Li Moran took the items from Zhao Yuqiang's hands and opened them. It turned out to be a brand-new pair of underwear. She didn't know what had happened to Chen Xueruo in the past. She quickly caught up with Wang Ru and Chen Xueruo as she cursed: "This Zhao Yuqiang is too outrageous. He even gifted Xue Rou with a pair of underwear at such a critical time."

Chen Xue Rou was just worrying about how to hide it from Li Mo Lan. She didn't expect Li Mo Lan to be inspired by his words. "Mo Lan, that kind of person is too boring." Wang Ru only smiled, afraid that she would slip up.

But at this moment, Li Molin felt that something was not right. Zhao Yuqiang said on the phone that something was trying to return to her. Could it be that this underwear was Chen Xueruo's? She retorted, "Xue Rou, is there something you're hiding from me? "Could it be that this underwear was originally yours, and you guys have already …"

"Mo Lan, don't think too much, that was not even there. He said that he had something from me, that was an excuse, but he did promise me before that he would buy me a pair of underwear, but at that time, we firmly believed that we would be together. But now, he actually used this kind of thing to make me forgive him, it's really inconceivable."

Seeing Li Molan easily cover up her own matter, Wang Ru unconsciously admired Chen Xueruo's ability to react randomly. Li Moran believed it and said, "This is truly unreasonable. He's simply a hooligan."

The three sisters returned to their seats and continued to review according to the plan.

In the evening, Zhang Tie called Li Molan and said that he felt they were too tired from studying and decided to ask them to sing. Actually, Zhang Tie only wanted to send Li Moran by himself, but he felt that Wang Ru and Chen Xueruo would have wild thoughts if that were the case. Wang Ru and Chen Xueruo didn't want to be electric light bulbs. Moreover, singing was a very taxing and tiresome affair, which was very disadvantageous to their current plans to study again. They tactfully refused Zhang Tie's invitation. Thus, Zhang Tie went to the remote library to find Li Molin, and the two of them went out.

Although it was night time, Li Molin had always been bold. Additionally, she had Zhang Tie's protection this time, so she naturally had nothing to worry about. However, she didn't want to waste too much time. After all, Wang Ru and Chen Xueruo were both so serious, and she didn't want to fail the last exam. Moreover, there was also Zhou Ruo who was eyeing like a tiger, ready to overtake her at any time.

Zhang Tie said that he only had three hours. He wanted to call some friends, but in the end, he felt that the world between them was the most wonderful.

When they reached the KTV, the waiter led them into a small booth. This KTV had good sound effects, but it was made of glass, with floral paper stuck to the sides. There was a large part in the middle that was not covered by any cover, which allowed the waiter to see what was going on inside at any time.

KTV was forced to do so. Since many of the people who came to sing had to drink alcohol, it was easy for them to cause trouble, especially in such shameful matters. If the police caught them red-handed, they might close the store. Now leave a space, that is, can be monitored at any time, and the people who sing inside are a little afraid, so they do not dare to act recklessly.

The two of them ordered a peanut and two bottles of beer before they started singing. Although Li Molin usually drank some wine, she still avoided such occasions. However, seeing that Zhang Tie had ordered two bottles of beer, she didn't mind; instead, she thought to herself that drinking two bottles of beer could increase the atmosphere a bit. Even if she drank it alone, it would be fine.

When he got to the song "Knowing Love", Zhang Tie walked forward and embraced Li Molin. Seeing that Li Molan didn't object, he moved closer and kissed her on the cheek. The fragrance on his skin and his intimate contact with her made Zhang Tie's heart flutter.

Li Molin still didn't refuse after giving her a kiss. Zhang Tie then stood up, wanting to hug Li Molin and kiss her. Li Molan also stood up. She closed her eyes and kissed Zhang Tie as before. Her big mouth then completely covered Li Molin's mouth. The feeling of being surrounded had seeped into her soul.

But when Li Moran was still enjoying the sweet kiss, Zhang Tie's hand started to move all over the place. One moment, it was Li Moran's raised butt, the next, it was her sexy breasts.

At this moment, Li Molan pushed her away. "Be more obedient. This is a glass door. Anyone coming and going can see it. Wouldn't it ruin your reputation if you bumped into someone you know?"

Zhang Tie had no choice but to give up. However, he kissed Li Moran's forehead once again.

Li Molan half pushed it, but after it was kissed, she playfully said, "All of you men are the same. Do you want something to happen to me next? Let me tell you, I haven't given you my word yet. But since you took advantage of me, how are you going to compensate me? "

Taking advantage of what Li Molin had said, Zhang Tie moved closer to kiss her ear. Li Molan playfully said, "You scoundrel."

Zhang Tie was born cheap, but he still pretended to be good, "Moran, what you said is not right. If it was before, I would have thought that women were victims, but when you really came into contact with them, I found that women also enjoyed themselves a lot. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many cohabitation and miscarriages." If a woman feels like she's been stabbed with a needle while she's feeling proud, then she wouldn't be able to cooperate. A woman has a lot more intelligence than a man. "

"So according to what you said, I should cooperate with you?"

Zhang Tie burst out in laughter, "A good student is a good student. A good perception is a good one. A little bit is enough."

"Don't think of me as a slut. Although I admit that I'm not that restrained, I still have my own principles. Don't think of me as a slut." Li Molan said, "Sing well. You can't let your thoughts stray."

Zhang Tie wanted to kiss her nose again, so she pushed him away. "That's enough, I'll give you some color. You still want to open a dyeing workshop?" But now that you've kissed me so many times, I didn't take your camera for nothing, right? "

Zhang Tie teased her, "If you put it like this, this kiss of mine is probably the most expensive kiss in the world. At least, it will break the Venice World Record. But I think it's worth it. This kiss, I can definitely miss it for the rest of my life. "

They then started to drink. Originally, the waiter had given them a cup, but Zhang Tie didn't want to miss the chance to pull this relationship between them. He first took a sip, then let Li Molan drink. The two of them drank one bottle at a 1: 3 ratio, which meant that Zhang Tie drank three mouthfuls while Li Molin drank one mouthful. After that, Zhang Tie opened another bottle.

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