Bishop of the Devil

Chapter 153: Unsolved O'Neal

O'Neal is tall and has good athleticism. He has been stuck in front of O'Neal, and the defensive effect around the front is pretty good.

Fan Maniac is not crazy enough to go to O'Neill for a high-ball...

Unless Fan Maniac has a real missile guidance system that can accurately pass to O'Neill, otherwise, in this case, passing the high ball is undoubtedly sending a steal to O'Neill...

In the end, the Lakers' offense round was handled by Eddie Jones from the outside.

With the help of Corsi's pick-and-roll, Eddie Jones made a shot, which was good luck in the shot and went straight into the net.


"The defense is pretty good. If you can keep this kind of defensive effect, then the Lakers can only fight with our anti-aircraft guns!" Carlisle smiled all over his face...

Although the Lakers have made a good start now, there is no coach accountant who is more successful than this round. They are more concerned about the performance of the players on the field...

Undoubtedly, in Carlisle's view, O'Neal, who is the top of Big Ben, and O'Neal's defense around the front are very good!


Following the Blazers' offensive round, Bryant did not pass the ball this time, but rushed towards the elbow with the help of Rashid's pick-and-roll.

Near the free throw line, Kobe shot a jumper.

Hit! Kobe helped the Blazers to equalize the score.


Richard looked patiently at the game on the court. Although the offensive round defense was just right, Richard was also very clear that if O'Neill was really so easy to solve, then he would be the most dominant insider. Some of them are not true!

Sure enough, the Lakers' second offensive round!

O'Neill was directly near the free throw line, reached for the ball, and then, like a human-shaped bulldozer, lowered his center of gravity against the big Ben and slashed toward the three-second zone!

When the Big Ben was pushed into the three-second zone, O'Neill stepped directly and dunked!

The basket roared because of O'Neill's huge weight!

With a big face, he is really aware of the power of O'Neal's basket!

Previously, Big Ben had a lot of first-class insiders, including even the old dream of Olajuwon.

But none of these top-notch insiders can just dunk in front of Big Ben with just their body.

Of course, Olajuwon can win the current big book in the matchup, but he is not as tough as O'Neill, but in his own footsteps...

"Damn it!" Big Ben clenched his fists and scolded. He really felt the tremendous pressure on O'Neill!

O'Neal was even shocked, and he naturally knew how big Ben's defensive strength was under the basket!

It is no exaggeration to say that if the current O'Neal is going to match up with the Big Ben, the Big Ben can easily destroy the Little O'Neal!

However, it is such a strong big book, but he has no choice under O'Neal's offense!

"Make up defense! Help defense!"

"I want your three eyes to follow the ball, not the people!"

"When you see him on your back, you'll get me wrapped up!"

"I would rather he score the ball than I want to see him wreak havoc on our inside!"

Richard's voice came from the sidelines, O'Neill's unsolvable place appeared on the field...

O'Neal who catches the ball under the basket is very unsolvable, but if you think he can be solved without letting him catch the ball, then it is too simple to think about it!

Although there are now five-second back-to-back violations, the time it takes O'Neal to play from the elbow with the ball and push it to the basket does not need five seconds at all!

And when pushed to the basket, O'Neal can directly turn over and dunk!

Even if Big Ben is defending him now, it will cause him a lot of trouble, but he still can't use five seconds!

"It would be great if Big Ben's power could be stronger, so that O'Neill would not be so easy to get into the penalty zone!" Richard thought silently.

Big Ben is also the same idea now!

If your strength is stronger, it would be fine, at least not by Shaq so easily!


The game continued and Robinson missed the next attacking round of the Blazers.

When the game reached three minutes in the first quarter, the Lakers had led by five points. At 11:6, O'Neal over the Lakers scored three goals in three minutes and scored 6 points alone!

100% hit rate, 3 of 3 shots!

O'Neill's big killer gave Richard a dismounted horse!

In no way, Richard can only shout a timeout, this is the earliest time since Richard entered the NBA!

Only three minutes in the first quarter, O'Neill forced Richard to have to call a timeout!

"Come on!"


The Blazers fans on the court also knew that their home team was in a bad situation and could not help but cheer for the players!

"Don't panic, guys!"

"The game has just started, we don't have to lose!"

"Three of you, continue to execute our defensive strategy!"

"Jemaine, I need you to do something next. When Shaq receives the ball under the basket, or when he holds the ball alone to the basket, even if you can’t see if he has an offensive intention, you have to Send him to the free throw line!"

"As long as Shaq is under the basket, as long as Shaq has a ball in his hand, you will send him to the free throw line!"

Richard had no choice but to cut the shark directly in the opening time!

Although Big Ben's hard-top O'Neal's effect is not ideal, he still can't make too many fouls, he must be left on the court to contain O'Neill...

If there is no big book, O'Neill's killing will come even more violent!

As for O'Neal, this game can play a little role. Around the front defense, even if his six offenses leave, Rashid can take over this job!

Then put Robinson on the small forward, Bowen took the field as a quarterback!

Even other players can be unchanged, and the old Sabonis debut!


Hear about Richard's tactical Everyone nodded and knew what Richard wanted to do...

The shark-cutting tactic is not a rare thing. As early as the Chamberlain era, opponents used this tactic.

Later, the Mavericks head coach mad scientist Nielsen, was able to carry forward this tactic.

And also raised the shark-cutting tactics to a theoretical level, "defensive players repeatedly foul a foul opponent player, the defensive effect will be better than a regular defense!"

This theory is not indiscriminately said by old Nielsen, it still makes sense!

Repeated fouls against players like O'Neill have a small chance of making O'Neill feel upset. In this case, it may affect his already low shooting rate...

And there is also an attack rhythm that can disrupt the opponent.

The effect will naturally be better than regular defense!


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