Big play bone

Big Slaus 510

Half of nervousness, expecting half, Sami is slightly shaking, walking into this school in front of him, this is the scene of "ultra-off" shooting. Now the summer vacation has begun, the whole school is emptied, and you will lose a four-week, you can't see any portals, which makes Sami's footsteps hesitate.

She had to pack the excitement of the mood, and concentrated attention to the location of the crew.

In the playground, the footsteps walked in the building of the teaching building, and finally saw the staff in the hallway. There are not many people, about Moqi, eight people, two, three are holding the light gauge, detecting the light of different positions, then whispering; other people are resting, next to each other In the box, you will know the box of equipment equipped with a camera.

Note that the appearance of Sami, people who are resting, after the Sami politely greet, they refer to the front, "The second room in the right hand, now there are two people, all there."

Sami slightly surprised, because worry is late, she arrived at the scene as a hour later than the scheduled time, actually actor earlier than her?

According to the experience of TV drama, the actor's arrival time and staff are different, because the staff must arrange the film in advance and prepare to shoot. If the actor arrives in the scene in advance, then the site is a busy scene, and the actor will basically do not appear, because it is not necessary.

But today is different. Is the Sami's mind that couldn't be hidden, is it another newcomer? She asked her own agent, I learned that this is a movie about the school. Director Tony found a large number of real high school students without any shooting experience. So, is these actors who arrive in advance?

The foot will not be accelerated, and I look forward to the upper wind, standing in the door of the classroom, carefully looking into the probe, she is a little screaming - holding his mouth in time, but she still leaking a sound, that is blue ceremony! That is really blue gift! The person who arrived in advance is actually a blue ceremony!

He wore a set of unique suit, white shirt, smoke gray jacket, obliquely striped tie, a golden brown short hair combed into a volt 2 or eight points, completely revealing the handsome five sense; he casually Sit in a student seat, a spread book is placed on the desktop, and it is looking for it. In the elegant, a book is rolled, it is like the first golden sunshine on the first green buds in March.

Really him! Dreams really becoming a reality! That kind of strong sense of hit Sami, and the excitement has shouted before the brain made a reaction. She quickly grabbed her mouth, flewing her eyes and looked at the blue ceremony. Due to the confidence and gradually evolving.

Fortunately, her shouts did not have alarm blue ceremony - he still read, did not look up.

Sami did not pay attention to another figure in the classroom. It is a girl who is similar to her age, the fat body, and the top of a corn, and the eyes turn over, but I don't dare to look at Sami. , Just through the hanging silk, quietly, quietly looking at Sami. Note that Sami projected past line of sight, she immediately transferred a line of sight, pretending to happen.

This is a completely strange face, at least Sami does not know.

Sami walked in the past, sitting down next to the girl, the sight is always can't help but floating towards the blue ceremony - they have two rows of seats between them, at least five, six meters far, but heartbeat still Control is not accelerated. So, Sami cast a good look at the only companion, did not dare to say, only to say the mouth and the sound of sound, "What should we do?"

The girl still did not turn over, but the line of sight was captured, and then shook his head, and it was a response, but it did not say it. do not know? Prefer not to say? inconvenient? What is the meaning of shaking his head, making people foggy water. But obviously she did not explain the intended intended.

Sami is a little quietly, but the whole person always looks uncomfortable, no matter how to break, it can always capture the blue rites, which makes her completely calm, so I will get the girl again, "I Call Sami-Gar, what about you? "

The girl hesitated for a moment, said with a voice called the mosquard, "Betty." Pauses, just think that this is almost when it is all, she said, "Betty-Kaye)."

Betty-Kay, director Tony Kay's daughter will play Merreis in the movie. Tony considers a lot of actors when he is the Merrett, but it has never found a suitable choice. In fact, he put his eyes on his own daughter. In fact, Betty did not become an actor's intention. .

In the "super off", Henry appeared three desperate women, one is the Ai Ruka, which is Sami, one is Christina - Hendricks played Sarah, and one is Betty played. Rothis.

But Merris is a tragedy, suffering from obesity, and the cold violence of the school and the school, helping Henry, but by Sarah, I thought Henry / sex / invade her, leading Henry to pull On the desperation, Merreis chose suicide.

Betty's childhood life is very unfortunate, not because of obesity, but because of the bumps from the family and the lack of confidence. Tony believes that Betty can interpret the kind of traumatic feeling of Mere Des, so persuaded Betty. But this is a torture for lack of confident Betty.

From this perspective, Tony is not a competent father, more like a artist who walked into the devil.

However, Sami did not pay attention to the meaning of "Kay", the sound of the surname, the sound is not a little excited, "What should we do now? Can you talk to the blue gift? Do you know the blue ceremony?" That flashed I look forward to the eyes of my eyes staring tightly, but Betty has smashed the mouth, and the small spoke shook his head. This suddenly made Sami fooled pot, "What! How can you not know blue ceremony?"

