Chapter 32 Austin (1)

“You’ll like it. It’s been almost two years since I put so much effort into it.”

Rende with black hands.

One of the most prominent blacksmiths in the royal road handed Henry the finished product with a proud face.

Every time the silver-white black blade moved, it sprayed cool light, and the handle was embossed with luxurious lion patterns, making it one of the most prestigious items.

“Thank you. I’ll use it well.”

“Thanks to you, I enjoyed the work. But it’s not as fun as the moment you hand over a great item to a matching customer. I’ll take only one gold.”


“Father, 1 gold?”

At the same time, the door broke.

One belonged to Henry, and one was the voice of Rand’s son Pearl’s voice.

The reason was simple.

It was too cheap.

The cost of Rand’s work, also called the king’s best blacksmith, was exorbitant.

“Your son’s reaction is correct. I have enough money to pay the right price.”

“That’s right, Father. And then you’ll end up in the red again. That’s a lot of money spent melting the pure steel, on wages for other employees, and even putting pieces in the handle.….”

“Pearl. It’s noisy.”

Rand cut off his son and spoke seriously.

“If you want to succeed me in the future, I’ll have to grow my eyes on people first. What’s the reason most people visit our blacksmith’s?”

“He’s, of course, a great father.….”

“How do you improve your skills as a blacksmith?”

“Through a lot of work…….”

Pearl’s voice has subsided. Seeing you blur your words, you must have felt something.

Rand looked at Henry again without saying anything more.

“If there’s another one like this, come and see me anytime. I’ll work on it at the lowest cost and fast. I’ll be waiting for you anytime.”

“Thank you. I’ll tell Instructor Russo, too.”

“Thank you.”

Henry accepted Rand’s favor.

It was actually like offering a deal.

Opportunity to handle excellent materials.

It was a more valuable opportunity for Rand to grow on his own than money.

‘I’m glad the censorship was simple.’

As he walked out of the blacksmith’s shop, Henry looked at the new sword.

Once I saw it, it was something that anyone could look at without realizing it, but thanks to Henry’s request, the inspection was nothing short of ordinary.

Just carrying it around your waist won’t attract your attention.

Also, as much as it seemed, this sword was a remarkable object.


* Proficiency: Level 9, 55%

* Grow to level 10 when you achieve 100% proficiency achieved.

* You will receive an additional bonus if you achieve level 10.

[The quality of the weapon is excellent!]

* Weapons are not fully capable.

* The increase in weapon proficiency increases significantly when training with the weapon.

* When training with the weapon, [Realization] is triggered with a very low probability. Weapon proficiency increases significantly when triggered.

An explanation that was not even included in Russo’s training sword was added.

As such, it is evidence that the overwhelming and material-free items that are not wasted on ingredients.

But there’s more to it than this. Not only the ingredients, but also the finished items.’

Sponsored stores.

There were countless things waiting to be sold.

Things that are literally referred to as the gift of the wizard.

There were things that would change Henry’s life as soon as he got it in his hand, and to get it?

I’m a little embarrassed, but I’ll use the knowledge I’ve learned.’

[Real-time Streaming][(Unboxing new weapon) How much is this?]

I had to utilize each and every one of these contents.


Henry’s return to the Academy was slowly dark.

Rand’s work finished early, which gave viewers a chance to show the outside world of the Academy.

You seemed interested, didn’t you?’

Viewers were also interested in the show.

The scene outside of the academy seemed unique.

It must have been natural because they were always trapped in the tower.

‘This would be income, too.

A wizard didn’t just want a knight’s life.

Swing a sword, building a mana, competing with someone.

That’s good, but sometimes I thought I could expect a positive response even if I showed something as small as today.

Soon Henry headed to where Russo was staying.

But the chief instructor’s schedule was tight, and night classes are still in progress for the upper classes.

I’ll have to go back for now.’

Anyway, I can talk to Russo anytime.

If you swing your sword in moderation at his smokescreen, you’ll rush over as soon as class is over.


During today’s broadcast, Henry was able to hear quite interesting comments from viewers.

Austin, I’m sure there’s something about him.][Cliché, cliché, he’s got a background, he’s really good][Come to think of it, he hasn’t talked about himself] It’s not about you. It’s like the surroundings.][Meeting him at this stage in the first place means he’s a character with something]

It was definitely a conclusion from the insights of wizards.

Austin is hiding something.

No, you’d be right to say they don’t mean much to Austin, rather than hide them.

It doesn’t matter what the reason is. I need to check it out.’



Henry’s roommate sat lonely in the dormitory after a day’s class.

“I can’t believe you’re going out all of a sudden!’

He was in a state of shock.

Henry Camilton.

It was because I heard that my roommate who I got close to after a long time went out of the blue.

It is not a time for special events, and I have not heard that visitors have come. Of course I didn’t hear anything from Henry himself.

I visited Russo, who said he was like a teacher in fact, but the only thing that came back was that I couldn’t tell him.

I hope nothing happened.’

Austin also knows Henry’s situation roughly.

If you’re so suddenly gone, I’m sure there’s something wrong with your family…….


“Huh? Henry?”

“Why are you surprised?”

“No, I don’t know what happened.… Oops. It wasn’t like that. Oh, my God! You have a sword! Can I see it?”

