Chapter 1470 People are really scared

  Beautiful women are all experienced, and without exception, they all see desire in the eyes of men.

  But the man's state is very weak. He sweats all over, shrinking in the corner of the cage, even breathing is restrained, obviously he doesn't have the guts to come into contact with these big beauties.

  Beautiful women have always been not afraid of men who look down on sex, but they look down on men who have **** but not courage. For example, the men in this cage make them look down on them.

A blond and blue-eyed woman with heavy make-up approached Snake Qi and asked in fluent Chinese: "Aqian, why did you raise such a nasty and interesting pet? Look at his eyes, as if he wanted to People are really scared when they come up and do something to them."

  Snake Qi smiled lightly. He looked at the woman and asked, "So, you don't like him anymore?"

"Aqian, you hate it. How can people like other men? People have always had you in their hearts. Do you still doubt people's love for you?" The woman talked and wrapped her arms around Snake Qi's neck. , Jiao Didi wanted to get close to Snake Qi.

However, Snake Qi has no interest in this woman. He turned his head to avoid the woman's movements, and said casually: "If I say that one of you can satisfy this man, I will give her thoughts. What about everything you want?"

"Really? That person wants a limited pink Lamborghini, Aqian, you gave a Selena last year, but you didn't give it to others. They are so wronged." While speaking, the blonde beauty has already Sitting on She Qi, he twisted his body as if teasing him.

  Snake smelled the scent of perfume from the woman's body, and a touch of disgust appeared in his eyes: "Go away."

  The woman originally wanted to act like a baby, but when she met She Qi's cold eyes, a feeling of fear suddenly rose in her heart.

  A woman has never seen Sheng Qian show such a terrible expression, and she was so scared that she subconsciously left Sheng Qian, pulling away from Snake Qi.

As soon as the woman left, Snake Qi regained her calm expression and said calmly: "I will give you a chance. Whoever can make my little pet interested in you, I will give her a big gift. "

  At this moment, the women who were still a little worried were all interested in an instant, and their eyes turned to the young men in the cage, as if they were staring at a delicious cake.

  The man was holding back his inner desire, murmured breathlessly, resisting: "No, don’t, don’t come close to me..."

"You are really serious. But man, there is no need to be patient. Come on, let me help you release it." A girl in a black miniskirt stood up and walked to the man proactively, twisting presumptuously through the cage. Moved her body.

  If the average man sees this scene, I am afraid that he will go crazy.

  But the man in the cage covered his mouth, and squeezed his body to the corner. It looked like he was afraid of coming into contact with a woman.

  The man’s disgusting look immediately touched the girl’s self-esteem. She was furious, and annoyed she cursed: "What are you hiding? I think you are Yangwei!"

  At this time, a red-haired woman stood up and smiled mockingly: "I think you are not attractive and attractive enough, right? Get out of the way and let me come."

  While speaking, the red-haired woman arrogantly walked towards the cage and made a very bold move.

  (End of this chapter)

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