After saying, Sami realized that he had disaster - because she didn't suppress sound, they shouted directly. This is lost, more importantly, I still buddy to the work of Blue Rise.

She tightly covered her mouth and quietly looked up and scared and nervous.


546 script exercise

There is a quiet in the classroom.

Sami firmly covered his mouth, stealing a bit of Betty, then lifted his eyes, carefully looked at the blue ceremony, but found that the blue gift did not raise his head, as if not paying attention to the sound in the classroom, Even her appearance is outside the radar, still concentrating on reading the book in front of the eyes.

This makes Sami a little peace of mind, but then there are some lost, she has not yet greeted with Blue Rich so far, but she is still not sure, at this time, the opening, bothering the blue rites, this is it suitable. So, Sami turned to Betty, and used the line of sight to make a suggestion. Unfortunately, Betty has always low his head. The chin is tightly passed, and only the line of sight is floating. The rest is unwilling to give more reactions.

Sami is annoyed to pull down the shoulders, repel the head, looks like a broken puppet doll, and the fresh body language fully illustrates the disappointment at this moment. The small eyes of the resentment continue to go to Betty, for a while, and you will sigh, and you will be sighful, rich and diverse expressions are unique.

"If you are bored, you can start fluttering the script." There is always a sound in the classroom, saying that there is no noisy, but it has always had a disorderly airflow to fluctuate, this sound is actually more annoyed than the noise, as if you breathe The rhythm is interrupted.

If it is a full-god to put the script reading, then the blue gift will not notice, but after the script reading temporarily, the whole manicure and chaos become extra obvious. So, Blue Rich simply looked up and looked at the front two girls, couldn't help but laugh.

Sami's body is full of fresh vitality, which seems to be unconpected with the tone of the whole movie, but the facts are just the opposite, the ancient spirit is the most special flash point of Ai Ruka, some naughty Some of the world's true romance, this fifteen-year-old girl's tract is a strong contradictory feeling, but also brings an impact, she is seeking Henry's salvation, but she also saved Henry. .

Betty exudes a special temperament, with a strangeness, and a small vitality in the sadness, in the rest, it is urgent. In this role, carrying a movie gradually changing main line, growing in the filth, breeding a weak hope, eager to rush out this mud, she found it in Henry, but this The intention is the way to gradually disappear, and finally, the final cliff is selected.

The script of "ultra-off" is a typical stage drama writing method, and the relationship between the characters is unlikely.

Samera, as a teacher, she is an educator who is due diligence, she tries to save these children, but she can't find the way, and heavy stress is almost necessary to crush her; more importantly, she is I am also eager to redeem, she hopes to take out this hell, if it can, she will choose to leave, leave far away. She thought Henry was the key.

In fact, in the heart of Sarah, the hopes of the hopes have been extinguished. She doesn't have hope for these children, but more thinking that they can escape, escape far away. In essence, she is dark, desperate, and painful. So, when she saw Merrett's embrace in Henry, the first idea was negative. Maybe, from the beginning, she didn't believe that the Henry will be the key.

Erica and Merrees have climbed from the darkness of the darkness, always looking for bright exports, proactively move forward; Merreis is from desperation of the abyss I never really believe that I can get redemption, hold a hint in the hands, it is like fine sand, gradually disappearing. Both people put their hopes in Henry, but they went to different endings.

Just choose from these three roles, you can see that Tony has chosen a natural actor, looking forward to the characteristics of the temperament on their own, rather than spending his own performance, staying as much as possible Give the lens language more space.

But the accident appears on the blue ceremony. If in accordance with the trajectory of the previous world, Tony chose Adrian-Brodi, which is also a very color performance, although the performance of Adrian is unquestionable. In this way, there is no peak, but from the finished product, the whole work is immersed in a sad and desperate emotion, and there is no further, and there is no enhanced level, staying in place, constrained movies more excellent possibilities .

The performance of the Chinese rules, the blue ceremony can reach Tony's standard, and then dedicate Adrian's performance, but Blue Rise is not only satisfied with this, the blue ceremony "ultra-off" can be superficial, which is better than blue, this It will depend on his performance.

Blue Rise has repeatedly read countless script, but today's reading has a new perspective, the minds begin to gradually conceive performances - not an idea role, but conceive performance. This is a typical difference between the expressions and method piers. Of course, don't say that the expression will not consider the role. The performance of the performance is always a role, but the interpretation and analysis after deepness is completely different.

Perhaps he should start the practice of the script, not alone. So he interrupted reading, noticed the trivial sound of the ear and saw two young girls.

"What?" Sami said with his eyes, and it didn't seem to understand the words of the blue ceremony. Betty sitting next to it is a face, walking back and forth in the blue ceremony and Sami.

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