Bishop of the Devil

Chapter 776: Make a deal with the Eagle


Since it is a goalkeeper level team, it is undoubtedly the eighth and ninth ranking in the east.

If there is no surprise in this ranking, it will probably get a draft pick between 13-16.

Richard estimated that if the deal is truly reached, the Hawks's record will fall at least 90% of the time, so that their draft picks are likely to remain within 15th.

Richard does not need to be too high, as long as it is within the 15th order.

The key eagle's quotation really attracted Richard not the draft pick. After all, Griffin was the bargaining chip, and there was no top 15 pick.

It is mainly Al Horford who is attracting Richard.

As a player of the same season with Oden, this season is now the fourth season of Horford in the league, the last year of the rookie contract, after playing this season, he can sign a new contract.

This is why the Eagles are willing to take Al Horford...

Horford's strength is not weak, but in the eyes of the entire league, maybe his strength can only be described as not weak.

At present, Horford, in fact, has not made much progress compared to the rookie season. At present, the Eagles may be able to contribute about 15 points and 9 rebounds per game.

There is no doubt that such a data compares with the first champion Oden or the same Durant, obviously there is no sense of existence.

It is not weak to say that he is weak. As a rookie contract that has not yet been executed, he has been in the second position in the Hawks. In fact, it is already good.

But let's say he is strong, because he has the same reference objects as Oden and Durant, which makes him not very eye-catching.

The style of the game is not gorgeous, and the data can only be described by the level. Shaving off the excellent basket organization ability, it seems that there is no dazzling flash point in Horford.

In this case, the Hawks are also hesitant, whether to give Horford top salary?

If you give it, you are unwilling, after all, a top salary will lock up the team's large salary space and make the team lose the opportunity to continue to strengthen.

And if you don’t give it, no one can say whether there will be any team offering a top salary to Horford this offseason. If this happens, the Hawks can only watch Horford leave...

In hesitation, Richard's side is also a good idea for the Eagles management team building.

That is to trade Griffin with Horford plus a first-round sign, because Griffin's rookie contract has two years left, so in the next two years, the Hawks don't have to worry about salary issues and can be recruited with the top salary. An excellent player...

In this way, Griffin, Josh Smith and top salary increase, this is the prototype of a strong team.

If the deal is not made, the Hawks may only end up signing Horford with a contract with a top salary or close to the top salary. At that time, the salary space will be locked and the team will lose the reinforced salary space.

Although I paid an extra first round sign, but the first round sign is not high, so it is so easy to get a strong newcomer.

Rather than picking a junk player out of luck, it is better to take it out and make a deal, which is more secure.

Anyway, from an operational point of view, the Eagles deal cannot be singled out, even if it is Richard, if it is not the reason for crossing the person, he may face a situation like this, and he will make similar choices to the Eagles.

A lottery-edge draft pick, the probability of picking top strong newcomers, in fact, only less than 10% chance, even 10% may not be reached.

With such a draft pick, plus a Horford looking at the contract expiration, in exchange for Griffin plus a reinforced salary space, how to see how it is cost-effective.

Richard, after careful consideration, also decided to agree to the Hawks' offer.

Al Horford is still very tempting for Richard.

In Richard's view, Horford is definitely the kind of underestimated player, ready to be ignored by the fans.

This stuff is a bit all-powerful, and Milicic may not be as good as Horford in all-around.

Griffin is naturally very strong, and scoring rebounds can be said to crush Horford, but in fact, depending on the advanced data, Horford is better than Griffin in every aspect...

Note that it is every aspect, any one aspect.

Needless to say, the organization ability, everyone knows that Horford has a top-level organization ability in the basket.

Whether it is the Eagles at the moment, or the Green Kai joined by later generations, Horford's ability to organize under the basket is a very important weapon for the team.

In addition to the obvious ability to organize better than Griffin, advanced data such as basket shooting rate, true shooting rate, steal rate, block rate, rebound rate, turnover rate and so on are all better than Griffin.

This is a bit scary. To say that the steal rate is better than Griffin, it is estimated that the fans can still understand, after all, Griffin's wingspan...

But other aspects are better than Griffin, no one can think of it.

Griffin, who often makes all kinds of dunks in the basket, is not as good as Horford, who looks at the basket. !

Horford's success rate for rebounding is higher than Griffin? !

With a blocking success rate per 100 rounds, Horford, who seems to bounce at a matchbox height, is also higher than Griffin?

Anyway, if it is not real data, Richard certainly will not believe it.

But the facts are the facts. Horford is such a player, and the low-level data does not reflect his strength.

The reason why this situation occurs is that there is only one explanation. This player is not the kind of big brush player, and there is no high craving for data.

This is also not Richard's word of mouth. With Horford's organizational ability, in fact, it is not difficult to make a triple-double, and at least it will not be difficult. Only two triple-doubles are recorded in his career...

For quasi-triple doubles, Horford is quite a lot, and more than a dozen times are quasi-triple doubles that only need one rebound or one assist to make a triple-double.

It can also be seen from this that this guy really does not like to brush data.

What does low-key have meaning? Horford can almost interpret the meaning of this sentence.

Such a player, how could Richard give up.

Because in the 11th draft, Richard will take at least two forward players, plus the original Sun Yue, in fact, there is no need for a data brush power forward...

According to Richard's Actually, he originally wanted to bring Milicic to his triumphant love, but Jordan must have killed him and could not promise to sell Milicic.

Horford is now a replacement for Milicic, which is a good choice.

As for Horford's contract year right now, it's actually not a thing for the Clippers.

Little Shark's contract is about to expire. After his contract expires, the Clippers' salary is not enough.

Just signed Horford to fill the poor ghost line...

This signing is four years, and this wave of newcomers to renew their contract is also four years later. At least in the next four years, Richard will never have to worry about salary issues.

Not surprisingly, Richard's core lineup next season will be Al Horford, Klay Thompson, Kawhi Leonard, Sun Yue and Thomas Jr.

Of course, this is no accident. If something happens, there might be some changes.

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