Big play bone

Big Slaus 287

However, this does not hinder the blue ceremony. After he put his hands behind him, he faded that the silhouette of the figure was in front of the footsteps, "Ruian, Edad; Edison , Ryan. "

Comeone is not Edied - Who is Hall?

Tonight's Idi is still full of cool, a short complete combs, the head left on the right, combing a short fish bone, neatly arranged, and the souvenir is bright; The black long dry spurts, leather and tulle stitching, in practice with a strong personality; but on the feet but stepped on a big red open toe tall heels, crashing down the fatal sex / sense; There is no extra decoration and embellishment in the upper and lower, which is grand and sharp, and it is clear.

No need to deliberate smoky makeup, do not need a unnecessary strange dress, just just normal evening gown, Idi is perfectly mixed with the nobles, strong visual impact Let people look side.

Blue Rich has already happened to usually, and it is not surprising, and she is not the most beautiful in the Golden Globe Ceremony of the Stars, but the unique personality is definitely a bright landscape; It is Ryan but not used to, the bottom is flashing, and the line of sight is curious between Blue Gifts and Idi.

"I didn't have any relationship with him." Idi said, said that it is eager to get rid of blue rites and clarify himself.

The blue ceremony is not refuted, and the corner is rising, "I thought that your level is high enough, don't come to this site, this is not the live children who don't get the flow?"

As a photographer, Edad appeared at the Golden Globe Award, there are two possibilities, or represent the magazine, or it is taken on the spot. From the perspective of the probability, the latter may be large.

Idi raised the chin, and I said yang, "I was written on the side of the shooting. Four public relations companies hired, if not this, I am too lazy. Who knows, the Golden Game Award The ceremony is the most bored, and the real play / meat is on the celebration party for a while. However, I am not a dog, I am not interested. "

The so-called side write is not difficult to understand. In order to attend such an occasion, every actor is bound to be carefully dressing. In the official live photo, it is often a cruel, even the official news, it is not satisfactory. Therefore, public relations companies will hire senior, senior photographers, and record the side of the scene to record the most beautiful side of the actor.

There is an Oscar in the network for circulation, Audrey-Hepburn and Grae-K, before, waiting to announce the moment, elegant and quiet. That The photo is the earliest side, but it was taken by Osca official photographer.

During the speech, Idi came down to see his own camera, just turned back, Ryan looked up, she captured a moment. Sure enough, the blue rhyme is still the most expressive in the dynamics, and the photo of slightly lost focus is recorded in the temperament of the precipitated temperament in time.

"Then you should go back to the background now, now it is the most lively place." Blue Lichen is friendly.

Idi, "Haha", laugh, "I know, I am specializing in laughing," She blinked the right, "How, I have a bit of gray tonight, how?" The blue rites did not change the smile, Edied took the blue ritual arm, and nodded heavyly. A pair "I understand your hardship" expression, "Baby doesn't cry, come on, come back next year."

Then, Edid is proud to turn over, and go to the long pace.

Ryan is standing next to it, "... ... she is your ex-girlfriend?"

Blue Rich looked with Ryan, turned over a white eye, "My aesthetics is not so bad, ok?" Ruien also wanted to justify, but saw the serious look of Blue Li, the back of the words had to Swallow.

Looking at Ryan is clearly curious, but can't ask the expression of export, Blue Rich feels very happy.

He knows that Edad is coming over to express her care, with the way of falling the stone. Hall home is not good at expressing his emotions, or said, not willing to express, indifference, calm, cold, all emotions are like stopping the ECG, which is not shocked, just like Elf. If Edid doesn't care, she will not come over.

Looking at the back of Idi and disappearing in the crowd, many people around him began to say hello. Obviously, now in Hollywood, Idi is more than blue.

Refer to the line of sight, Blue Rich saw Tom Hanks in not far away, "Ryan, I have to play a greetings, do you give together?" If Rui En is willing, he can refer to Tom for Ryan. However, Ryan shook his head. "I just greeted by Vinci."

David - Vinci?

