BJ Swordmaster

Chapter 207

Chapter 207 The Wizard (3)

The Apostle.

The expression reminded Henry of his past.

He thought he might be an apostle of the great wizard.

And in fact, Kim Min-seok admitted it.

“The word apostle is perfect. It’s my role to spread my will to the earth. Why, don’t you like it?”

“It’s not like that.”

“Don’t worry, I just have to go back that way.”

“I thought you would.”

“Actually, I was nervous. I’m afraid you’ll let go of your anxiety.”

“May I ask you a question?”


“Why did you choose the means of broadcasting?”

From the moment I met the wizard until now.

It was a question that kept filling Henry’s head.

In fact, the fact that I met a marijuana master, but the conversation I had with him wasn’t that surprising. I’ve already been advised by manager Fireworks Solo and others.

It’s just that what I thought would happen has finally happened.

“Why did you choose to broadcast? How am I supposed to explain this?

However, it was true that there was no idea why it happened to be broadcasting.

After a moment of contemplation, Kim Min-seok sat with his hips on the edge of the table with chips left.

“Okay, let’s make it easy. There’s a concept of frequency…You don’t know, do you?

“I know roughly.”

“As expected, YouTube. It’s a sea of information. All right. Let’s think about it like this. The other side sent a signal at a certain frequency. So what should I do to get that signal?”

“We’re going to have to set the same frequency for this side.”

“Yes, that’s how we reach each other. If I don’t get it right, I can’t catch it no matter how many times the other side sends me a signal.”

“I understood.”

In fact, I only got a rough idea, but it was enough to understand the explanation.

“I had to get the frequency right. In fact, this is a little different in concept, but technically, how many people know Henry Camilton.”

“I’m a human being…….”

“Yes, in this world, in that world. Why would he put a reputation condition in there? You want me to be a great knight? Of course, it’s not without it, but as your reputation rises, you’ll be able to pinpoint the signals of this world.”

This time Henry was lost in thought for a moment. And I asked again.

“Then subscribers must be on the same page.”

“Yes, the first figure I expected was half a million. I thought it would be enough for that number of people to know the name Henry Camilton. Actually, I’ve got some strands. But you’ve been better than I imagined.…look.”


Kim Min-seok showed his teeth and straightened both palms.

A crack occurred over the space.

It was the same phenomenon as when facing Ramsas, but the feeling was completely different.

“This is the result. I can open the aisle any time. Thanks to you.”

Beyond the crack was a place similar to where Henry now sat. But it was much more dynamic and natural. As if you could reach it right away if you put your hand out.

“To add a little bit of explanation, I’m afraid you’


The crack closed as if it had never existed, and Kim Min-seok looked at Henry with a playful little face.

“The sponsorship store was not to break the balance. I had to get the price to hand something over. Others chose an unconditional way of faith, but I couldn’t.”

“Wasn’t there a land called Guyan?”

“That’s not enough. A cult with its own power has its roots all over the continent, right?”

“That’s right.”

“Furthermore, the people of this land could not cross the continent to build my temple. ‘Cause I’ve blocked it.’

“And yet, the Stormbearer…….”

Kim Min-seok shook his head at Henry’s words.

“Let’s put the matter off for a while. It’s something to talk to the person involved. Anyway, excuse me, this place was like the last bastion. If you hadn’t stopped the river forest, the continent would have flipped halfway.”

Henry nodded when he heard the reason.

Kim Min-seok was right.

Solving the problem was something to solve directly with the person involved.

“Anyway, I had to pay for it, and that led to a way of betting on some conditions related to broadcasting conditions. In fact, it’s like giving it away, but it’s also offsetting Camilton’s curse.”

The curse that Caron laid took away the right that Camilton should have enjoyed.

Since it started with minus, Kim Min-seok was able to give a more shocking reward.

“That’s why I’m saying I couldn’t have done this without you.”

“I think I know.”

“I suppose so. You’re a smart guy.”

Kim Min-seok faced Henry with satisfaction. Henry raised his final question in a strange mood.

“Then, was the purpose of telling you to stop the downlands just to pose a threat to the land?”

“There’s that, too. But that can’t be it. When too strong things get involved in this land, the signal shakes. People who know your name must have died countless times. It would have been hard to continue.”

The moment you step on the ground.

Kim Min-seok’s plan had to go badly wrong.

Since the broadcast is not smooth, the number of subscribers will decrease sharply, and the people in this world will die endlessly, so the signal in this world will also weaken.

“Of course, even if there was no reason for that, I would have recommended that you do it for both reasons. I’ve attached some affection to this land. If you don’t have affection on the land that you’ve lived in for more than two hundred years, that’s even stranger.”

That’s a relief.

As soon as he heard that, Henry was seized with a strange sense of relief.

The opponent was definitely a human being. I don’t know if it’s now, but I could be sure that the root of the cannabis wizard was human just by talking for a moment.

“What’s that face?”

“I felt relieved.”

“Because he’s not a weirdo? It’s possible that I can get my mind together like this because I’m a wizard. There’s a kind of magic that protects your own ego. If it were someone else, I’d probably go crazy.”

Henry nodded his head.

