Chapter 79 Knights and Wizards (2)

Robinson was a two-star knight.

He is not very good among the knights, but he is not even in a position.

Just average.

It was Robinson who could do as much as others did, but beyond that, he was such a man.

‘How come…’

The average didn’t just mean ability.

The same was true of the ability to cope with momentary changes in the situation.

Robinson stood firm until the bandit wore Mana, admonished Edwin, and then blew Edwin’s sword.

“Robinson, lift your sword! He’s not a friend!”

cried the fallen Edwin.

The face showed urgency and a rope that tied Edwin, a three-star knight, tightly.


Still a mysterious knight approaching with leisurely steps.


I love you!

The sword was pulled out.

The average level of judgment could do this.

The man in front of him is an enemy.

Although he is careless, he is capable enough to subdue the three-star knight, and if he is careless at all, he will definitely look like Edwin.

In an instant, countless thoughts crossed my mind.

Can we win?’


I clenched my teeth.

A two-star article isn’t that great among knights.

The reason why I was able to reign like a king here was because bandits were ordinary people.

But when it comes to the users of Mana, it was definitely a two-star rating.

“How does this look to you, Robinson?”


“Don’t listen! Enemy! I’m not that strong! If you don’t let your guard down, you can win!”

Edwin’s cry penetrated the ear. Robinson swallowed the answer he was about to give.

Edwin shouted again and again and again.

“If he was really strong, there’s no reason to use these tricks! You know, you coward!”

“I suppose it’s because I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Don’t talk nonsense! Robinson, wake up!


Robinson came to his senses.

Unknowingly, I was weighing myself in my chest.

Between Edwin, who’s been with him all this time, and the first man he’s ever met.

There’s no reason to worry.

And yet I hesitated.

‘I can’t believe you’re scared. It’s funny.’

It was because he was swept away by the atmosphere created by the man in front of him.

My mind cleared up.

The two-star knight’s mana began to creep up.

“You’ve finally come to your senses.”

The man grinned and said. As if you’ve been waiting.

“Did you give him time? It’s hard to understand what you’ve done to Lord Edwin.”

“It’s not a duel.”

“That’s what I’m saying. Why didn’t you attack me?”

“I have a reason to do that. The reason why we have to face Robinson and win.”

It was also an unknown answer.

I didn’t need to know.

Robinson pulled himself together. Slay the enemy, save Edwin, and complete the mission.

If you do this, you’ll earn time.’

Robinson wasn’t even alone.

Checking out the bluishness beneath the man’s feet, Robinson hit the ground.

It was an advance attack.

But not a blow, but an attack to measure the opponent’s level.

The tip of the sword aimed at the man’s side. But


It’s so neatly blocked.

It was a gentle movement.

A nonchalant defense, as if he knew the sword would face this way.

‘……is it a coincidence?’

Once it was judged insufficient, Robinson moved again. A short, intuitive stab followed.

It is as fast as it is intuitive.

But this time.


Robinson’s sword bounced off without a hitch.


Robinson gulped down. The man’s reaction was obviously relaxed. It felt as if he was waiting for an attack one step ahead.


He looked at Edwin with a feeling of asking for help, but it was clear that he felt similar.

‘……lose time.’

Fortunately, even the man didn’t seem to want to end the battle quickly.

I don’t know if it’s meant to be ridiculed, or if you have other ideas.

Anyway, it was a relief for Robinson.

“If you hold on a little longer, the Magic Circle will be completed.”…’

“Tell him to do it quickly.”


“Getting ready for magic. Hurry up. I’m waiting.”

Robinson is hardened. Edwin didn’t make much of a difference either.

The two articles are now beginning to think that the man in front of them may really be a ally.

“Pain is all good, but this is the problem. He’s so proud of himself that he’s trying to blow a big magic punch in every situation. Now is not the time.”


Trying to say yes, Robinson managed to shut up.

I thought I managed to come to my senses, but something came in again.

Knowing Robinson’s own and Edwin’s names is a possibility.

But what if you have a complete understanding of Payne’s wizard’s existence, even his personality?

“…If you’re really an ally, identify yourself now. It’s not too late……Oh, my God!”

Robinson was greatly embarrassed.

It was because the blue under the man’s feet became blatantly dark.

Actually, that’s not the problem.

Regardless of whether the man died or not, it was an accident during the operation.

The problem was that the blue had reached Robinson’s feet.

“Pain! Get your magic back! Damn it!”

You have to live. If you get hit here, you can’t even cut your bones. The Cuelay school uses slow but certain and strong magic.

This blue light was fundamentally different from the pranks set in the forest.


In the meantime, I took care of my superior. It was a virtue as a knight. Robinson slammed the ground with Edwin on his shoulder.

I looked at the man in a moment.

The man was still standing in a relaxed manner.

Why? Why are you sitting still?’

Robinson himself was not sure if he could escape. That’s not what it means to die.

Then the man’s sword turned to the floor. The tip of the sword moved lightly as if it were going to give a scratch on the ground.

That was it.


Robinson stared blankly at the sight. The blue light had long disappeared as if it had never happened.

Robinson gulped down, and Edwin swallowed at the same time.

Edwin muttered as if.

“…I think I made a mistake.”


Right after facing the knights.

Henry received two additional missions.

One will be a one-on-one match with Robinson.

