Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 96: Jardin Tribe

Looking up, surrounded by mountains and jungles.

In these mountains, there are countless flower elves, and the number is hard to estimate.

The Jardin tribe is just a small branch of the ethnic group, rather inconspicuous.

But even so, there are still thousands of flower elves living in this tribe. In terms of numbers, such a tribe is worth the entire group of Monkey Mountain White-armed Monkeys.

When I came to a dense forest at the foot of the mountain, one by one exquisitely crafted mini-chalets were built on the branches of each tree.

Occasionally, you can see the hazy green glowing flower spirits shuttle back and forth between the trees.

Even here, Qin Ming could also smell the fragrance of flowers. Several flower elves dragged large leaves containing pollen across the air quickly, and some of them would be scattered.

A large wooden platform is built on the thick branches of the two big trees.

On the wooden platform, there are several large wooden houses over one meter high, which surround each other like a fortress.

When Qin Ming and Sam wanted to get close to the wooden platform, they were quickly stopped by several flower elves following them.

"Master Bagh asked me to bring new residents to register. I need to see Master Linde." Sam said to the flower elves who were blocking the road.

The flower elves glanced at Qin Ming behind Sam, and then one of the flower elves said: "Wait, I'll go report it first."

With that, it flew towards the big wooden house behind it.

Qin Ming looked around, looking at the tribe.

After registration, he will temporarily become a member of this tribe.

"Little Sam, the amount of pollen is a bit insufficient recently. I heard that some aristocratic lords are angry, saying that they want to expand the team that collects pollen every day, and everyone has to raise the task requirements. It's too much."

"Yeah, collecting pollen was already tiring enough, but now it has to increase the task, but the days to come will be more and more difficult."

"Hey, what else can I do, unless I give up here, or kill that..." The flower elves hadn't finished speaking yet, and the other flower elves who were still sighing were suddenly surprised and hurried. Gagged its mouth.

"You are crazy, if this is passed to Master Lind, you will be dead."

"Some things can't be said nonsense!"

The flower elf also seemed to wake up suddenly, sweating on his forehead, and nodding again and again, "Okay, okay, no more, no more."

It seems that he almost uttered the taboo rebellious words.

"What are you talking about?" Sam looked confused, innocently didn't seem to realize anything.

"Hehe, it's okay, this guy just complains that collecting pollen every day is too hard." One of the flower elves smiled roundly.

Qin Ming heard some clues from the few words of these people.

They are afraid of something, and have been in a state of being squeezed.

"What are they afraid of, so silently?" Qin Ming asked secretly, suddenly remembering the task three issued to him by the Logger, and let him end Mo Meteoshu's long rule.

Is there any connection in this?

He originally wanted to ask questions, but now seeing the panic of these flower elves, he felt that it was not suitable to ask questions now.

Soon, the flower spirit that had been notified flew back, saying that it had received the approval of Lord Linde.

Leading Qin Ming and Sam to the platform.

The wooden house more than one meter high is still quite large for Qin Ming now, comparable to a giant.

He was led to the second floor of one of the wooden houses.

At this time, an elderly old elf was sitting on a bench, closing his eyes and resting.

The warm sun shines through the window to him.

Flower elves like to bask in the sun, and sufficient sunlight can make them more energetic.

This old elf is the current patriarch of this Jardin tribe and a purple nobleman.

"My patriarch, the new clansman has already been brought." The flower elf reported softly.

"Yeah." The patriarch Linde opened his eyes, and his purple-black pupils looked at Sam and Qin Ming.

"Young man, it must be very hard to wander outside. The outside world is full of crises. If you are not careful, you will die. Stay here and I can give you safety."

"But accordingly, what can you do for me?"

Facing the old patriarch’s question, Qin Ming immediately replied: "I am willing to contribute everything I have for the peace of the tribe, my lord."

Who wouldn't wrestle, he opened his mouth and came.

The old patriarch nodded in satisfaction, whether Qin Ming was sincere or not, as long as he had these words is enough.

"Very well, young man, what is your name."

"Hua Ming, my lord."

"It's a strange name, Mondo, take him to register. From now on you will be my resident." The old patriarch smiled and waved his hand, which recognized Qin Ming.

"I'm very honored, sir." Qin Ming said, then followed Mundo and Sam to leave.

After registering, the guard named Mondo printed a pattern on Qin Ming's chest, saying it was a badge of the Jardin tribe.

The inhabitants of each tribe will have this badge mark on their chests, this Mundo also has it on himself, and Sam has it.

But there was none in Bagh.

That's right, nobles don't need to print such a badge, only the blue and white elves need it, and every tribe does.

This reminded Qin Ming of slaves, who would forcibly leave the mark of the master or lord.

After that, Qin Ming was also assigned to a relatively simple cabin, but to be honest, the simplicity is relative.

Compared with the wooden houses built by the white-armed monkeys, the mini wooden houses built by these flower elves are still quite good, and the building skills are not much worse than that of humans.

"Let's go, I'll take you to collect pollen. On the first day, you can just follow me." Sam didn't forget his mission, and he also took Qin Ming to familiarize himself with the work environment.

Qin Ming nodded, and then went to the sea of ​​flowers again.

The sea of ​​flowers is quite vast, stretching for more than ten kilometers.

And there are still several places between the mountains like this sea of ​​flowers.

It is the existence of these seas of flowers that allowed the flower elves to stay here and thrive, and continue to grow to its current scale.

For decades, they have never thought of leaving here.

Here is their root, their past, and their future.

On the road, you can see a group of transportation teams flying back and forth towards the sea of ​​flowers in all directions, in order to transport the pollen collected today to various tribes.

"Here," Sam said, stopping in a small area in the center of the Flower Sea.

Qin Ming really didn't know how Sam distinguished the area where Huahai worked.

From his point of view, there is no difference between the front and the back, the left, right, and the right. They are all overgrown with flowers, and there are no other markers.

"There should be more pollen here, let's go down and take a look." Sam said, flying down first.

It's true that compared to the area that I passed all the way, the floral fragrance of this place belongs to the stronger one.

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