Big play bone

Big Slaus 759

So everyone exhausted all his best, and the sound of the storms smashed the face, and instantly stunned in the whole space, then the garden began to shake.

This time, the horizon is blue.

The Blue Riciary is completely unpredictable. It is not expected to be held in the garden. It does not expect the garden. It is not expected to be so strong, and it is not expected that this concert is unknowingly loaded into the history. With the identity of the singer.

Even now, look at the scene as a volcano hairst, like the garden of the sea, someone told Blue Rise, this concert is creating miracles and history, blue rites are still in the nose. But reality is that all this is being staged, in the case of writing history, the parties are often the last known.

"Ah!" The vast screams still have no signs, God knows that Blue Rise just just hit a greetings. However, the emotions have been brewed, and the fermentation in the two songs extends, and finally continued to come out, and the sound broke out.

Madison Plaza Garden, foot can accommodate 20,000 people, in just forty-eighth-hour propaganda, 20,000 people can all fill, which is not typical. People can say that "love crazy" is far-reaching, can say "Don Quixote" is high, can be said that the influence of Blue Rich is not more than, but it is undeniable that in addition to supporters, Opponent -

Those opponents holding a conspiracy, the doubt, those who fall in the stone, disdain, those who disdain, disadvantaged opponents.

However, the opponents are still just a few.

Among the thorns of 20,000 people, it is like a dripping, it can't affect the overall situation. It is even more unable to fight. It can only be passively followed by flow, then feel the body and mind, feel the shock of the soul, until the moment, they Understand: Why is the blue ceremony called "Don Quixote".

In the eyes of the world, this group of people behind the times, not in society, remember the past, weird, uncomplete, biased, nerve, strange, lonely, mysterious; but, in the heart, they are not different, they are also an ordinary person Have your own life, have your own personality, have your own enthusiasm. The only difference is just that they are dreams.

It is like a Tang Quixote.

On the road of , they are lonely, but they are sincere. When they meet each other, from the soul, from the summons from the same kind, no language, no communication, seems to be souls to respond.

In the vast sea of ​​people, everyone is looking for, and the poor is looking for the sound and confidant with his soul. From this point, they and the so-called "ordinary people" have no difference, even more fortunate than "ordinary people", because they found each other, through "Don Quixote" album.

A song "Time", singing all the world vicissitudes; a song "Going forward", the Taoist soul color. Then, they all got together, cheering, showing, enjoying, and released.

At this moment, opponents felt unprecedented loneliness, envy, and jealousy and admiration, sour and hardship, oily. At this moment, the Madison Plaza Garden, which belongs to Don Quixote, is not against the opponents.

In the glow, the blue ritual nose is not from phalmic acid, and the moving emotions collided in the chest. He never believed that he never spokes, but today, Stanley Charles saw the scene seen, Neil Tursen saw the scene, George - Slande saw the scene, and Hayser- He also saw the scene seen by Kros, and he finally saw it.

The power of music, the charm of the stage, the texture of the soul ... Also, the weight of the dream. The heavy stadium is in the chest, can't prevent it, before the blue rumor, the eyes have been slightly hot, which makes the Blue Rich have some wolf. He firmly believes that he is an actor, before, now it is true, the future is true; but on this stage, he sees the other side of the world.

"Don Quixote" is the component of the album, even the Blue Rich is a bit unbearable. Fortunately, he is not alone.

Long spit out a breath, the blue rites have pressed down, indicating that everyone is quiet, but the shouts and screams continue to continue, and after five minutes before and after, five minutes, When the ear begins to make a humming, when the sound begins to make a sand, the snoring will gradually calm down.

The blue rites didn't have an eager to talk, just quietly looked at the vast ocean in front of him, everyone gasped in the big mouth, but the face took a shameful smile, and many people were constantly waving. The air in the garden is so burning, so suppressed, so that it seems to be resent again.

Two thousand people, the mind cannot imagine the scene of the scene, the language is so small and weak, just just in the mind with the eyes. Everything is firmly inscribed in the mind.

