BJ Swordmaster

Chapter 205

Chapter 205 Magician (1)

There is a road. It wasn’t exactly the same material as modern asphalt, but it was at least seemingly a perfectly laid road.

Cars have been built all over the city.

No one actually took the wheel. But apparently, it was a perfect parking lot and a car.

It’s a great upheaval.]

The viewer’s assessment was accurate. There was an unprecedented change going on in Guyan.

Modern buildings, street trees, streetlights, and various signs were located on the exterior walls of the building.

Most of the work was done through dragons.

An overwhelming amount of Mana.

It was an achievement made by pouring out natural mana.

“So put this picture in here. It’s definitely the same text I saw on the record. You mean this is a restaurant?”

It was Cuelay’s job to refine the details.

I filled the blank sign with letters. Colored over the blackened road. The combination of yellow and white over the black asphalt seemed plausible to viewers.

“Now the interior of this building…… Oh, I’m out of it. I’m gonna have to make-up.”

“I’ll fill it up right away.”

“Where the hell is the elixir coming from? Is it a magic pocket?”

Every time Mana ran out, Henry bought elixir from a sponsored store.

The sponsorship of the “president” was endless, and in fact, even the settlement money was not enough to buy the sponsoring store’s elixir.

“It’s technically a similar concept. It’s a magic pocket. You can take anything out and use it at a price.”

“That must be the work of the wizard.”

“That’s right.”

“How nice of you to admit it?”

Henry didn’t have to hide any more. I couldn’t mention the existence of broadcasting and viewers, but it was a funny situation to hide the existence of the wizard itself.

This was especially true for Coelay, who had to work together at least throughout the process.

After asking for one thing or another, Henry met Buffett of the Storm again.

“It’s true that it’s unfortunate. The storm was like the spirit of Guyan. But…….”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Yeah, that’s just about it. I’m sorry, but I have to accept it.”

On the site of the storm, a modern building was built beyond the 20th floor. In fact, the expression “modern building” was also confirmed in the viewers’ chat room.

A building with glass windows instead of a stuffy concrete exterior wall that boasts a cool feeling of openness.

Buffett looked embarrassed, but he was amazed at the convenience of the interior construction over and over again.

“It’s a height where you can see the whole land at a glance.”

It was a welcome situation for the country to lead.

The way to use the elevator was a little tricky, but it wasn’t a big inconvenience for a person who didn’t care if he opened the window and jumped right away.

“So much has changed. I can’t believe this place is really Guyan.”

The work was done in an instant. The direction was set, and the means were ample.

Even as Buffett blinked and opened his eyes, drastic changes were taking place throughout Guyan.

a storm storm

On the top floor of a completely different building except for its name, Buffett watched the change of Guyan with shaky eyes.

“To be honest with you.”

Stormbearer was not supposed to be honest. I had to lead the people behind me with my back firmly.

But now, Buffett’s face had a little fear hanging.

“It’s true that I’m worried. This is what the great man really wanted. If not…….”

“I’ll return everything back to its original state. It’s rather simple. I’ve written down my first appearance.”

“…Thank you for your consideration. I thought you might have a way.”

Buffett, who was looking out the window, lowered his gaze. He checked his costume and scanned the contents that filled this space.

I saw a door made of wood.

The landscape outside has changed as well.

Even those who are allowed to live in the storm castle.

Under the dramatic changes, Guyan was becoming a completely different land.

“I think I’m going through a hundred years of change at once.”

“That may be the case.”

“Yes, it’s possible. I stopped because the great man wanted me to stop, and I didn’t go because he ordered me not to. But now.”

“Wasn’t that what the lord wanted?”

“Not only me, but everyone in this land would have.”

Of course, this is not the way they wanted to change. It was unimaginable.

Didn’t you say it was a culture that didn’t exist on the continent in the first place?

“Didn’t you say there’s no building this tall across the street?”

“I’m sure it is.”

Buffett smiled faintly. It was because the sky felt so close.

He stopped thinking for a moment.

I wrote down thoughts, but there were actually only two emotions in my head.

Worry and anticipation.

When asked which one is bigger, I thought I’d have to say it’s actually similar.

“I have a small request.”

“Tell me.”

“If it’s impossible, I can’t help it, but can’t you stay indifferent? I’m willing to give up on other things, but…….”

“Please wait a moment.”

Buffett shifted his nervous gaze out the window again.

Guyan’s history was being erased. There is a way to go above it. But even if you move on, you can’t always look ahead.

When Buffett wet his dry lips.

“It’s possible. But I can’t help the appearance.”

“That’s enough. I’ll take it. If there’s room left for military training, that’s enough.”

“I’ll make that place irrelevant. Can you see it?”

The direction the knight pointed to was a red-haired wizard.

It was a long distance, but Buffett’s eyes, which pulled up his sight, could see a strand of hair vividly.

The wizard agonized for a moment and reached out his fingertips over the sign. The tip of the index finger is white, and the next moment.

“Does that letter mean intolerance?”

“That’s right.”

I couldn’t recognize the text on the sign, but the driver assured me that there was nothing to do with it.

