The man spoke impassionedly, without any wavering or doubt about his point of view.

"Do you know why the steam engine spread all over the world? The Industrial Revolution happened because everyone could use the steam engine and distribute the benefits equally. The sailing ships of the Age of Navigation looked free at first glance, but they had to It has to be approved and protected by the state. So fully private steamboats can easily win big.”

"Sometimes it's better to hide, especially when it's impossible to control the situation maturely. And what you said is no longer a purely technical problem, and the steamboat is not enough to become a murderous weapon rampant on the battlefield."

Sigurd still said without changing his face, as if he was not worried about the black silk threads that invaded his body.

"Just like a country with a big gun, if everyone can easily get a gun, then those who don't have a gun will be at a disadvantage. Then in order to protect themselves, they have to have a gun. And the number of people with guns has increased. , there will always be some 'pleasure criminals', and in the case of all people holding guns, once someone fires the first shot, then it is time for violent mutual shooting."

"That's why we need the guidance of a great teacher! Edward Alexander Crowley, who once belonged to the 'Golden Dawn'. A great magician has the ability to control the situation! As he once did, modern magic theory Doesn't the spread of the world promote the great development of magic?"

Chapter 28: How can there be time for you to "slowly"?

"When the gun appeared, the noble knights rejected it, saying it was against tradition. When the steam engine appeared, the weavers cried that those cheap mass-produced goods had no soul... But Under the relentless erosion of time, haven't their voices been buried?"

"But you can't refute the fact that once the magic is flooded and there is no effective department to control it, the war will not stop until the world is destroyed. Human desires cannot be easily satisfied. Just like the first knights were humble and polite And they are kind and loving, they sympathize with the weak and have a noble spirit, but from a later era, the knight is just a humanoid killing machine holding a metal weapon."

Ignoring the chain, Sigurd leaned back on the seat. Although his arms were bound, his wrists were still movable.

He picked up the teacup in front of him and drank the high-quality black tea unhurriedly.

The man didn't stop Sigurd's behavior, because he was sure that the "life force" in Sigurd's body at this time had been polluted by the Lord of the Flies' attack.

Then, no matter how powerful a magician this young man is, it is impossible for him to refine magic power for his own use.

"You won't succeed because the general world out there isn't ready for something as supernatural as magic."

"Before doing it, no one knows if they are ready. Just like when the understanding of modern magic began to become popular, no one would think that the teacher's theory can completely surpass the development of the past thousand years in less than a hundred years!!!"

There is no doubt that it is impossible to convince the man in front of him.

At the same time, the man also understood that the young man in front of him would never agree with his great ideals.

Both parties clearly understood what they should do.

"With great regret, I express my regret that our great ideals could not be conveyed."

The man shook the chain in his hand, those black silk threads began to twist restlessly, and grew rapidly, and waved restlessly.

"This process will not be painful. My technique will kill you instantly. Although you cannot recognize our ideals, we will not blame you. May the glory always be with you, young man."

"Using the power of the devil to say such things is just like your ideal. No matter how you look at it, your technique is third-rate."


High-heat flames gushed out from the side, and the fiery tongue forced the man to retreat to avoid it.

Turning his gaze to the stairs, he saw a little spark swaying down the stairs.

"You actually got rid of the protective spell? How is this possible, you..."

"If I'm alone, I'm afraid I can't even last five minutes. But you seem to have ignored the other magician sitting over there."

As the magician Stiyl Magnus said, he took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.And following the direction of Steele's finger, what everyone noticed was Sigurd who was holding a teacup.

"This is impossible, how can the 'life force' polluted by the 'Lord of the Flies' continue to refine the magic power?"

"So, have you forgotten how the 'Original Code' has been able to maintain its operation for thousands of years?"

The man was stunned, and at this moment, he finally realized that it was the napkin in front of Sigurd.

The seemingly disorganized waste paper, but the colors and placement in it strictly follow the theory of color painting of the five elements.At first glance, they are just used waste paper, but if you look closely, you can find that those paper towels have independently constructed a temporary "original book".

"Are you the recorder who wrote the magic book?"

There are very few magicians who can complete the writing of the magic book in a short time and actually guide its activation, even if you look at the whole world.

It is precisely because the number of such talents is even rarer than that of "sages", that is why the change of the magic book in the magic side has not been promoted all the year round.

Whether it is translating the "original code" or "transcribing", specialized personnel are required to carry out it.Without the protection of any ceremonial grounds and temples, a magician who can form an "original scripture" while being restrained is definitely a leading role even in the Puritan sect, so it's no wonder that men are so shocked.

"That kind of nerdy role is not for me."

Putting down the knife and fork in his hand, Sigurd ignored the chains that still bound him.

"Then let's change the assessment a little bit. Compared with the boring decryption game, do you prefer the exciting actual combat?"

"If you're good at it, that's what I'm good at."