"Wow, have you sure you have not walked wrong venues? If you go wrong, the return window of the ticket is now closed." Blue Rich believes in a small humor, laughing in the audience. Without the ground, the blue rites once again glanced over, and the exclamation could not help but fill in the mouth, "four days, in the Madison Plaza Garden, a concert was held. This is an impossible task, but at this time At this moment, I am standing on the stage, but you are standing in the garden scene, we are witnessing the miracle. "

"Hey", the cheers and screams of the scene will once again, and it will help the blue gift.

"I think, we really need a little miracle now." Blue Listed softly, "This is a concert belonging to a person. She has been persuading that I held a concert, but I think this is not necessary, because No one will want to watch my concert at the scene, a guitar, a period of performance, which can be seen everywhere in the streets in New York. "

The laughter of the audience, interrupted the blue rites, his own mouth is not coming up, "So, I refused. I sincerely, I never think this is my stage, even if I have. Don Quixote 'this album, I still think that, I believe that this is her stage, she can shine here, she can achieve dreams here. But now, she needs a miracle, so she is I stand here, call for the birth of the miracle. "

Startily standing in the same place, letting the power of the words began to ferment precipitation, after the chaotic thoughts are reinited, the blue ceremony will open again, "My friend, Hayser-Cross, she is a sixteen year old. The girl, but he suffered from myramus atrophy lateral sorracy, I know, this is a very long vocabulary, I don't understand, simply, this is very bad. "

That is like "anti-cancer me", the torrentship of Admiration, once again let the scene make a laughter, but it is contaminated with a bitterness. However, Hayser smiled very happy, sincerely, full of happiness, full of happiness.

"It can be simply understood as that she is slowly dead, but there is no power, then she will gradually lose the ability to walk, and the ability to talk, there is a breath. The voice of Blue Rich is so calm, but the power is It is so huge, "she hopes to stand on the stage of 'US idol', she hopes to be a singer, she hopes to use her own song to infect others, even change some people's destiny. But ..."

The discourse is cut here, and it is weak. Human beings are so small in front of the power of life and death.

"Tonight, I am standing here, waiting for a miracle birth. This is the concert of Hayser-Cross, Hayser, I abide by the agreement, now I am turned to you."

825 carnival

This is a concert belonging to a person.

This is a concert of Hayser-Cross, which is also a concert belonging to Don Quixote.

Pay tribute to each of the dream roads, falling into the collision, but never give up, Don Quixote; pay tribute to every weight, try to give up, but finally choose a dream, embrace freedom Don Quixote; Also pay tribute to every life that is inactive, boring, blooms in Don Quixote that belongs to yourself.

On this loneliness and desolate concert, the dream is the protagonist, and the opponents are not self-contained. They are praying for a miracle, Harr - Krosse recreate, continue to chase the miracle of dreams, Don Quixote raises a long gun, defeating the miracle of the windmill giant.

This is the agreement between the dream.

Standing in the same place, Al Li-Kros is trying to try to be strong, try to calm, try to optimize, but all efforts are all in vain, do everything straight to the shoulders, tears are still unrestrained to start the decisions, weeping.

She heard, she heard, calling from Blue Rise, from Hather's persistence, shouting from Don Quixote - they are praying for a miracle, a miracle of dreams, also belonging to the miracle of life. Always arrived at this moment, she understood the meaning of this concert and understood the reason why Hayser re-awakened.

Unprecedented, Eli is so eager, eager to stand on the stage, eager to make a dream, eager to continue life, eager to deduce different colors in limited life time, eager Sherpho can choose to fight courageous as Don Dodes.

I am eager, Hayser can abide by the agreement.

Fortunately, they chose to come to this concert.

The left hand palm came to a warm touch, and the conditions were reflected in the line of sight. Ali met the bright scorpion of Hayser, she wiped the tears on the cheeks, showing a big smile. , Then I saw Hayser Zhang Danedi, said with a mouth shape, "relax!"

Ai Li stunned, then I couldn't help but laugh in my mute; looked up, I went to my husband in my sight, and then I saw DRIK's smile and ridicule. Aili turned over a big white eye, and he raised his hands. stand up.

In the next second, the voice of Blue Rich is coming on the stage. "Since it is a concert, let's return to business. The next song!"

Brush, everyone's sight is thrown up towards the stage, and Eli is no exception. Since the past week, she truly relaxed the first time, short-term, just a short-lived pleasure and happiness.

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