Rumble! …

Rumble! …

The battle to destroy the world continues.

The four-leaf clover king capital, at this time, everyone looked up at the two figures in the sky.

If the shadow appears, it is like the twinkling of the stars.

“It’s so strong! Can’t plug in at all! ”

“yes, it’s like fighting with immortals…”

“Damn, I didn’t expect that as a magic knight, I could only watch evil deeds happen in front of my eyes one day and was powerless!”

Clenched fists.

Many magic knights were resentful.

Hate yourself for being too weak, and the enemies have come to the door, but they can only watch the other party act recklessly.

“Don’t panic, everyone protect the people, we must believe in the Magic Emperor!”

“That’s right! The Magic Emperor will definitely be able to solve the enemy! ”

“Magic Emperor, come on!”


Shout! …

Above the sky, the confrontation between Julius and Bartley continued.

Under the BUFF of elf rebirth, Bartley’s magical power has been greatly improved.

Although it is not yet possible to reach the zero domain, it has also reached the first domain.

In addition, the light attribute was originally the fastest of all attributes.

Even if Julius controls the magic of time, it will be difficult to take it down for a while.

“He uses a compound move of magic realm and timing acceleration, which uses it to read the future mana flow by accelerating the mana time around him, so as to sense the short-term future and predict the next wave of attacks, although the theory is so, but you don’t want to catch up with my speed!”

After a quick analysis in his mind, Bartley’s speed rose again.

What Julius did was to predict in advance, not react immediately.

How do you say a word?

Brain: “You reacted and were able to dodge.” ”

Body: “No, you can’t react…”

Scold! …

Between the electric flints, Julius opened the distance.

However, looking at the blood-stained clothes on his chest, he frowned.

This Bartley’s speed has not yet been used to the extreme, and there is still a hand hidden!

With a faint smile on his face, Bartley showed a villain’s appearance and smiled: “It’s too slow, sure enough, even if it can be predicted, the speed of dodging still can’t keep up with the brain’s reaction, Magic Emperor, is the feeling of being injured a long time away?” ”

“Huh… Yes, obviously took away the future of countless people, but I really haven’t seen my own blood for a long time…”

With a look of emotion on his face, Julius seemed to be remembering something.

Since ancient times, ten thousand bones will be withered.

He, the Magic Emperor, also stepped on the bones of countless people to climb up.

“Your magic that can manipulate time, I have thoroughly figured out, you can’t be…”

“Is it? The essence of my magic is to take time from the other side, store the captured time, and use it at any time, just like this…”


How can it be… Time, backtracked!

Seeing that the blood stains on the Magic Emperor’s chest disappeared in an instant, which made Bartley’s face not very good-looking.

Seize time, store and use.

In this way, isn’t he immortal?

No matter how many injuries you receive, can you go back in time for a moment?

How else to fight this?

Even if he can hurt him twice and ten times, he will be doomed if he only needs it once!


There was already a retreat in his heart, but seeing that Werther and the others had not yet reached the direction, they planned to delay a little longer.

[Light Creation Magic – Light Whip of Judgment]!

The light whip in his hand flew and danced, like the disordered lines outlined by the artist on the drawing board.

Although it is delayed, it is also fatal and leaves no stone unturned.

But he found that Julius had become different!

“So fast!”

Looking at Julius, who was dodging the light whip, Bartley had a bad secret in his heart.

This speed is not the same as before.

It seems that the other party did not give his best from the beginning.

[Time Binding Magic – Time Exists]!

Scold! …

Dangerous and dangerous, Bartley disappeared in place.

Looking back at the place where he was originally located, the ball of time light constructed by Julius, he couldn’t help but be afraid for a while.


If he was even slower by a fraction of a second, he would have been caught by his life!

“Yay: It’s almost there… Your speed is indeed fast, even if I predict it, I can’t catch you. ”

With an indifferent face, the Magic Emperor landed on the roof and said in a relaxed tone.

But this fell in Bartley’s ears, but it made his pupils shrink.

He is not a fool, and until now, he knows very well that he is not the opponent of this Julius at all.

“It’s too strong, obviously it’s just a human being, how can it be so strong, right… What about his magic book? ”

Until now, Bartley reacted later.

Julius did not have a single magic guide book on his side.

Could it be that he did not do his best at all the end, and was playing on himself?

“Oh? Found it? Are you curious where my magic guide is? ”

With a smile on his face, Julius stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky.



In the sky, a huge cylindrical object floats on it.

The whole is white, without any cover skin.

Page after page rotated clockwise to each other.

Appears unique, alternative…

But… You call this a magic guide book?

Bartley gasped.

Such a magic guide book is appalling!

“Time magic, plus a magic guide book without a cover, although I don’t know if it’s good or bad, but I’m really different…”

“So, after thinking about it carefully, I, like this magic guide book without a cover, cannot be specifically classified…”

“Who I am and what I should do, I kept asking myself, asking myself and accumulating achievements, and finally after reaching the top, I understood.”

“It’s the path I’ve traveled, defined and made me… I am, Magic Emperor! ”

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