The other was to destroy the sorcerer’s magic team head-on.

[Fan ID] donated 500,000 won!>

I’m glad I got 500,000 hearts.

“Cheongdam Man!” donated 500,000 won!>

“Thank you for 500,000 won each. I’ll invest generously where I really need it. Only after this mission.”

The two building owners were simply proud of their overwhelming distribution.

Even after the viewer Cheongdam Man appeared, there seems to have been a strange competition.

Of course.

It was a pleasant thing for Henry.

Thanks to you, I was carrying out a mission worth 500 won, and I was able to raise an additional income of 1 million won.

“I’ll just finish with the information. Count Levi will be pleased. The most curious question is who’s behind it.”

Now there were three people standing in a hazy position in front of Henry.

Naturally, the knights Robinson and Edwin and the wizard Payne were the parties.

“I can’t believe it. My magic is so simple……the magic of the Cuelay school cannot be destroyed from the moment it is invoked even by seven-star knights.….”

“You broke it.”


Payne’s mouth is closed. The eyes were full of distrust.


“…Tell me.”

“Report the situation.”

Henry spoke in an unbecoming voice of weight.

Now, Henry was not a knight trainee who couldn’t even graduate from the Academy, but a powerful man sent by his master.

If so, he should have acted accordingly.

“…I’m still not sure. Show me proof that you’re an ally.”

“If it’s proof that you’re still alive and facing me, it’s proof.”

“Anything with a seal on it is fine.….”

“You guys seem to have stuff like that, don’t you? You must have thought that you can’t die alone when things go wrong. Who are you trying to get at?”

“A knight must carry his master’s seal in his heart!”

“Do you think so, too?”

Henry looked at Robinson. Unlike Edwin, who spoke passionately, Robinson had a complex face.

“……I don’t know.”

“Take out everything that could be evidence. I’ll clean it up on my way back. You, wizard. You put the pranks in this forest back to normal.

Henry, who ordered out of the blue, ordered Payne this time.

Of course Payne resisted, but Henry’s choice was simple.

“When people don’t listen, you can fix them in a very simple way. You want that savage way?”

Payne started working right away.

It was a process of dismantling the drinking ceremony of a magic team set up throughout the forest by bandits.

Robinson and Edwin were at their wits’ end, and looked at Henry with a sigh.

“Is this a test, too?”

“What test?”

“to see if he reveals his identity in the crisis of his life…….”

“There’s a lot to worry about. Robinson gets things ready, Edwin reports the situation. Maybe it’s the last recommendation.”

Edwin’s face darkened by the blatant threat.

But what can I do?

Henry had information unknown to outsiders, and was far ahead of him by force.

Eventually Edwin came to terms with reality.

“…I’ll report to you. I’ll organize the data first, so please wait a minute.”

[You’re such a good actor][It’s like I’m just a different person][But we’re winning even if we fight 3:1, right?][It’s as if there’s no wizard, isn’t there?]

“You’ll probably win. As you say, wizards, especially those from the Coelay school, are easy to deal with.”

In fact, the articles didn’t make much of a difference either.

The tools that tied Edwin earlier were for sale at sponsored stores, but it was clear that there would have been no big problem in the battle even if they were not used.

‘…It worked better than I expected.’

The previously acquired characteristics [understanding] and [observant’s eye] made it easy for Henry to deal with enemies above his level.

In fact, it was overwhelming, not easy.

I could do almost nothing.

At that time, Edwin brought out some documents that he had put aside.

“I’m ready.”


Count Levi looked out of the window with a look of anticipation.

Originally, he looked awkward considering his sexuality.

I’ve always devoted myself to my work, and I’ve been troubled by the recent bandits.

But a while ago.

The butler reported that Henry Camilton was back, and even added that Henry’s expression was very refreshing.

knock, knock

“Come on in!”

Finally, the long-awaited guest arrived.

Henry Camilton.

Somehow, although the doubles were of a kind that didn’t match the article, Count Levi was originally a man of no formal importance.

“So, what’s the result?”

“We’ve found our home base.”

“As expected!”


The count struck the desk with both hands in delight.

“I’ll send my troops right now! Where are we?

“There’s something I need to tell you before that.”

“If it’s not urgent…….”

“It’s urgent.”

“Well, then. What is it says.

“There were two knights and a wizard together. I interrogated him, and I heard who was behind him.”


Count Levi faced Henry with embarrassment.

“The knight… ” No, good. Who was there?”

“It was Count Madison. The names of the knights are Robinson and Edwin. Also, the wizard is Payne of the Cuelay school.”

“…The names of the knights are in memory. Are you sure it’s what Earl Madison ordered?

“I’m sure.”

“And the sorcerer of the Cuelay school?”

“I’ve got it right.”

Henry’s nonchalant acceptance brought Count Levi to his forehead.

“You bloody aristocratic bastard. Are they alive? No, he’s dead. Unfortunately…….”

“I didn’t kill him.”

“So you let him run away? No, I’m sorry. I’m serious. I was mistaken for a moment. You’re a guest from the Academy.….”

“I’ve got you.”

“…How do you deal with the mena? No, before that. You beat them?

To the count of incredible eyes, Henry nodded as if nothing had happened.

“You’d better meet him first since he’s buried nearby.”

BJ Swordmaster

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