【You are not afraid, right? 】

[Can you understand what I'm thinking? 】

Using communication-type spells, Sigurd directly entered his meaning into the brain of the girl in front of him.

This is to establish communication with the spiritual level, and it is possible to have a dialogue regardless of "language differences".

Therefore, even a girl who doesn't know hiragana and katakana, or even a girl who doesn't speak Chinese, can communicate with Chigrud smoothly.

[Do you know your name? 】

【name?Is that what other people call me?They usually call me "hey" or "that guy". 】

[No, that's not your name.I'm talking about people calling your name with a smile before you get here. 】

[Name... Yuan Zhou, my name should be Kihara Yuan Zhou. 】

Nodding his head, Sigurd got up and moved away from the position in front of the small metal bed, leaving enough space for the other party to come out.

Accelerator looked at Yuzuki Kihara, who was visibly uneasy just now, but now he slowly crawled out from under the bed.

The conversation just now was entirely based on spells, so even Accelerator couldn't notice anything unusual. From his perspective, Sigurd just squatted down, then got up and the child came out by himself.

(Because they are all "Kihara", do you have a special affection?)

From Accelerator's point of view, that's the only way to think about it.

The little "Kihara" stood up straight, and patted the clothes stained by the dust on the ground, but it seemed that the material was particularly easy to get dust, so even though he patted it, it was still dirty.


Looking at Yuzuki Kihara, who had been trying to clean his clothes, Accelerator clicked his tongue impatiently, and then the stubborn stain fell off with a wave of his hand.



Kihara Yusuke looked at Accelerator curiously, but Accelerator couldn't bear the feeling of being stared at by big eyes, so he turned his head uncomfortably to avoid looking in the direction of Kihara Yuzuki.

Sigurd stood up and looked at Accelerator who was disturbed by Kihara Yuzuki's arm knocking.

Although it looks rather indifferent, the current Accelerator is far from deep in the dark.

"On the one hand, you take Yuan Zhou to join the 'Da Tuo Sun God' and the others, and I will deal with the idiots above."

"Is it okay to let those idiots take this brat away?"

Hasty footsteps came from the corridor in the distance, and a large number of armed men approached from a distance.

Accompanied by the sound of the joints of the heavy metal armor locking, a group of fully armed personnel, even equipped with heavy armor, appeared outside the room.

Those armed men in pure black armor suits and equipped with night vision goggles like ski goggles were each equipped with different specifications of equipment and firearms.

If you want to talk about the only unity, it is probably the silver cross badge on the arm.

"The 'silver crosses' are all in place, Mr. Sigurd please instruct."

"It's enough to have these guys follow me. Compared with cleaning up those idiots above, protecting this child back to Academy City is the most important part of this mission."

"I seem to be able to be a babysitter... Tsk, I know. Go kid."

Accelerator looked at Sigurd's firm eyes without arguing too much.

Annoyed, Yuzuki Kihara supported him, then bypassed the "Silver Cross" troops that were ready in line, and disappeared at the other end of the corridor together with Yuzuki Kihara.

On the other hand, Sigurd glanced at the waxy corpse, and then instructed without looking back.

"Kill them all and leave none."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"This is an unexpected development."

"I think so too, Academy City's 'Kihara'."

At this time, Sigurd was confronting a middle-aged woman in a hunting suit...

No, or it could be said that Sigurd was simply standing, while the other party gave people a feeling of "going all out".

Especially the black mist floating around and the light blue birds soaring in the night sky, all of which reveal a strong flavor of Onmyoji.

At this moment, apart from the wreckage of the buildings that had just been bombed by the "Horse Racing Squad" indiscriminately, there were also armed men in black armor lying on the ground.

The original silver powered armor, which was more than two meters tall, also fell to the ground, the armor on the head was violently crushed, and the fragments of the armor almost penetrated and seriously injured the driver's head.

Bloody and bloody, although there is still breath, there is a high probability that it will be disfigured and severely injured even if it is rescued. If it survives, it may not be able to resume normal actions, and there is a high probability that it will be a disfigured vegetable.

Compared with him, although the situation of others is better, it is more subtle.

Although they all had vital signs, they all fell to the ground, feeling as if they had lost their souls, and fell to the ground with wide-eyed eyes.

Like an empty shell?

And the specific reason that led to all this has to start from a few minutes ago...


The dry gunshots of "da da da" were mixed with the screams of the surviving researchers in the main building.

The Academy City Anbu Troop named "Silver Cross" has an extremely strict division of labor and mobility. Basically, companions can fully cooperate without any special contests.

The metal tubular body of "Dangdang" fell to the ground.


What erupted was not fiery flames or deadly fragments.

The deterrent bullets were originally prepared to arm the ability users to suppress the runaway super ability users.

But at this time, after precise cooperation, it became the breakthrough weapon of this special force.

The guards of the building were completely thrown into disarray by the sudden deterrent bomb. They originally thought it was a grenade, so they chose to dodge it almost at the same time. However, Academy City's deterrent bomb against capable users does not rely on simple flashes of light to affect it.

