Joshua’s innocent look hurt Percy, but he quickly descended the stairs and chased him in a random direction.

Joshua scratched his head, unable to figure out what they were doing, so he gave up thinking and walked into the common room.

“Immortal-like… Are you Weasleys so passionate? ”

Ron’s face turned slightly red, and he seemed embarrassed to have such a brother.

“This… I swear! Joshua… Definitely not everyone in my family is like this! I also have a little sister… It’s true! She’s very well-behaved! ”

Ron seemed to emphasize his tone, and deliberately used his sister Ginny as an example.

It’s a pity that Joshua knows the original, and Ginny is a super groupie…

“Forget it… Don’t mention it… Go back to the bedroom first… Put things down and talk about it. ”

Back in Joshua’s bedroom, the three of them took out the things in their hands from their bags and placed them in the corner one by one, unexpectedly placing a small bedroom space, from the doorway to the bed, it was almost a little route that people could barely pass.

“Well… So many things are a bit hard to save…”

Joshua couldn’t help but frown, pondered for a moment, and then clapped his hands, “Ah! Pregnant! Let’s move these things down! See if anyone in the academy needs it, give it to them! ”

Harry and Ron’s smiles froze suddenly, just now they were full of happiness in helping their friends, but now they just wanted to strangle Joshua, this little.

“What did you say?!”

“Have the ability to say it again?!”

The two of them were directly angry, and in an instant, their brothers became expensive, and their hair was about to explode to become almost like a Super Saiyan.

Joshua measured the combat effectiveness of both sides in his heart, and had to obediently admit it.

Reluctantly saying that these messy things were in order, Harry and Ron were about to go back.

“Ahem… Harry… I still have something…”

Inadvertently glancing at the system box, Joshua suddenly remembered that there was still a very important thing to do, and quickly said to Harry, who had already walked to the door.

Harry looked back, blinking his glasses, remembering that there was such a thing.

“Oh, what do you say…”

Joshua looked at Harry’s appearance, and suddenly it was a little difficult to speak.

“Eh… It is… Didn’t you receive a gift in the morning…”

“Ah, yes.”

“It’s just… So what…”

Joshua became more and more embarrassed.

Ron looked at Joshua grinding and a little impatient, and spoke

“Oops! If there is anything, you can say it! We don’t know about it! Say it so we can help you! ”

“That… Actually, I just want to give something to Ha… It’s just that it was a Christmas present that Harry only received today…”

Harry furrowed his eyebrows, he didn’t know what he had to see Joshua.

No, there was one thing he probably had in mind.

“You mean… That silver dress? ”

Joshua was caught in Harry’s words and became even more embarrassed.

“Eh… Well… It was an invisibility cloak… I happen to have one thing that requires the Invisibility Cloak to do…”

Ron, who was listening on the side, couldn’t help but widen his eyes, “Wait… Wait a minute! Invisibility cloak?! Just inside the gift Harry received? So what are you waiting for, Harry took that invisibility cloak over first to open his eyes! ”

Harry nodded and turned to head out the door.

It didn’t take long to return with a small package.

Inside was what Joshua called the cloak of invisibility, but with a note.

In a slender, snare font he had never seen before, the following lines were written:

Your father left me this thing before he died. It should be returned to you now. Use it well. Merry Christmas to you from the bottom of my heart.

No attribution. Harry stared at the note in a daze, while Ron marveled at the invisibility cloak.

“This… And the note…”Harry didn’t know what to say. “Joshua… Do you know who gave this to me? ”

“Huh? Are you stupid? How could I possibly know… I just glanced at it and knew it was the Invisibility Cloak, and I couldn’t track it down who sent it. But judging from the words written above, it should have been sent back by someone who befriended your father, after all, an invisibility cloak is not comparable to a cheap wizard robe…”

Joshua had lied, and the thing had actually been kept in Dumbledore’s hands.

Harry scratched his head and subconsciously draped the invisibility cloak over himself.

Ron let out a shout.

Harry looked at his feet, strangely, they were gone.

He rushed to the mirror in three or two steps, and yes, he only had a big head suspended in mid-air in the mirror, and his body was completely invisible.

“Wow… Harry, you can go out now and pretend to be Peeves as their companions…”

Ron walked up to Harry’s side in disbelief and reached out and poked at Harry’s lower body.

“Go! Don’t make a fuss! ”

Harry removed the invisibility cloak, and then he returned to his original state in the mirror.

“Joshua… You just said you need an invisibility cloak for something, right? ”

“Uh-huh! That’s right… I really need the cloak of invisibility… Haven’t you seen that I’ve been busy writing manuscripts or something lately? Isn’t it just to earn money to buy an invisibility cloak of your own, but I saw you have one today, so I am so anxious to ask you…”

There was a half-truth in this, Joshua really planned to use the invisibility cloak to help him complete that naked mission, if Harry didn’t lend it to himself, then he would have to buy one through other channels…

“Okay then, here you go.”

Harry didn’t ask any more questions and handed Joshua the invisibility cloak in his hand that was woven like flowing silver.

“… Harry, you, you gave this to me? Don’t ask me what I’m going to do? ”

Joshua was a little hesitant, Harry really made himself a little embarrassed to be so cheerful.

“No need! We are friends! ”

A sense of guilt arose in Joshua’s heart…

Deceive children…_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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