“That’s why there was no next level bead.”

“Oh, beads of talent? That’s right. Up to 8 stars is enough. It’s a limit that humans can reach just by squeezing space. Touching time is too risky.”

“I understood.”

“It’s a series of understandings. Anything else you want to know? I mean, the bigger ones.”

“Well, I don’t. That’s enough.”

“So it’s time for a reward. What do you want? I’ll hold anything.”

“Didn’t you say you had to pay to hand over something?”

“The order is reversed. I’m paying you right now.”

Henry did his duty as an apostle and meant he would pay for fulfilling it.


Henry agonized for a moment. He realized his position and measured what he needed more.


Do I still need anything?’

Henry reached the end of the sword. Of course, there were steps beyond that, but it was not acceptable to humans.

an eight-star knight

The name Camilton became an anti-aircraft family, and it was known anywhere on the continent as Henry Camilton.

Furthermore, the dragon Muspel promised infinite help with the name Camilton.

“I don’t need anything.”

“I thought Knight Henry Camilton would say that.”

“Can you meet Cuelay? And I wish I could get what the people living in Guyan want.”

“Kuelay and Gian. What else do you want?

Henry thought again. Calmly and calmly. I pondered whether there would be anything left to regret, but the conclusion was the same.

“These two things are enough.”

“Think a little more. A little more, so expand the limits of your imagination. First of all, I’ll definitely listen to the two things you just said.”

Henry thought again. I thought, I thought.

Again and again, the same conclusion was made, but it was because he knew when and at what moment the advice of the wizard was given.

‘At the moment I need it, the advice I need. You’re sure you’re missing something.’

I opened up every single fact that I took for granted. I thought of things in order that I didn’t think were necessary.

But no matter how hard I think about it.

“At least I can get anything out of this land.”

“That’s right. That’s understandable.”

“Yes, by any stretch of the imagination…….”

“Think again, think again. Start with what you just said.”

At this point, I meant I was missing something really important.

‘From what I just said.’

You can get anything out of this land. As a knight, or a friend of the Dragon, or heir to the Grand Duke. Unless it’s something out of common sense, there’s something in particular to ask for…….


Henry opened his mouth slightly. The gaze that was staring at the floor blankly met Kim Min-seok’s eyes straight.

His advice was right.

Henry was able to get anything.

I mean, on the premise of not leaving this land.

“I think I know. Why did you ask me to reconsider?”


“Yes, I think I know.”

“Then do it. It’s only meaningful if you say it out loud.”

“Can I fall for it with the Wizard?”

“To the other world?”


“It’s possible.”

In the end, this was the reward that the wizard wanted to give Henry.

Over there. There are viewers who remember Henry, and we move on to the world where the manager is.

Face-to-face with them and have the conversation they wanted to have.

Recalling the rift that the wizard created a while ago, Henry asked again.

“Is it possible to come back?”

“What did I tell you about the reason I made you broadcast?”

“You said we had to get the frequency.”

“Not that one.”

“You said you wanted more people to know Henry Camilton.”

“Yeah, that’s it.”

Kim Min-seok grinned.

In the end, space could always be crossed if only the signal could be caught.

“If those who remember you don’t forget, they will be able to move freely, either this way or that way.”

“If you don’t forget. Then, can I continue to broadcast?”

“Of course.”

Kim Min-seok had already finished setting up related to broadcasting. Don’t let yourself be affected if you disappear right away.

With a fortunate nod, Henry asked again.

“And don’t you need the help of a wizard every time to get to the next level?”

“Why? I think Coelay explained it to me. Eight-star can do whatever you want to do in space. I’m not saying it’s beyond human limits for nothing.”


“Aren’t you eight-star now?”

“That’s right.”

“Have you ever wielded a sword since you got promoted?”


“You can try it.”

There was clearly a memory of hearing it.

Coelay explained that eight-star space and nine-star time could be twisted.


“How do I get started?”

“It’s not something you can learn. Maybe we can just do it.”

What do you want me to do? Henry looked at the chat window reflexively, but it was still black.

Perhaps viewers are embarrassed by the sudden end of the show.

“I’ll give it a try.”

I thought I’d ask for advice from Cuelay, but the wizard just said so.

It’s not something you can do by learning from someone.

Maybe it means you can do it without having to learn.’

Like breathing when you’re born, or walking on two feet instead of crawling when the time.

It’s just something that you can naturally do as if it’s something that you can do as if it’s natural.

I love you.

Henry pulled out a sword.

All possible manas were loaded on the blade of the sword with the front pointed front.


A sight that might seem ridiculous at first sight.



It went down obliquely and left a black trail.

It wasn’t the afterimage left by Mana.

“See, it just works, doesn’t it?”

Fracture. It was the same phenomenon that the wizard had just seen.

The space was torn, and gradually the area was widened.

Beyond that came a familiar space.


There was Lucas Camilton, a frightened-faced.

Lucas makes a face in the grand palace-like Oval Office, asking what the hell is going on.

Before cutting the sword, it was the last place and person Henry painted in his head.

Looking back at the wizard, Henry smirked.

“It really just worked.”

BJ Swordmaster

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