Li Qiulan's ex-boyfriend gave her the details. It turned out that a few years ago, he came into contact with a woman called "Leng Feng". This woman said that if he followed her, he could earn a lot of money, but she came looking for a guest. They usually don't go through the bank transfer, they just get someone to pay for their cash. They usually had a regular rendezvous, in a private hospital on Eighteen. There was a tree in front of the hospital with a bird hole in the trunk. He went to the bird hole every day to get information. He went today, but there was no information. As for the identity of this man, he had never met him nor did he know where he lived. He did not know how many people this organization had and how many women they had coerced.

Zhou Debiao thought that what he said was true, but he still wanted to intentionally trick him a little, so he raised his baton again, "You brat, you won't suffer any hardships, it seems like you won't be honest. According to the information we have, you are a core member of this organization, yet you still dare to hide it?"

Who would have thought that with such a scam, Li Qiulan's boyfriend actually told her Leng Feng's address.

Zhou Debiao asked if there was anything else he wanted to hide. He said there definitely wasn't any more, so the two policemen went in to help him out. Coincidentally, he met up with Li Qiulan.

"Qiulan, I'm sorry. Please forgive me?"

Li Qiulan lowered her head and did not say anything, neither did she look at him. Li Molin disdainfully said, "A person like you still have the face to say sorry?" In fact, whether he was repentant or not, Li Moran certainly didn't believe him. It was as disgusting as a woman who had cheated on a wild man and called her husband to say I love you.

"As long as we catch the cold wind, the remaining members will fall into the trap sooner or later." Zhou Debiao quickly reported this important clue to Director Wang, who quickly arranged for the police to head to the criminal's hideout.

Sure enough, they caught quite a few big fish in a single net. At the beginning, none of them admitted to their crimes, but after they were caught in prison, they saw that Li Qiulan's ex-boyfriend was also caught. They knew that the matter had been leaked, so they confessed to their crimes.

When Li Molan and Li Qiulan heard this news, they were very excited, but they never would have thought that the leader of this organization, "Leng Feng", was only a young girl. Although she looked anxious, mature and experienced, the information on her ID card was shocking.

It was said that there was no reason for women to make things difficult for women. However, this underage woman had caused harm to so many adult women.

How did she do it? Who would believe that she was the head of this organization? Could it be that there was a hidden black hand behind her back?

Director Wang arranged for people to conduct ideological education for them, to be honest and open-minded, so that they could cooperate and work together to achieve leniency. After this education and interrogation, the final conclusion was — this girl was the cold wind.

The police followed the clues provided by everyone and arrested more than 40 people. This criminal organization had truly ended here. In this operation, a total of 18 girls were rescued and the dirty information was successfully destroyed.

Li Mo Lan and Li Qiu Lan cried as they embraced each other. At this moment, Li Qiulan felt an unprecedented sense of relaxation and calm. It seemed that she had thought too much into the matter, thinking too heavily about the shackle on her body, causing her to lose the courage to face it. She did not dare to struggle free, thinking that it would be painful to earn a meeting.

At this point, Director Wang regained the freedom of the two sisters, and ordered Zhou Debiao to send her to the train station as a sign of gratitude if Li Moran wanted to go home.

However, there was one question that remained in everyone's minds. How did this underage girl do it?

Her parents usually gave her more pocket money, so she saved them up. After she had saved up ten thousand, she would find her two casual playmates and hire them as her subordinates. Then, she would use Gao Li as a lure, and step by step, she would be able to reach her current size.

After knowing the truth, Li Molin actually screamed. Li Qiulan was somewhat surprised, thinking that something had happened.

Li Molan hastily ran out. "It's bad, it's bad. I'm too preoccupied with the case that I forgot to reply the two bastards. Now they should be worried."

When Li Molan got the phone, she found that there were nearly 20 missed calls. There were more than 10 messages, and the call was from Wang Ru, and the message was from Chen Xueruo. Li Molan muttered while she was making the call, "The division of labor for these two bastards is very clear!"

The call connected as soon as it was called. It was obvious that Wang Ru and Chen Xue Rou had been anxiously waiting for news so they held their phones in their hands.

"Hey, you dead devil, are you alright? Why didn't you call us back? "This is killing us."

Li Molan didn't dare to speak the truth. "I'll let you two worry about it. I'll treat you two to a good meal when I come back. You can't blame me for this. We're helping with the case, so we won't touch our phones." As soon as we regained our freedom, I'll call you right away. "

"We almost called the police. Ru Ru Ru and I were so scared that we kept feeling like something had happened. Luckily, the heavens were willing to protect us, allowing us to hear your voice. Let me tell you, we didn't do anything today, so we just held our phones up to wait for your news."

The three of them talked for a while, and in the end Li Moran said she would go back tomorrow and apologize later.

After hanging up, Li Molin called her family and friends.

Meanwhile, Zhou Debiao came to them and said that he would keep his promise. It wasn't that Li Molin didn't want to go, it was just that she felt that it was too abrupt and was too embarrassed to disturb him. Zhou Debiao said, "I'm not talking about you two. If you miss out on my mother's meal, you will definitely regret it for the rest of your lives." Li Qiulan advised Li Molin, "Since he's so kind, why don't you agree? This opportunity is truly very rare! "

Li Molan pondered for a moment. "Alright then! But you're not allowed to pick us up. You tell me the address and we'll take a taxi. I'll call you downstairs. "

Seeing that Li Molan had agreed, it was as if Zhou Debiao won the lottery. He was prepared to go back and help his mother, "You can't not come. My mother is really prepared to wait for you guys, don't go back on your words."

After leaving the address, Zhou Debiao rushed home. His home wasn't far from the police station, and he could even see their building from where he stood.

"Moran, why don't we go together?"

"Qiulan, we can't possibly go empty-handed, can we? This is my first time coming here and I definitely have to buy something. This is a kind of courtesy, it's not weird to have so many people around. Besides, I don't want to owe them anything. Let's go to the supermarket. "

The two went to the supermarket to pick and choose. In the end, they bought a jar of walnut powder and a jar of oatmeal. These were all supplements, and most parents would probably like them.

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