Big Panda Boss

Chapter 802: Hijacking

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The young people who were still noisy suddenly seemed to have become Miyoshi boys, and they all took out their books and looked at them seriously. It's just that these guys can't help but sneak at a place when they look at the eyes, and then exchange their eyes back and forth with each other.

Chen Fan, who was in a false sleep, had naturally noticed it earlier, it was just the childish behavior of a group of hairy boys, and he didn't care about it at all.

Because the spacecraft has to travel through most of the Terra Empire, it has to pass through several transition sites in the middle.

And every time you pass a station, a fully armed battle mage will board the ship for inspection to prevent demons from mixing in.

One day later, half of the trip.

Passenger ships slowly docked into a prosperous Star Harbor. Some people disembarked at the station and others boarded the ship.

Chen Fan touched his pocket, took out a piece of dry food, and ate it.

"Well, ma'am, I have an extra piece of magic bread here, do you either?" the young man named Reed sitting next to him plucked up the courage to ask in a low voice.

Chen Fan glanced at him, but turned his face flushed nervously, holding a piece of white bread with a bewildered expression.

"Thank you, no need." Chen Fan thanked the other party's kindness with a faint smile, and continued to nibble on his own dry food.

Reid pursed his mouth with disappointment, and turned his head to find that his buddies were gloating, and he stared in anger.

At this time, a fishy smell floated from the back seat, and the passengers in the cabin frowned.

Chen Fan didn't turn his head, just glanced with his spiritual sense and found that the barbarians were eating the jerky they were carrying.

But the taste of those jerky can only be described in one word, but these barbarians are eating with relish, and they don't care about the eyes of others.

The passengers dared not say anything. After all, someone came out with an arm that was thicker than your waist. If you really do, it must be yourself.

The young little mages sitting next to Chen Fan wanted to show their heroism in front of the beautiful women, but at this time another group of passengers boarded the ship, crowding the passenger ship with a lot of excitement, leaving a few people with no room to play.

Perhaps because of the deep inside, there were still many empty cabins that were crowded with noise.

Chen Fan took out a pair of headphones and put them on, immediately the whole world was much cleaner.

The passenger ship soon set sail again, speeding up into a jump channel.

A slight bump in the cabin restored stability.

Chen Fan continued to close his eyes and rest up his mind. Seeing that there was no chance of stubbornness, Reid, who was sitting beside him, could only flip the magic book in his hand with a look of sadness.

Suddenly Chen Fan smelled a peculiar smell, but no one else noticed it.

After half an hour, the noisy cabin gradually quieted down, and all the passengers fell asleep.

After waiting for another moment, the few barbarians crowded in the last row opened their eyes with grinning faces.

"Boss, I didn't expect how the drugs we got from the Demon Race would work. Is it enough for us to go home and marry a mother-in-law to have a baby?"

"Look at your point of interest, don't hurry to search for valuables. Black teeth, broken bones, big eyes, you three go to the cab."

"Okay, boss."

Several barbarians immediately divided their labors and started doing their own things, seeing that their skilled cooperation is obviously not the first time to do this kind of work.

"Boss, this human girl is really good-looking, but she's too thin to be healthy."

"Tie it up first. This look can definitely buy a good price. The chicks next to it are also bundled together. The magician is scarce."

Several barbarians immediately **** a few young magicians to Wuhuada, and at the same time, they did not forget to pour the forbidden magic potions on them.

Just as one of the barbarians was about to attack Chen Fan, he suddenly took off his headphones, opened his eyes and sat up.

The complexions of several barbarians immediately changed, they were about to take out their weapons, and suddenly a powerful force added to their bodies, pressing several barbarians neatly on the ground.

"God forgive me!" Several barbarians immediately realized that they had kicked the iron plate, and quickly began to beg for mercy.

Chen Fan withdrew the pressure and said lightly: "Continue to do your business, don't disturb me."

"Yes, yes, thanks to the great **** for his life." Several barbarians were immediately grateful.

Chen Fan added another sentence: "Seven percent belongs to me."

Several barbarians suddenly wanted to cry without tears, but they did not dare to resist, so they could only obediently hand over 70% of the harvest.

Soon the entire spaceship was controlled by this group of barbarians, and when the transition was over, it was not the destination of the spaceship's trip, but a barren galaxy.

Several dilapidated armed spaceships flashed out of the darkness immediately, surrounding the passenger ships, and then a group of fierce star thief came up.

"Hey, Manniu, you got lucky today, how many fat sheep did you catch!" The star thief chief grinned with a yellow tooth, and said with a weird smile.

But the leader of the barbarian tribe was crying and he was not happy.

"What's the matter?" The star thief leader noticed something was wrong and asked with a frown.

The barbarian leader was about to quietly tell the star thief leader that there is a great **** on board...

Suddenly the sound of the sirens inside the ship scared everyone!

"You betray me!" The star thief leader was furious immediately, drew his gun and shot.

The leader of the barbarian clan was also dumbfounded. He didn't know what was going on, so he was shot and headshot by the star thief leader.

When the other barbarians saw this, they were furious, and when they charged up, they tore the star thief leader and several of his men to pieces.

The two gangs of guys immediately yelled and made a ball on the spaceship.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, the hull was torn open a big hole, an iron hand reached in, and the biu~biu~biu shot with precision, and the two gangs who were merging were all headshot.

Immediately a girl in iron armor got in, followed by a few superheroes with super heroes.

"It's all done!" The girl clapped her hands, disdainfully said: "It's just a group of star thieves and bandits, and the godfather is really true, why do you have to let me come."

"These guys are not ordinary star thief." Star Jue put away his face mask, squatted down and opened the collar of the star thief leader to find a bottle of pink potion and said: "This is a hallucinogen unique to the demons. Even if people don’t collude with the demons, they must be connected.”

At this time, Drax the Destroyer dragged a half-dead star thief and said, "There is only one living thing left."

"Take it home for interrogation first." Xingjue looked around the passenger ship and said: "Count down the unfortunate passengers and rescue other passengers who have fallen into a coma. Note that there is a possibility that there may be demon spies."

"Let me come!" As soon as the girl heard that there were spies from the demons, she immediately asked Ying to help.

Soon the victims were counted, seven dead and three injured.

Several superheroes then distinguished the remaining passengers one by one.

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