The content on this photo is almost all of what he did when he framed King Arthur these days!

The photos are very clear.


The coldness in the corner of Rex's eyes was very conspicuous.


There's also a picture of Rex looking crazy.

Everyone in the ultimate class, including Wang Dadong, Sister Sha, and the instructor Tian Xin, looked at the photo in Li Qing's hand with wide eyes, and looked at Rex with disbelief on their faces.

at this time.

Rex standing behind Wang Dadong.

His face was filled with disbelief.

He doesn't understand. .

How did Li Qing take this photo?

He obviously did it very secretly.


From the beginning to the end, Li Qin knew about her plot?

Or maybe?

He knew his plot, so the United King Arthur calculated himself?

Thinking like this, there is a chilling feeling in my heart.

For Li Qing, Rex's deepest impression is the fight in the alley, and the temptation in the classroom!

Except for these two times...

Occasionally looking at Li Qing, he was either studying or sleeping.

No matter what happened to the ultimate class.

Li Qing always seemed to stay out of the matter.

To sit there and read is to sleep.


As long as Li Qing appears...

It is a fatal blow to yourself!

"A good show that you have worked so hard to manage."

"May I ask, what is it for?" Standing where he was, Li Qing looked calm and spoke softly.

It seemed that everything was under Li Qing's control.

Rex was extremely upset by this feeling in his heart.


There was still a hint of panic in his eyes.


He calmed down quickly.

Rex's mind was running fast, constantly thinking about how to break the situation.

"You, think I want to do this?"

"When I first came to this ultimate class, Wang Arthur's face was full of displeasure with me."

"Isn't he looking down on me like this?"

"Besides, don't all the students in the ultimate class all dislike Wang Arthur?"

"So, is there any problem with me driving Wang Arthur away?"

As he spoke, there was a hint of anger on Rex's face, as if he had been wronged.

"Could it be that Wang Arthur's behavior against me everywhere, doesn't everyone in the ultimate class see it?"

At this moment, Rex yelled at the students in the ultimate class.


extremely miserable.

Very depressing.

These words are directly stuck in the hearts of everyone in the ultimate class, which is very uncomfortable!

Everyone chewed Rex's words carefully, and it seemed to make sense.


This is also part of Rex's plan. He met Wang Arthur and revealed his true identity, just to anger him, even if Wang Arthur was not angered by himself in the end.


In normal time, Wang Arthur has been targeting Rex, and everyone in the ultimate class can see it.

"Ha ha."

"Rex, you will not die until the Yellow River?"

"very good……"

"Let everyone in the ultimate class judge, what kind of grievances did you Rex suffer?"

As he spoke, Li Qing slowly took out his mobile phone.

Chapter 48 Li Qing exposes, Rex is ko.2


As soon as Li Qing's cell phone recording was played, the expressions of Rex, Wang Dadong, and the students in Class [-] Ultimate changed.

"You should be the mysterious person who attacked me that night? You are also No.2 on the KO list?"

"Ha ha."

"If yes, what do you think? If not, what do you think?"

"Sooner or later, you will be kicked out of the ultimate class by me, Rex, the legendary King Arthur with extraordinary combat power, but that's all."

"I will definitely expose you..."

In the recording, Rex's voice is full of coldness.

a time.

At the end of the class, everyone's eyes were on Rex, and Rex's expression changed instantly.


Drive out of the ultimate class?

These few key words slipped through the minds of everyone in Ultimate Class One.

In the class, everyone had disbelief in their eyes.

you!Looking at the eyes of everyone in the ultimate class around him, even Rex, from this moment on, his eyes were full of fear when he looked at Li Qing.

He never thought about it.

One day, he will be so afraid of a person's existence!

Li Qing, is he a devil?

It was as if everything was under Li Qing's gaze, and no matter what he did, he couldn't escape Li Qing's palm.

"Li Qing..." Arthur Wang looked at Li Qing with a touch of emotion.

He didn't expect that during the period of Li Qing's disappearance, he was secretly investigating Rex.

What's more, he didn't expect that when he was alone and helpless, Li Qing would stand up and do so many things for himself silently and secretly!

At this time, a warm current slowly flowed in Wang Arthur's heart.

"Rex, let me tell you very clearly that it is your business that you want to drive Wang Arthur out of the ultimate class, but..."

"The ultimate class has countless people who trust you, believe in you, and are willing to help you, but..."

"What about you? How did you do it?"

"Instead, you took advantage of your classmates' trust in you, Rex, and kept hurting everyone in the ultimate class. If you do this, where is your conscience?"

"There's a saying: It's not that we don't report, the time has not come!" Li Qing said calmly.


"If you even knew, why didn't you stop me?"

"What I hate the most is people like you who don't feel pain in your back when you stand and talk. You always talk better than you do."

Looking at Rex who still wanted to drag himself into the water, Li Qing couldn't help but sighed slightly in his heart.


"Kicking Wang Arthur out of the ultimate class is not your ultimate goal..."

As he spoke, Li Qing's eyes became very sharp, and his sharp eyes slowly met Rex's, and revealed the biggest secret that Rex had kept in his heart all his life.

"Rex, your ultimate goal is Wang Dadong, right?"

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar at the scene.

Rex's figure kept retreating, looking at Li Qing with horror in his eyes, as if he had bumped into a ghost.


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