Big play bone

Big Slaus 561

Jason is just a special focus on his performance, and it is like a boy, it is like a poet, while singing. But even Jason, he had to compromise the reality. His music began to become popular. He began to become commercial. He began to publicize all major radio, and he began to convene a tour concert. It is not said that this is not good, in fact, Jason's music is still a rare pop-up, the quality is still very good, but it is less amazing soul that year.

Tims will not blame Jason, and will not hate Jason. Just, he listened to those albums before "I am your" all day long, and cherbes the soul that will never lose. But the blue ceremony in front of you is so pure, even more pure than Jason.

No propaganda, no news, no business, no packaging. It's like a crystal clear crystal, you can look at it, but it will refract the color of the people.

Imagine, he has seen "speed and excitement / love 5", but I don't know "Don Quixote" is a blue ceremony; he has heard that "Don Quixote" is countless, but I have never seen any Promote, even even the purchase channel is so rare. Blue Rich has a thousand tens of thousands of ways to promote this album, speculation news, add more rays to yourself, but he didn't. Nothing at all.

Everything is music, only about music. Such a pure music is so beautiful, beautiful, he just wants to leave himself, reserved privately, do not want to tell others, it is terror, it will change, it has become commercial, become Vulgar, it becomes cheap; but he is worried, his selfish will let the blue rites caught in the predicament, and maybe such music is the singer. Only one.

Life is always like this, so simple, but so complicated.

I looked at the stage on the stage, but I only knew the young people who sang, and the eyes became warm, and there was a smooth singing voice in the ear. "The only gift for God will give me the only gift is once. Life and a divorce, but I read the script, the play is just right, so I will play my role. "

Tims is high, raised his own hands, and the tops of the film, but it is not compromised by autonomous, tears. 10


605 temporary interview

Music, everything is just about music. Without any conversation, there is no nonsense, there is no rest, the blue rites are on the stage, and the nine songs will be performed continuously. This is not a fans who meet, nor a business performance is a simple concert, completely in the music, free to fly.

It is also a song performance, and a thunderous applause once again, and the shore shot hit the pioneer village in the shore. At this night, this bar was suffering and suffering, but Among them.

This time, the blue rites did not continue to sing uninterrupted, but gently spit out a sigh of relief, reach out, took the water cup of Ningdu, and drunk a big mouth, dry and burning throat as if the desert, Crazy absorbed water, all 36,000 pores on the whole body opened, which kind of comfort and smoothness.

This is a new experience, a bit similar to the performance of the pioneer village, is somewhat different; it is a bit similar to the performance of the concert, but some differences. This awakens the memory of the blue cerebelings in Broadway and the West of London. A small stage, a shining spotlight, a zero-distance viewer, just through the performance of the stage and the audience, becomes a link to each other.

"Excuse me, can I ask a question?" Just drinking a water in Blue Rise, a surprised voice under the stage, in an instant, everyone saw the past, and the noise gradually calmed down. In the limited space of the pioneer village, even if there is no microphone, his voice is still clear and bright.

Blue rites showed a smile and said a word. "I have been avoiding such a link, but I am caught now." After finishing, he nodded, shrugged, expressed the agreement, I drank a sigh of water again. Then put down the cup and looked at the source of the sound and said his respect.

"Why do you record this album?" Timsi still can't hold the inner excitement, and put the biggest question, "We all know that this is a album that can not sell. Even if the money is promoted, It is also destined to get a market recognition. Sorry, please forgive my rude. "

So in this way, the singer's album must have to flop the street, indeed rude, but the blue ceremony smiled and said that he didn't care.

After receiving encouragement, Tim West said, "I mean, even if there is so many people today, maybe this is all. The mainstream market is not in this album, the mainstream market will not Recognize this album is excellent. Even a few senior musicians or music reviews have given an approved, it is destined to be a album that cannot be widely spread. "

Timsi is not in the falling stone, but is in the heart. On the one hand, he hopes that more and more excellent music can appear, not goods, but true music; but on the other hand, social reality is constantly bringing hits, the dreams of life are getting smaller and smaller. Suddenly dig the "Don Quixote" and joy, but started panic. The kind of mood that has suffered from suffering is only to be placed.

In an instant, everyone's sight looked at the blue ceremony.