That was enough for Buffett.

Of course.

[Kian Taekwondo gym]

It felt a bit different to the viewers.


[Real-time streaming: playing Guyan SimCity on an island]

With Henry Camilton on the air.

The trio, including Chairman Kim, were still looking at their phones.

Chairman Kim Il-joong was the first person to lower his cell phone.

“It’ll come up soon.”

I got a call from Lee Chul-ki, the head of the department.

The news release was distributed to each media outlet and the teaser video will be released at the same time.

And a little later.

“I’m up.”

Choi Hyung-seok and Kim Hyun-soo could also confirm what Chairman Kim said.

As it was a big competition, all the media outlets in Korea seemed to have rushed. The article, which was released in unison every minute and second, contained that each of the matches had newly entered the game industry.

[Unusualty, are you finally here?] Virtual reality??][The match is not going to happen][Is this real?] Daejin is going to develop it himself?]

It was natural that the community heated up.

Right after the article was published.

In any community related to the game, all users mentioned the name Daejin.

It was natural that their interest led to the name Henry Camilton.

It’s a broadcast that shows the concept of an article in a medieval fantasy world.

The information on the game you play has not been released until yesterday, and the quality of the game has not matched any of the games released so far.

Furthermore, there have been many opinions that the artificial intelligence of NPCs in virtual reality is no different from reality.

“Subscribers are rising sharply. The number of views is also…… At this rate, not only domestic public opinion but also overseas gamers will be paying attention.”

“It’s not just the gamer.”

Chairman Kim’s words forced Choi Hyung-seok to nod.

If it’s a simple game, the article that Daejin published explicitly contained the keyword “virtual reality.”

The increase in subscribers was natural, and the stock price of the competition also began to rise sharply from the release of the article.

Already, Lee Chul-ki and other people’s phone calls were on fire due to endless contacts.

The same goes for Chairman Kim’s cell phone.

Kim smiled playfully, showing the bell-ringing cell phone with the name of the Minister of Culture and Sports.

“I’m gonna be busy for a while.”

An expression that doesn’t surprise me at all. Chairman Kim’s mind had already organized the actions to be taken later.

It’s something he’s been doing all his life, and even if it’s delayed for a day or so, he was confident enough to handle the situation.

“But let’s focus on this video today. Let’s see how well the righteous Lord Henry has accepted our request.”

The other two had no choice but to nod their heads at the sight of Chairman Kim turning his phone upside down.

“It looks perfect to me. I think the work that I did for the video reference was valid.”

“It was a great understanding of great understanding. It’s not something anyone can do. Even more so if you don’t know anything about this world.”

Chairman Kim smiled pleasedly.

In the screen.

Henry Camilton showed amazing understanding, and as a result, he reproduced the Korean city on the island of Guyan.

Of course, it was only a decoration of the appearance, and it was true that there was a significant difference internally as it was a world where magic existed.

But the important thing was, literally, how the wizard judged the situation.

“I’d be glad if you liked the gift.”

Everything given as a trust was digested. They decorated roads, built buildings, met detailed designs, and even lived in cities, following the image of this world.

“I don’t know how to accept the fact that the trust has stopped.”

“You look positive to me.”

It was an optimistic voice, but there was reasonable evidence.

Unlike sending a message to this world, there seemed to be no particular restriction on giving trust to Guyan.

“But it’s a bit unfortunate that no next mission has been given. It would have been much easier if you had given me a more accurate direction.”

Not too long ago.

At the same time Henry began his full-fledged work, the wizard’s mission was completely terminated.

Mission to stop the continental sense of descent and to help Guyan.

The three waited nervously for their next mission, but the message returned was not as expected.

[Additional mission does not exist][Unable to provide mission]]

In other words, there is no next quest.

It’s a shame, but that’s all.

Henry continued to do what he had to do without agitation, and so did Kim and the trio.

“You may have thought it was a situation where you didn’t have to give a quest. It’s already coming to an end.”

“Then I couldn’t ask for more…….”

“Then when will the Wizard come down?”

Then Kim Hyun-soo asked a question.

I have already satisfied enough of what the wizard asked for. Guyan was decorated like this world, and the contents were filled up.

As expected, Kiyan is now a sanctuary for the Cannabis Wizard.

And the conditions of the river forest are not sanctuary.

“I don’t know.”

However, Chairman Kim had no choice but to respond like that.

He had lived a life of reversal, but it was true that no one in the world could give a definite answer in this situation.

“For now, I have to wait.”

It was a lethargic answer, but in fact it was. The other two also nodded and looked at the screen.

If there’s anything else you need, the other side will contact you, and it was their role to respond quickly at that moment.

At that moment.

Chairman Kim woke up with his eyes wide open.

“…Mr. Chairman?”

Choi Hyung-seok also rose, followed by Kim Hyun-soo. However, instead of looking back at them, Kim only stared at the screen.


“You were a son.”


Chairman Kim turned to Choi Hyung-seok only then. Then he shouted in a furious voice.

“My son! I’m sure it was Minseok!”

BJ Swordmaster

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