"The time is 3 minutes. I won't make a move during the period. Your task is to defeat the opponent as much as possible. Whether you pass the assessment in the end depends on your actual combat performance. Then..."

A light blue hourglass appeared at Sigurd's hand at some point.

"Assessment begins!"

"You bastard!!!!"

Ignoring the exasperated man, Stiyl took down the almost burnt cigarette from his mouth, and flicked it aside with his fingers.

The cigarette flew out horizontally with sparks, over the metal handrail of the stairs, and hit the side wall of the first floor.

An orange line followed the cigarette, hitting the wall and sparking.

"kenaz (flame)──"

After Steele chanted the spell in a low voice, the orange lines exploded with a bang.

It was as if the fire hose was filled with gasoline and then ignited, and a straight line of flame sword appeared.

The paint on the walls of the library is gradually charred, like burning a photo with a lighter.

"──purisaznaupizgebo (Gift of Pain to Giants)!"

The flaming sword in his hand was swung horizontally by Stiyl, and the blazing fire wave swept across.

"Asmodeus, the fallen angel, the 'head of evil spirits' who knows the treasures of the earth, please protect your dull followers with scarlet wings!!"

Huge red wings wrapped around a group of men in black headed by a man, and after Stiyl's flaming sword hit the red wings, the flaming sword lost its shape, and everything around it exploded like a volcanic eruption open.

Heat waves, flashes of light, explosions, and black smoke are everywhere.

And the high-heat smoke and heat wave did trigger the smoke alarm in the library.

Stiyl couldn't help frowning at the loud and sharp sound as if he was being hit by an air raid.

In less than a second, the sprinklers on the ceiling sprinkle artificial rain like a typhoon.


"just began."

The moment he heard Sigurd's voice, Stil immediately rolled backwards, and at this moment, the black chains slammed down from top to bottom.

Accompanied by the deafening crackling sound, the flying marble fragments made Stiyl subconsciously raise his hands to protect his body.

Spreading the flames with both wings, he let the water fall on his body, and the man with a black chain wrapped around one hand stepped on the puddle on the ground with a ferocious face.

"Tsk, is my attack useless against the opponent?"

The blow just now was almost the most powerful attack Stiyl could make.

Although Stiyl is not good at large-scale operations, but under the current situation, there is simply not enough time for him to prepare materials and rituals.

"Then there is only one solution..."

Thinking so, Stiyl turned around and ran upstairs.

"Oh, a wise choice, but it's too late to think of running away now!!!"

Waving his arm, the man signaled his men behind him to pursue Stiyl.

Looking at the people who disappeared on the stairs, the man turned his gaze to Sigurd.

"Then, let me kill you first, and then slowly torture that brat!"

"Heh, where is the time for you to 'slowly'?"


Chapter 29: "Lord of the Flies" Disrespectful people standing in front of me, quickly clear them away!

Black mist like a mudslide gushed out from the stairs.

A large number of men in black rolled and crawled to go downstairs, but they were no match for those black mist with their human feet.

In an instant, the strong adult men turned into mummy corpses that seemed to have just been dug out of ancient tombs.

With a crisp sound of "crack, clatter", one by one mummies lost their balance due to the movement of going downstairs, and scattered the uncomfortable yellow-brown powder all over the floor.

"This is the defense mechanism of the Necronomicon!?"


The Stiyl who made the sound came out not from upstairs, but from the shadow under the stairs.

It wasn't Stiyl himself who ran up the stairs just now, but a phantom like a mirage.

"The defense mechanism of this 'Original Code' is to absorb the surrounding life forms and transform it into its own magic power to maintain its own existence."

Relighting a cigarette, Stiyl continued talking.

"So if at this time, the magic guide book found that there were twenty people who were aggressively trying to get close to me, what would it do? Ah, did I forget to mention it? Just before I came down... ..."

Breathing out a puff of smoke, Stiyl shrugged with a helpless expression.

"I put that book on the stairs from the first floor to the second floor."

"You bloody bastard!!!!"

The man was really angry this time.

Maybe he is not a good guy, but those men in black are all "companions" who have the same ideals as him, but the "companions" accumulated over the years just disappeared in an instant, and he instantly became a man with a bare-handed commander Roaring, he threw the black chain in his hand towards Stiyl.


Although Stiles acted unhurriedly, in fact, Stiles had almost used up his rune cards and magic power in order to get the "Necronomicon" to the stairs.

After all, he is just a nine-year-old child, and his physical strength and magical power are weaker than adults.Coupled with the particularity of Steele's technique, Steele has never exercised his body in particular.

Even in order to have enough magic power to use the rune magic that he is good at, Stiyl's body was even specially adjusted to a state of ignoring physical fitness and focusing on magic power with all his strength.

(The remaining cards are only enough to use the flame sword again, and the magic power is about the same...)

Stiyl retreated into the shadow behind the stairs, no matter how the men outside scolded him, he couldn't come out.

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