The blue rites will have a short hair, and the forty-minute performance made him sweating, even the hair became wet, "I think this can answer another question: Why know if you know that you will fail , Do we still try? "

One trick, let everyone in the scene have fallen into silence, this is a philosophical problem: know how many people who fail, I will try it, how much? It's like a sports competition, I know how many people who can't win, I would like to do everything I don't have to fight hard. How is it?

"I think, maybe I am looking forward to, one, even if there is only one, there is such a person, after the album is coming, I can understand the connotation in the melody, I can understand the sincerity in the song, I can know that the ending is Failure, but still unwillingly went down. "The corner of the blue rose is always smile, and the line of sight glanced at the corner, George, Stanley, Neil and others are standing there.

He is fortunate, he has encountered one.

"Excuse me, what is your favorite song in the album?" Among the silences, some people raised their hands, it was just the true feelings of Tim Simi's heart, but now, obviously detonated other people in the field. curiosity.

Blue Rise is not asked, "Can you talk about your choice first?"

"'Old Pine Tree'." The other party did not hesitate to answer, and then George made a whistle, expressed recognition. Surprisingly, the scene immediately remembered a few whistles again, and it should be.

"'Beast'." Blue Rich has not paused, and the answer will be given.

Generally speaking, the singer will be asked by this issue during the publicity period, and the singer's answer is always the main song. On the one hand, in order to promote, on the one hand, it is also because the number of other tracks in the album is uneven, and it is often the best choice. Of course, for the creation type singer, it seems that ten fingers are generally unable to make a choice.

The Blue Rich's answer is too simultaneous, so that it is out of the stage, "Why?"

Blue Li loudly, "So we arrived, a back orphan. It is beautiful, casting the crown." He didn't answer his answer, but read this lyrics.

Create this song because Chris Heimsworth, the short shoulders, let him really understand the contradiction between dreams and reality and struggle; like this song, because Hyrh grams Ross, this girl flashed, let him self-embarrassing, only holding a double punch, persistent; falling in this song, because George - Slend, his persistence, his mad, his forget, He became a lighthouse in his persistent, he dreamed that one day, it was able to reach the opposite side of the vast space.

Even in the avatar beast, I don't hesitate.

Music is really a fun thing, isn't it? As a creator, in those listeners, the taste is different, and the new comprehension is saved. This is also one of the biggest charm of art.

"Young master, before the 'Elan show', you only cost a few minutes, create 'your bones', is this true? Or TV show?" So questions, from the name It can be a Blue River.

"Ha." Blue Lishi smiled directly, "I can understand that this is the praise for me? Neil, this is your taking care of you?" A sentence, let the scene laugh, " For many people, complete a song creation within a few minutes, this is not an easy task, but in fact, it is not so difficult. "

Blue Rich once again picked the guitar again. "In the past 60s, the blue songs were most popular, and the rock songs were very complicated. However, after entering the 1990s, the arcracks began to gradually become simple. This creates a current creative system. In general, only four chords can only play any popular songs, I said, after the 1990s. "

"Are you serious?" The scene was questioned. They didn't matter whether it was Blue Rise on the stage. Hall, everyone sent questions, Neil also fell, rustle, speaking, "show," Show! I challenge you can't do it! "This, the scene is really chaotic, and many people have blown a whistle, and they have stapped.

Timsi Zhang Zhang's mouth, in fact, "Your Bone" This melody is really less complicated, but this song is really essence is in the lyrics. That is a modern narrative poem, with the method of metaphor, man, and metaphor, and integrated with death into it, and the mood is very strong, but it is integrated with the melody. This is the most powerful part.

Create such a lyric, maybe it is not difficult to get it, after all, this is not writing poems; but in just a few minutes, it is a cumulative and precipitation of a person's knowledge and cultural connotation and family education. Not easy.

Timsi is more curious about the so background of Blue Rise, but now, it is easy to lift, blue cereals is blurred. Obviously, everyone still likes this is something. It is undeniable that Timsi is also very curious: four chords? How do you listen to how it is arrogant!

"Katie Perry's 'fireworks'!" Aid couldn't help, shouting songs, chose the hottest song on the bulletin board, and still dance.

Blue Rich glanced at Aid, laughing, and then quickly switched four chords, "I'm four, these four are enough. 'Firework', right? How is the lyrics sing?"

Blue Li recalled, then start playing, " Some rhythms are not the style of the folk songs. It actually retains the original pop tunes of "fireworks", but there is no original electronic accompaniment, and some are more angry, and some are more chic.

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