could continue, Caesar went on to say, "Let me remind you ~ ~ When you return, you should remind women and children to be ready to leave. The Crow Clan may need it at any time. Migration. "

Caesar never puts hope on the weak and stupidity of the enemy. He must be prepared to retreat in advance. The cavalry and desperation are sounding and imposing. But when the matter comes to the fore, people will know this kind of putting eggs How unreliable the behavior in the basket is.

It is impossible for the other party not to know that there is a master mage in the Crow Clan, but in this case, I still want to do something with the orcs, I am afraid I have full confidence.

In this regard, Caesar had to be cautious and ready to face the battle, but also left a retreat.

Hearing what he said, Sifu's face also became dignified. He knew Caesar and knew that the black dragon would not miss it.

"I see." The old leader nodded heavily.

"We must not allow those little men to threaten the tribe, we are waiting here, as long as they dare to come, the orcs will give them a hard blow." Grand Commander Gal slammed his fists together, his words as if swearing,铿锵 Powerful.

"Do not!"

However, the black dragon sighed and shook his head at him as if he did not agree with Garr's statement.

直 The candid orc was in a hurry: "Master, we have armor and weapons. Please rest assured that the orc will be able to fulfill your promise!"

"I said, no."

Caesar repeated his words in a heavier tone, then stood up and sat down, staring at Garr and said, "Waiting will only be destroyed."

"You should take the initiative to weaken the enemy's strength as much as possible."

The black dragon finally showed its fangs: "Go, go now. Take your weapons and clean up the humans outside like sweeping garbage. Don't leave a living mouth."

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