"I wish you good luck." Blue Li said, then walked in Tom. The footsteps of the blue rites have not been reached, and Tom has seen him. It has a big smile on his face. When you open your arms, this makes the blue ceremony can't help but hug? Tom usually is not a hug type.

Although doubt, Blue Rise is still giving Tom a hug. This scene has fallen into the eyes of many people around.

Tom took the back of the blue rites, expressed comfort, "Tonight is really a regrettime." That looks at the words, you can listen, he has now resumed the consistent calm, the just awards are ridiculous And out of control has been exhausted. However, the look of the anger is still flashed in the bottom.

"The Pacific War" is indeed a decree in the empty-handed tonight, and Tom is dissatisfied.

Then Tom launched the arms and looked at the blue ceremony seriously.

This is not a guest's words, "Wars" is a new movie that Steve is shooting, the age of the male protagonist is set to 20 years old, and the temperament and the "Pacific War" Eugene-Sli-Slene is a bit similar place, There are more different. The movie's perspective is locked on a horse, the waving space for the male protagonist is not very large, which also needs to be more meticulous.

Thinking, Blue Rich is the most suitable candidate.

"But unfortunately, Steve's slow shot, you have begun to shoot new works." Tom's face, "To this end, Steven is still a temper."

Blue rites have a little accident, showing a wrist expression, "Is it a temper person should be me? I missed this time, I still don't know where the next cooperation is."

This turns Tom laughs, "I missed your moments tonight, I and Steven I regret. You are in 'live buried', I know. You know, where is my favorite part? Tom sold a Guan Zi, after two seconds, this only said, "Opening. In the dark, the performance is really feeling your ability and talents. I have been looking forward to it. To your more works. "

What is Tom mean? Why is the blue ceremony always feel that there is something in his words? Still, is it just how much he thinks?

323 due to misfortune

Najused lightly, he entered the room and looked at the blue ceremony that was sleeping. Last night, the Golden Games in the Golden Games have been returned until four in the morning. Now it is 10 o'clock in the morning. In the depths of sleep; but Andy is sitting in the hall at this time, and ask the blue ceremony to wake up, so what should he do?

Najuse station in the same place, some embarrassment, not, refund is not, then a hoarse low sink voice is passed on the bed, "What?" The thick sleeping will also take a nasal sound, lazy and exhausted.

Najuse was shocked, and he said, "Andi came over, he said, there is an urgent point to find you."

Silent, a silence, Najuse can't breathe it, just when he thought that Blue Rise and fell, the voice came again, "I gave me ten minutes, I will come out."

I heard this sentence, Najuseng Changsheng spurped a sigh of relief, said, "Good." Then I launched the room again.

Blue Rise likes to sleep lazy, even keen on sleeping, not only because of the last generation never really sleep well, every day is limited in the box box, every day's sleeping time is generally precise; later ten years, a day Lying in bed / on, but every night is not stable.

Also because this world is unwind, it is almost what people want to suffocate. The noble life is not as free, in fact, the nobles get up every day, time, three meals, the afternoon tea time is strict Strict rules. If a Baron sleeps late for two consecutive days, miss breakfast, this will become a topic that will become a tee after tea in the aristocratic circle.

Blue priest knows that sleep is not a good habit, especially for people who are unswerving to realize their dreams. But Blue Rise did not want to repeat the mistakes of the first generation: for a goal, it is alone, give up his life, and even give up self. Dream is very important, but the dream is only part of life, not all.

Now, since Nasen has awakened him, then it is when it got up. In the nest of love for three minutes, then the blue rites sat down straight, and closed your eyes toward the bathroom.

After ten minutes, Shen Qing's cool blue rites appeared in the hall, watching Andy sitting in the living room, said, "I thought it was a holiday today."

"Here is Hollywood, every day can be holiday, but every day can be a working day." Andi also replied, blue ceremony sat next to the sand, watching tea, full of Dangdang newspapers and magazines All are reported about the Golden Games last night. "After the award ceremony last night, Tom is hugging you? Also comfort you?"

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