I didn’t need to ask who gave me permission or how I got it.

Austin was only interested in his friend Henry.

That’s why I might have asked you a little rude.

‘He’s not a bad guy.’

Henry thought so.

On the contrary, Austin was more of a good friend, except that he was noisy.

“As much as you want.”

“Thank you. Where…맙소사 Oh, my God. Why did you choose to cut this? Because you don’t want to be seen?”

“That’s how you react.”

“It sounds like it. Wow, this is so…… outstanding. Honestly, it’s no match for the swords given to the trainees. Maybe we should include instructors. It’s a great sword, isn’t it?”

As if to see wonders, Austin was carefully watching Henry’s sword.

He carefully took the blade to his eyes and moved it back and forth holding the handle.

At the end, he measured the weight with only two fingers, and nodded as if he knew it now.

“Australian pure river. It’s a great material. Since you smelted it with that, you’ll have to get something like this. I’m sure it’ll be very useful. You chose a blacksmith to be a good man. Surprisingly, you have an eye for people.”


Henry nodded in silence.

Austin was still looking at the sword with serious eyes, which was exactly what Henry had expected.

‘I recognized this at a glance.’

In addition, he did not hide the fact.

There’s something, and Austin would think it wasn’t a big deal.



“I’d like to ask you something.”

“Oh, ask me anything. Do we have to read each other’s faces to ask a question between us?”

“You’re a nobleman, aren’t you?”


“Where are you?”

“The Duke of Rodrick.”

It was a nonchalant answer to a nonchalant question.

Henry grinned and continued.

“I’m not the eldest son.”

“If you’re going to praise me for being a peacock’s restraint, quit it. I have no intention of staying close to my family.”

“No way. I’m just asking out of curiosity. So far, everyone’s been like that?”

Austin nodded his head gently.

That’s always been the case so far.

After someone asks you this question and answers it?

Because the relationship between the two had completely changed.

At some point, Austin did not mention the family when he introduced himself.

I didn’t avoid it if anyone asked, but fortunately, no one was interested in it because of its weird behavior.

“I was just asking. He recognized the material of the sword at once. I was wondering if you weren’t a nobleman.”

“Is there anything you need to get?”

“I’m just asking. I was just asking. You don’t have to say it if you don’t want to. So my question right now is……that’s just about that. I’m just curious about what’s on my dinner menu. Do you understand?”

Austin’s face brightened up.

It was because Henry’s face, who spoke like that, was so calm.

Rather, it’s funny that he had such a misunderstanding.

“I’m glad.”


“It means a lot to me. If you’re curious, everything from one to ten…….”

“Oh, I think it’ll be okay. Is that why you’re the oldest?”

“Second, there’s a brother up there, and he’ll probably be the next guest. I’m not interested in succession or anything. I told you before, but the reason I joined the academy was because my father forced me to push my back…….”

“You’re free to live anyway, so graduate from the academy?”

Austin nodded his head.

a vagabond driver

Whether it was a peacock or a postman, it wasn’t very important to a vagabond driver.

There was only one person who could inherit the family anyway.

That’s why Austin’s father, Duke Rodrick, didn’t say much.

“He’s the one who’s worried about the brothers bleeding. Fortunately, my eldest brother knows that I mean it, and the youngest is still too young. Thanks to you, we found peace at home.”

“It sounds like you sacrificed for the peace of your family.”

“No way. It’s been a dream since I was a kid. A life of walking around the world, facing new things. How romantic is that?”

“To be dismissed as romantic…”….”

“Of course, you have to be competent. There will be as many threats as joy. But for sure, it’s better than being a duke and living on a high horse. For me.”

I got a rough estimate.

It’s quite interesting, and it’s a hundred percent true that Rodrick’s article, which I visited yesterday, didn’t come.

It’s something viewers would like, but it’s kind of weird to sell personal history, right?’

Henry decided to put up with it for now.

Even if it’s not now, we’ll have something to talk about on the show.

This wasn’t the point anyway.

“I’m going to go up to class B this time.”

This was Henry’s point.

The exam is just around the corner.

A declaration to prove sufficient skill there, and to get on track as a knight.

“Is that how it works? Or are you making up your mind? It’s a must-have-do it.….”

“It’s up to you.”

“As expected, how have you been holding it in the whole time? Henry, if I were you, I wouldn’t have put up with it for so long. Even when treated like that.”

“Rather than putting up with it…… Anyway, that’s not the point. What about you? The dorm will probably change the moment you go up to class B. I heard you met a good friend after a long time.

Austin’s expression became strange.

Henry’s question definitely felt out of the blue.

I mean, if you don’t know what Austin’s been hiding.

“……Then shall I go up?”

Just as Henry thinks he’s been crouching and waiting for three years, so has Austin.

He didn’t want to stand out.

Excessive skills definitely created rumors, and the rumors were clearly something that his eldest brother wouldn’t like.

“It’s pretty tricky to find a decent roommate. I have no intention of accepting other guys being a pain in the ass.”

“What about me?”

“It’s the same way you see and feel about me. You’re not interested in useless things, are you? It’s different to be bothered, to be bothered.”

BJ Swordmaster

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