While Li Moran was deep in thought, Director Wang suddenly said gently, "Do you know why I talked to you first?"

This question woke Li Molan up. She thought, "Could it be that Director Wang is going to use some sort of condition to tempt her and then make some request of her?"

Li Moran stammered, "Why..." "Why is that?"

"Miss Li, to be honest, according to my analysis, your good sister Li Qiulan is indeed a victim, but there's one more word to be added — — one. In other words, there were still many girls like Li Qiulan who suffered inhuman torture and injuries. According to the information I have, this is a huge cyber criminal group whose leader, using photos, disclosure of privacy and other threats, demands that women sell their bodies in order to make money for them. "

Li Molan panicked and unconsciously said, "My god, what the hell? In other words, Li Qiulan wasn't controlled by her ex-boyfriend, but by a criminal organization? "

"Miss Li, don't panic. Although I'm not sure what role Li Qiulan's boyfriend is playing right now, I'm sure he belongs to this criminal group."

Li Moran completely forgot about what Zhou Debiao said to her about Chief Wang. Instead, he stared at Chief Wang in shock. "What do you want to do next?"

"This is also the reason why I'm looking for you. Li Qiuran is, after all, a victim and her mood is unstable, so you have to do her job well in pacifying her, letting her work with us to capture this criminal group in one go. Furthermore, we need to go along with the plan, not a single big fish or small fish will escape."

Li Molan blinked her eyes. "So, Li Qiulan is very important to you?"

"That's right, she is the key to our success or failure this time, you are also very important to us. If you can do a good job with Li Qiulan, when things are done, I will reward you as appropriate."

Hearing the word "reward" made her happy in her heart. She said carefully, "Director Wang, since my role is so important, can I make a condition?"

"Go ahead."

"Bureau Chief Wang, I don't want any rewards. I've already explained Li Qiulan's situation, no matter how this matter is handled, you must do a good job of keeping the secret. Otherwise, even if you saved her, it would be equal to killing her." Also, can you return my phone to me? I have already said that I will return to school tomorrow, my classmates are waiting for me, the teachers and friends in school are also waiting for me.

Director Wang jokingly said, "Miss Li, you really know how to choose your timing when to make a condition. Moreover, it's not the same condition, but two conditions."

Li Molan had never interacted with officials like the director. After hearing what Chief Wang said, she wondered if she said the wrong thing, but Chief Wang became gentle again: "Miss Li, don't think too much about it, the job of keeping secrets is our responsibility. We should protect everyone's privacy and let them live peacefully afterwards. You can also give a short rest or even call your teacher and friends, but you must avoid Li Qiulan, and must also carry on under the supervision of our staff.

"Then what is my mission?"

"Your task is to find a way to pacify Li Qiulan's emotions, so that she can act a little bit more like her, and also do a good job of thinking, so that she can actively cooperate with us."

Lee Moran imitated the soldier on TV and gave Director Wang a military salute. Although it was not standard, Director Wang responded with a salute. Li Moran secretly admired Director Wang, "Someone who can be a Leader, it seems like they aren't simple!"

At this time, Director Wang asked the female interrogator to take Li Moran to get her phone and take care of her own matters. After that, he arranged for them to rest.

"Dong Dong!"

Li Qiulan's heart was thumping, and she slowly opened her sleepy eyes.

"Dong dong, dong dong!"

The female interrogator knocked on the table a few times. Only now did Li Qiulan realize that she was actually sleeping in the interrogation room.

"The inquiry for today is over. Your friends will come to find you later. Our staff will arrange for you to rest when the time comes."

Chief Wang specially presided over the general meeting and listened to everyone's opinions on the next step. After discussion, in the end, they all agreed that they would first capture Li Qiulan's ex-boyfriend, then look for clues from him to follow. At the same time, he ordered, "Once a former boyfriend is captured, the rest of the team must be prepared to attack at any time and not give them time to catch their breath."

After Li Molan made the call, she went to rendezvous with Li Qiulan. Afterwards, they were arranged to stay in a secret prison dormitory.

Seeing the staff member walk over, Li Molan comforted, "Qiulan, your good days are coming soon. Just now, Director Wang talked to me and said that he will definitely solve your problem. He will return your peaceful life. You need to be confident."

Li Qiulan worriedly said, "Even if we catch him, what if my privacy gets leaked? What's the point of me living?"

Li Moran knew that Li Qiulan was still a bit troubled in her heart, but this worry was also normal, so she told her what Bureau Chief Wang said. Li Qiu Lan was also caught off guard, and she was greatly shocked, when she faintly recalled that in a previous transaction, there were actually several girls who served the guests.

Li Moran took the opportunity to say, "Qiulan, you've suffered so many grievances, so you must make them pay double the price. You must make them be punished by the law, and save a girl who's been ravaged just like you."

Li Qiulan was still a little scared, but thinking about the police backing her and how she had suffered so much inhuman torture, even if she had to give it her all, she couldn't let this bunch of bastards get away with it.

"Qiulan, you should have reported this to the police a long time ago." If I hadn't come to see you, if the police hadn't caught you, it would have been hard for me to imagine how much more you would have suffered. "

"Mo Lan, to be honest, if I didn't force myself to do this, I still wouldn't have called the police. I'm afraid that the grievances in my body are nothing. Once I ruin my reputation, I will never be able to lift my head up again." Now that the police have intervened, I have nothing to worry about.

Li Molan still comforted her, "Qiulan, I don't think the situation is as serious as you think it is. They just want money, and that's their primary goal. If they get caught, the police will destroy all the evidence they have and give you a clean world. "

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