Chapter 68 Camilton (3)

What happened in just one day was enough to excite Lucas Camilton, who had always been calm.

A totally unbelievable situation.

However, it was a clear reality, which allowed Lucas Camilton to meet the Redwood Master with his shoulders full.

“How great he is is my son of a bitch.….”

Bragging followed bragging.

As it happened, the Earl of Redwood was in a position of caring for Henry, and it was possible because Lucas and the Earl of Redwood were so close.

“Oh, yeah. I thought it would be like this someday. Henry, he’s not an ordinary guy, is he?”

“I mean!”

“I’m sure Earl Camilton will be leaving soon. Henry’s done such a great job, and I’m sure you’ll…….”

“The estate will be given. But it’s not mine.”

“You might think so.”

“It’s not just a thought. I’m sure it will.”

Redwood’s mastermind tilted. It was because I understood what Lucas was talking about.

“Isn’t it too early to hand down the title?”

“The name Camilton is precious to me. Because I remember the honor with that name. Also, I feel a heavy responsibility for the fact that I almost lost my name in my unit.”

The separation of the family names meant that their past would disappear.

Since then, Camilton’s achievements will at best end in two lines of explanation in the history book.

That would have been the case if only a little more time had passed, but thanks to Henry, Camilton had a new opportunity.

“The Earl of Camilton.”

“I’m Camilton, yes. The name is precious to me. But I don’t think that’s the case for Henry. All he’s seen under the name of Camilton is……because it wasn’t that great.”

Not the valiant knight’s family Camilton, but the fallen aristocrat Camilton was all Henry saw.

There is no proper estate, and there is no butler to take care of. Tax? I can’t even count on it.

It’s just the money paid by the government, even if it’s a formality, and the least amount of treatment received as a nobleman.

In Henry’s memory, Camilton was no different from a farmer who plowed the fields and rejoiced at the simple harvest.

However, as Lucas’ voice died down with that thought, Jack of Redwood shook his head and said firmly.

“That’s not what I think.”


“If only the name Camilton meant that much to Henry, would he have survived such a painful time?”

“Hey, I don’t want to let my ugly father down.….”

“It’s been three years. Three years may not be too long for us. Hasn’t Lord Camilton lived the same time as I did?”


The two have been over forty for a long time.

“Three years in 40 years of life is not that long, but three years would have been a very long time for young Henry. Also.”


“If we were in such a situation, we would have been able to bear it. Because we’ve already been through it. I’ve learned that it’s not that great.”

“…It wasn’t Henry.”

For Lucas Camilton, who was almost in tears, Lord Redwood only nodded slowly.

“It must have been painful. But Henry endured. Do you really think that’s for one of your Earl Camilton? Just for that reason alone, did a child endure the pain?”

“It can’t be possible.”

Lucas Camilton sighed deeply.

I don’t know how.

Knowing Redwood’s own, Lucas felt it earlier, too.

But I shouldn’t have known.

I couldn’t put it out of my mouth even though I knew it.

The name Camilton was the biggest reason that kept Lucas alive, and shamefully left all that burden to his son Henry.

“Do you think you’ve relieved the burden?”

“It was awful. I didn’t do it as a father.”

“The Henry I know would not have felt a burden. Of course, you know better than I do, but sometimes you get the wrong end of the stick because you’re close.”

“As soon as I got here, I revealed my skills. I hope it’s too much of a burden.….”

“Do you really think so? I don’t think Lord Camilton would think so.”

The Redwood owner smiled pleasedly.

Lucas Camilton could not answer.

Actually, I knew.

He said he put a strain on Henry himself, but Henry did not regard Lucas’ expectations as a burden.

“…I’m so sorry for Henry.”

“What matters is how you feel.”

“I’m glad to see that…….I’m ashamed of it more than anything. I can’t raise my head properly in front of Henry.”

“For Henry, Camilton is an honorable name. I can explain it all with that. That the little boy endured the difficult conditions, and that he proudly showed his skills to Earl Camilton.”

That’s what Lord Redwood said.

Camilton was an honorable name for Henry, too.

That’s why he endured, that’s why he was proud, and that’s why Henry was able to develop his skills.

Lucas Camilton was undeniable.

“I’m so jealous. Henry inherited the blood of the knight. He knows what honor is.”

“Yes, beyond my comparison.”

“Wouldn’t he be proof that Camilton is a masterpiece?”

Lucas couldn’t deny it this time.

The honor of Camilton has only deflected Lucas.

“I’m more certain. I’ll have to hand it over as soon as possible. So that the king can give Henry a reward in peace.”

“Let’s consider that a little more…….”

“No, it’s not enough for me. Honor followed Henry, and I did my part only by the fact that I waited until this moment.”

Lucas said calmly. The feelings revealed were more like joy. Before I knew it, Henry had grown up so well.

“I don’t think there’s any reason to stop him anymore.”

