The library you visited yesterday?Thinking of the trembling junior who still wanted to keep himself quiet, Kasumigaoka Shiyu gave up her thoughts.

Don't go there anytime soon.

After much deliberation, the girl finally decided on her goal when she reached the school gate.Let's go to "Raul", as a place of study, it is very quiet, and you can order when you are hungry or thirsty.

And, maybe you can see "him" too.

After making up her mind, Kasumigaoka Shiwa took the tram to the business district.


"Oh, that's amazing."

In the kitchen of the coffee shop, Kamui Hong looked at the store manager's display in amazement.

The "Raul" coffee shop has a clear division of labor. The front desk is responsible for the take-out part, while the dine-in and snacks are in charge of the backstage kitchen.

Now, Kamui Hong is receiving instruction from the store manager in the kitchen.

The store manager held the teacup in his hand and slowly poured the milk foam into the coffee cup, which was about [-]% full. While pouring it, he said: "The so-called latte art is not understood by laymen. Use milk foam to draw pictures on the surface of the coffee. This is a mistake." understanding."

The snow-white milk foam is poured into the coffee cup, and the store manager shakes it skillfully, forming patterns on the surface of the coffee.

"Compared to so-called painting, it's more like rowing a boat. Use a paddle called a teacup to form a pattern on the surface of the coffee. You see, it's done."

Putting down the teacup, a white love pattern has formed on the surface of the coffee.

The store manager casually handed the teacup to Shenweihong: "But this is just the most basic latte pattern, you can do it with shaking hands, you can try it."

"Hey, can it be, won't it waste materials?"

"Anyway, coffee is something that people drink. If you come to work, the internal employees can drink unlimited coffee."

Think of it as employee benefits, the store manager's words revealed this meaning.

"Then I'll try it."

Recalling the store manager's technique, Shenwei Hong took the teacup, took another cup of coffee that was [-]% full, and slowly poured milk foam into it, the face of the store manager at the side suddenly changed.

"Is this a success?"

Putting down the teacup, a pattern of hearts has formed on the surface of the coffee, which is almost the same as what the store manager just made.

"You, you are amazing, do all the children nowadays have the same learning ability as you?"

"No, it's just that the store manager taught me well." Shen Weihong denied it with a smile.

After losing the superpower "hand dexterity", Kamui Hong's body still retains some abilities.

At least, it's easy to do a simple latte art.

"Then you learn this again, Tulip."

The store manager brought another cup of coffee, which was [-]% full, and poured the milk foam slowly. This time, the technique was more complicated than last time. Shenwei Hong stared closely at the store manager's wrist, watching the milk foam shake, draw circles, and pull the thread upwards .

Then, a beautiful flower appeared on the surface of the coffee.

"You can try it too."

Shen Weihong took the teacup, and the store manager looked at his hand, and then used the same technique as him, shaking, drawing circles, and pulling the string upwards—beautiful flowers appeared on the surface of the coffee.

"Okay." Putting down the teacup, Shenwei Hong looked at the store manager: "Shop manager, is this the way to do it?"

Hell, can this work too? !

"15 tables, a glass of Italian latte!"

At this moment, the voice of the waiter came from the front desk.The store manager didn't respond at all, he just stayed where he was and doubted his life.

"Then, manager, I'll be the customer first..."

"Can you make a latte?"

"Eh? Yes, you taught yesterday."

"Okay, you can go to latte art later."

The store manager gave the order.


In the "Raul" store, on the table No. 15, Kasumigaoka Shiyu opened the tutorial book, listened to the melodious music, and started to do the questions in the coffee shop.

After doing a few questions, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu felt a shadow appear in front of his eyes, looked up, and a familiar man appeared in front of him.

"Ala, isn't this my junior?" She smiled coldly, put down her pen, and sat down with her chest folded.

To be honest, although I didn't want to meet, but after the meeting, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu still felt the pleasure of revenge in his heart.

Now she is a customer and a god, so how can she repay her back?

Shen Weihong sighed in his heart, but he still smiled on the surface: "Guest, you ordered Italian latte."

Chapter 32 In the Heart Sea...

"Guest, you ordered Italian latte."