Even if it is hidden in an armored vehicle, a deterrent bomb can instantly deprive the target of vision and hearing. Weapons derived from vibration and sound waves directly affect the brain, and simple bunkers cannot be completely avoided.

But it was also almost synchronous. In just a few seconds when the deterrent bomb exploded and the opponent completely lost sight and hearing, the members of the "Silver Cross" dodged and fired, using the latest technology from Academy City and large-caliber guns The armor-piercing warhead pierced through the opponent's body armor without pressure.

While the tension on the floors below was steadily being suppressed, a group of "Silver Cross" members on the top floor carried out an airborne assault through Academy City's armed helicopters.

The coordinated operations from top to bottom drove almost all the personnel in the main building of the institute together, and there was no possibility of escape.

"Silver Cross" is a special unit in Academy City Anbu.

Although they were all mercenaries in their predecessors, they are also veterans of the serious army.

That is to say, they are fundamentally different from some "self-taught" Yeluzi mercenaries.

There is a fundamental difference in the most basic military literacy.

"The v34 area has been suppressed and is moving to the s114 area."

【receive. 】

The man in front who looked like the team leader was communicating with other teams via radio, and at the same time, several members around him were all vigilant around, and when their companions were changing magazines, they unanimously chose to stop. Wait until the adjustments are complete before moving on.

There are two guards at the front and back, and the liaison and command personnel are located in the center, and there are members similar to "remedial positions" on the left and right, so as to ensure that when the front and rear companions are accidentally knocked down, they can immediately carry out supplementary defense and assistance. protect.

Using seven people as a combat unit to take care of each other not only ensures the combat effectiveness, but also the survivability of the team. Although it is not the most efficient configuration under this kind of crushing combat, it is indeed the most stable method.

Incidentally, this arrangement was decided by Sigurd, in his own words:

[The 100% crushing game was replaced by those rats, so it was a loss no matter what you thought. 】

At this time, the entire main building has been completely isolated. Although there are corresponding guards in the surrounding annex buildings, they cannot approach this side at all.

Not only "Silver Cross (Silver Cross)", although "Twin Turbo" and "Golden March" have already retired due to the problem of equipment ammunition and energy depletion, but don't forget, the same team also has "Mejiro Shinshin" and "Dark Cross". Tuo Sun God", these two members also use the famous horse as the code name.

"This is the 'Alpha Squad'. It is difficult to suppress the h28 area on the sixth floor. Apply for fire cover."

[The fire cover team understands. 】

Another building in the distance has already been captured, and the fighters gathered on the top floor have set up sniper rifles and even prepared howitzers.

The detonation of "pong" originally relied on the terrain so that the security personnel at the entrance of the sixth floor, which had been unable to be successfully captured by the action team, were frustrated.

The accuracy of the large-caliber sniper howitzer may not be particularly outstanding, but the deviation of a few centimeters in accuracy is completely made up for by the ammunition with a killing radius of four or five meters.

Originally, everything was instantaneous, and the "fire cover team", "support team", "reserve team" and "action team" were jointly suppressed from top to bottom. Those guards with minimal configuration had no ability to resist at all.

The "Silver Cross" advanced unimpeded all the way, and almost all the main personnel were rushed to the center floor, which is around No.13 to No.15 floors.

According to Sigurd's instructions, they don't need to care about the life and death of personnel. According to the "shoot to kill" order, the "evidence processing team" should be the final finishing touch after the unilateral massacre.

But it was also when the assault team at the forefront of the "Silver Cross (Silver Cross)" broke into the center layer, the mutation also occurred.

When they saw those thin, mummified corpses that were just dug out of an Egyptian pyramid, they also felt a chill down their backs.

But by the time they saw this scene, it was too late in terms of the result.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Is it convenient to explain?"

Spreading his hands, Sigurd looked helplessly at the fallen members of the "Silver Cross".

There was no sign of panic, and the overly calm Sigurd was nothing more than "Kihara's curiosity" to the woman in the safari suit.

"What? Can't the most proud 'science' of your academy city see what's wrong with this?"

"The first thing that needs to be ruled out is naturally things like nano weapons or electromagnetic waves. After all, when using such weapons at close range, you need to wear special protective equipment, otherwise you will almost inevitably accidentally injure yourself."

"please continue."

The middle-aged woman did not attack rashly, and the overflowing black mist did not disappear, but gathered behind the woman as if she had been guided by some kind.

Except for the uncertain black mist, the blue flying birds flying around the outside of the building and dragging out light bands at the tail still maintained each other's trajectories.

"Although relatively sophisticated instruments cannot be used, what can be seen with the naked eye is unreasonable coma and unnatural stiffness of the body. Generally speaking, this kind of situation would consider biochemical weapons such as bacteria or special gaseous substances. Perhaps there is also a You can see some traits in the 'mummy' around you..."

"Very interesting inference."

There was always a disdainful sneer on the other party's face, it felt like he was enjoying a ridiculous clown play, and he nodded quite cooperatively.

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