“Yes, it’s a great thing to be able to resign happily. He is, and it’s time to hand it over.”

“Oh, that’s what you’re saying.”

Redwood nodded as if he had understood.

Lucas’s expression of “hand it over” now was not a self-creation.

No matter how fallen the aristocrat may be, there is a hidden one.

Fortunately, Lucas Camilton was more patient than anyone else, so he protected a little more.

“Now it should be Henry’s. I’m already pleased to think that the honor that he’s been protecting will be able to tell us from the distant past.”

Lucas took a pleasant sip of wine.

He left in a day because he had a mission, but he promised to stop by as soon as he finished his work.

That very day.

Lucas intended to show Henry the Camiltonian roots.

“Oh, and.”

Then Lucas changed his position and sat down.

It was time to change the subject of conversation.

“Henry has a favor to ask of me. He said it had something to do with my friend.”


Outside the Viscount Redwood.

On the road leading to Count Levi, Henry was on the air.

“My father has always been like that.”

That’s what Henry said about Lucas Camilton.

The process of explaining who he was was not necessary.

I’ve already talked about it several times before. The Duke of Camilton was a man of some kind, so Henry himself could respect.

And now.

Viewers also faced Lucas.

He wasn’t in the same position.

I’ve only experienced it indirectly through the broadcasting screen, but that alone made it clear what Lucas was like.

But can you help me? That’s a little too much.

I’ll be dead before I get there.

Is Redwood helping, too?]

Also, viewers were not very interested in Henry’s father.

In fact, it was more important to them what kind of person Lucas Camilton was, so now what Henry was going to do and what he was going to do.

“I have a friend who needs help. It’s not a problem that I can solve by myself. So I’m going to prepare it in advance.….”

Henry made a clean breast of the facts about Austin.

It was a matter of entanglement with Duke Rodrick.

It was a sensitive issue that shouldn’t be exposed to the outside world.

No matter how Henry carried the viewers on his back, there were things he could do alone and things he didn’t.

“In fact, neither my father nor the Earl of Redwood will be able to give me direct help. I have to prepare the basic edition. I can’t ask you two too much.”

There was only one way to get Austin out. Especially, the Duke of Rodrick had to deal with things unknowingly.

“I’m going to involve the royal family. The Royal Knights, to be exact.”

Are you going to file a complaint?Lol][Will that work?] Well, I don’t think that’s fair.

[I’m afraid I’m going to have to make a big splash]

Viewers were generally skeptical.

It was natural for them to think.

Duke Rodrick was one of the most noble men in the kingdom, even Austin was a direct lineage.

Considering the family’s status, there was a high possibility of covering up even if there was a problem.

It’s not the world where the dean of the Knights Academy does business.

“Every article represents justice, but I know that not everyone is actually righteous. But you have to pretend to be just.”

I don’t look for injustice. That’s what’s allowed to happen.

But what if you face injustice right in front of you and turn your eyes away?

My honor as a knight falls to the bottom.

“It’s up to me to paint such a situation. It is a principle that the royal family should respect the House of Rodrick and not intervene in the family affairs. As long as it doesn’t show up.”

The position of a high aristocrat had the power to do so.

He has the ability to hide it, and even if he gets caught by his opponent, he can just tap it.

“So I’m going to reveal it. He also sits with a very troublesome opponent.”

But they’re asking you to come?][No matter how hard the driver is]

What do you mean? Are you showing off?Lol][I think it’ll be possible if I show my skills now. Honestly, there is a possibility.]

“They’re not just great people to come by. Wouldn’t it be my ability to create a situation to make them come? Henry Camilton, I’ll show you the results rather than a hundred words.”

Said, added Henry.

“Once I’ve finished my assignment.”


Count Levi was reported by the butler with gloomy eyes.

“We’ve sent the Territorial Army to a location we’ve identified, but it’s already.

“That was yesterday.”


“It was robbed again today.”

“That’s right.”

“What are the people talking about?”

“The grain shed was robbed, and the cow, who had been eating her food, disappeared. They’re the ones who can’t do anything because they don’t have it.”

“The assessment of the territorial disease is…….”

“The thieves who eat nothing but food. I know how to be arrogant, like a pig with a knife.”

“It’s obvious.”

Count Levi sighed deeply.

It’s just a flock of a hundred bandits.

Obviously, it was not a small number, but it was punishable in less than an hour if it was against the territorial soldiers.

You have to fight for it.’

But the bandits had no intention of fighting the territorial soldiers.

When he chased him, he ran away, and in the meantime, Byeoldongdae, who was aiming for a gap, robbed the warehouse.

It is impossible to blame the incompetence of the Territorial Army, and when I heard the commander’s report, Count Levi himself was forced to strike his knees in admiration.

“There was also an assessment of the lord.”

“That’s enough. First of all…….”

knock, knock

Then I heard a knock.

The butler went out and came back to the count Levi’s chin.


“We have a visitor.”

BJ Swordmaster

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