"Oh? In the face of senior sister's greeting, is the junior's choice to selectively ignore it? Then, I have to tell the store manager later that the waiters in your store seem to have problems with their service attitude."

this woman.

Kamui Hong frowned, but kept smiling.

"So, let's start making it for you now."

"Oh, it seems that I have to add a sentence of 'ignoring the guests'."

She sneered and raised her chin: "Hey, don't you want to do it? Why are you moving so slowly, do it quickly, otherwise you can add another complaint."

Sure enough, it was aimed at him.

In an instant, Kamuihiro's smile disappeared.

"Can I call that a threat?"

"No, it's just my right as a customer." She showed a nasty smile: "After all, the customer is God, isn't it?"

To be honest, I don't want to use this trick at all, you asked for it,

Kamui Hong regained his smile and made up his mind.

"Of course, the customer is king."

While speaking, Shenwei Hong put down the teacup containing a quarter of espresso, slowly added milk into it, and then slowly stirred with a teaspoon.During the stirring, Shenwei Hong smiled and said, "Although I don't know why the guest is in a bad mood, but ordinary people often say that eating sweets can make you feel better."

The teaspoon lightly touched the wall of the cup, and there was a crisp sound.

What does drinking coffee have to do with sweets?Kasumigaoka Shiwa wanted to refute, but the crisp sound, combined with Kamui Hong's voice, made the senior sister suddenly feel relaxed physically and mentally, focusing only on his hands, his movements, and listening to his voice.

Consciousness also began to become chaotic, between lucid and fuzzy.

For just a moment, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu sat there in a daze, his eyes glazed over.

"The so-called latte is pronounced 'Latte' in Italian, which means milk. Therefore, compared with ordinary coffee, it will be sweeter."

As he spoke, he slowly poured the frothed milk down, shaking his wrist, drawing circles, and pulling the thread upwards.The senior stared blankly at the coffee, and moved with his hand, the last bit of milk froth was poured down, and beautiful flowers appeared on the coffee surface.

"Okay, drink this cup of coffee, I hope you can wash away your troubles today like swimming in the sea."

"Drink... this coffee..."

"Then, if you need to call me again, I won't bother you."

Kamui Hong put the teacup on the plate and went back into the kitchen.Near Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, the guests who heard what he just said all stared blankly and stopped their movements.

"Drink...this coffee...forget about your troubles..."

"Drink...this coffee...forget about your troubles..."

"Drink...this coffee...forget about your troubles..."

The guests who heard Shenweihong's words repeated his words in a low voice. After a few minutes, they all raised the coffee stiffly and drank it slowly.

As the coffee entered her throat, the girl felt as if her consciousness was immersed in the deep sea.

He kept sinking, the cold, heavy seawater squeezed his body, and it became difficult to even move. Finally, he sank to the bottom of the sea and came to a door.

The simple and elegant bronze door stands in the deep sea.

As if she was endlessly attracted to her, the girl moved forward without the slightest hesitation, pushing it away.

There was nothing behind the door.

Then, it felt like something was gone from inside me.

"What you need to forget your troubles is happiness and happiness."

A strange voice entered her ears, and then the picture replaced the blank, and what caught her eyes was the past.

The two people I knew well were myself and Shenweihong, on the rooftop, in the alley, in my living room, and in the small park.Different scenes, same people.

Then there was what happened, the unpleasant meeting with him on the rooftop, the conflict in the alley, the questioning in his living room, and the enlightenment in the park.

Then, the situation of the picture starts to lose touch with reality.

As they talked, the figures of the two got closer...

No, no, that's not true!

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu subconsciously opened his eyes wide, and his chaotic consciousness began to struggle, but the "strange" voice sounded again: "Isn't this happiness and happiness? Isn't this something that can replace troubles?"

Yes, this is what makes you forget your troubles...

The girl's consciousness returned to chaos again, her eyes continued to look at the picture, and her body subconsciously breathed in sync with Shenweihong's movements, as if she had become a character in the picture.

At the last moment, an idea popped up.

Isn't that strange voice my voice?


[Super power: Words and actions have hypnotic power, and the effect lasts for one day. Side effects: Once used, it cannot be turned off until the power is lost. 】

Powerful superpowers always come with risks, but the risks of this ability make him afraid to use them at all.

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