At this time, Chen Xue Rou was even more concerned about Wang Ru's opinion.

Wang Ruo calmly analyzed: "Xue Rou, actually, I know that you're a little moved, but my opinion is, let's be friends first. According to the current situation, Guo Wenbin will most likely go abroad, and now that we're graduating, it's impossible for us to give up our career for love when the time comes, so even if we're together, I'm afraid that there will be even more problems in the future. Rather than choosing a love that has no end, it's better to be an ordinary friend. If the opportunity is really ripe in the future, it's not too late to hold hands. "

At this time, Li Molan had a serious look on her face. "Ruo Ruo, I think you're being too conservative. A boy like him is something you can only hope for. Why be so careful? Even if we have a day of love, even if we break up later, what does it matter?"

Wang Ru smiled calmly. "We shouldn't worry about anything else. We aren't the main characters, so we can only express our actual thoughts. The key lies in Xue Rou's choice."

Li Molan still encouraged Chen Xueruo and made her let go of him. Start properly. New feelings, they could make him completely forget about the unhappiness of his old feelings, and they could also bring him a chance to be a new person. Wang Ruo still suggested that she think twice before acting. Meeting the right person, she needed to have the right opportunity, or else, she wouldn't be able to stay here for long. No matter how much a man loves you, this kind of love, when faced with problems such as distance, can still be lost.

Chen Xue Rou thanked them and decided to think about it.

They all went back to their books. Wang Ruo thought about it and decided to suggest that Chen Xueruo give up her relationship and focus on her graduation thesis and her job search. At the critical moment, she felt that she could not allow this matter to develop and become inactive, just like Chen Xueruo's previous relationship. If she had stood up to stop this, perhaps Chen Xueruo's current tragedy would not have happened, but now, she had decided to unleash her own strength.

However, considering Li Moran's attitude, she did not directly speak, but instead sent a long text message: Xue Rou, I feel that I still need to state my attitude towards this matter, I object to your deep relationship, I suggest that you keep your relationship with your normal friends, although the final choice is yours, but that is my heartfelt words. If it was a mistake in the beginning, I would rather miss it.

Chen Xue Rou read the message and seemed to be deep in thought. Before long, she replied, "If it's like this, thank you. I will follow your advice. I trust you."

At this moment, an unfamiliar call came in. Chen Xueruo picked up the call; it was from Guo Wenbin. He said that he had something to give her under Chen Xueruo's dormitory building. It was just a small matter and he hoped that she would accept it.

Wang Ru and Li Moran had only heard of Guo Wenbin but had never seen him before. They wanted to follow Chen Xueruo to see him.

The three sisters went to the dormitory building and greeted each other. Guo Wenbin then gave them the gifts he prepared. It was three big gift boxes, one for each of the three sisters. In addition, they also gave Chen Xueruo an extremely delicate cup.

The gift box was packaged in an exquisite and grandiose manner. With a glance, Chen Xueruo saw that it was a combination of dried fruits.

Guo Wenbin had indeed put in a lot of effort. These four items had nearly cost him a thousand yuan. The big gift box contained figs, pistachios, pine nuts, almonds, and other ingredients from 12 different combinations. This cup, although not big, was the most expensive one on the market.

Of course, Guo Wenbin had his reasons for doing so. In order to take down Chen Xueruo, he first had to take down her two best friends and make them his helpers.

After Guo Wenbin introduced the gift, the three sisters were greatly shocked. However, Chen Xueruo still rejected at the beginning, "I can't accept your gift, but I'm truly grateful for your good intentions."

Guo Wenbin smiled and said, "Student Chen Xue Rou, two beauties, thank you for giving me this face. I am only trying my best to express my inner thoughts, and am doing things that I would regret for the rest of my life if I did not do them, so I do not wish for you to feel any pressure in your thoughts. Although I like Student Chen Xue Rou, I will definitely not force you, and I accept any possible outcome. But first, I want to be friends with you. "

Guo Wenbin's words were extremely reasonable. Chen Xueruo glanced at Wang Ru, who said, "Student Guo, thank you for your good intentions. We sisters will accept this gift today, but this will not be the case."

In order to not be seen by the people coming in and out of the dorm, after a short conversation, Chen Xueruo was about to return to the dorm. Guo Wenbin had WeChat them and left a method of contacting them, preparing to go back. But right at that moment, a girl came back from outside and ran into Guo Wenbin. She enthusiastically pulled his hand and said, "Isn't this the famous person in our school, Guo Wenbin? I really envy you. You are my idol in my heart, can you take a picture with me? "

Guo Wenbin shyly asked, "May I ask who you are?" He pushed her hand away unnaturally. "You can take a picture."

The girl pulled Chen Xueruo, who hadn't gone far, back. "Hello, beauty. Can you help me take a picture with this handsome guy?"

Chen Xueruo took their pictures. After the girl took the photo, she said angrily, "If I had such a boyfriend, how nice would it be …"

At this moment, another girl, seeing that he was taking a photo together, also wanted to join in on the fun. She happily said, "Isn't this our famous celebrity?" Chen Xueruo also took a photo of them along the way.

For Guo Wenbin, this was a good start. The sudden appearance of these two girls had somehow helped him gain points.

After returning to the dorm, Li Molin took the initiative and said, "Xue Rou, where did you get this luck from? To be honest, giving away such a precious thing for the first time and talking about such a graceful guy, even I'm tempted. Are you really not interested?"

Chen Xue Rou calmly said, "Forget it, I'll think about it carefully. I'm about to graduate, so time is not allowed. Besides, I don't have the courage to start such a relationship."

Li Mo Lan said Chen Xue Rou in the blessing do not know luck, can have a relationship, like fireworks brilliant bloom, why care if the long? Besides, she clearly liked him, why did he go and purposely restrain him? How many years can a person's youth last? If such a boy were to be missed, would there be another?

Wang Ruo interrupted Li Molan. "Some things should be done right from the beginning. A fleeting beauty is indeed precious, but what we need is a long relationship, not an ending in a relationship."

At this time, Li Molan was not convinced and began arguing with Wang Ruo. Chen Xueruo was afraid of hurting her friendliness, so she quickly tried to persuade her, saying that this was her own problem and that she had a sense of propriety.

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