Big Panda Boss

Chapter 794: As long as you are happy

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"Huh?" Chen Fan said with a dry smile: "I'm sorry, I just woke up, and I was still a little confused. Give me a bowl of soy milk and a cage of Xiaolongbao."

"Okay, do you want the soy milk to be salty or sweet?" The boss asked casually, if it was'before', the boss would definitely not ask more, because they have been regular customers for more than ten years and only need one to enter the door. The look in your eyes knows what you want to eat...

Chen Fan said: "Salty, put more mustard and green onion."

"Okay." The boss quickly soaked Chen Fan a bowl of salty soy milk, and then took a cage of Xiaolongbao and placed it in front of him.

Chen Fan didn't move his chopsticks immediately, but looked around and asked, "Boss, where's the vinegar saucer and garlic chili sauce?"

"It's all in the fresh-keeping cabinet. Take whatever you want." The boss pointed to the extra glass cabinet next to it.

There was no such thing before, and it seems that everything is not static.

Chen Fan got up and opened the cupboard, took a bite of a small dish, and then scooped a spoonful of garlic chili sauce, then poured balsamic vinegar and mix well.

Go back to your seat and sit down, take a sip of steaming soy milk, then pick up a steamed dumpling and dip it in your own chutney and put it in your mouth and swallow it.

They are all familiar flavors.

Chen Fan was eating with relish, as if tasting some delicacies of mountains and seas.

Soon after a cage of steamed buns was eaten, Chen Fan ordered another cage.

Suddenly a bright girl in a blue and white school uniform sprang out from the alley. She was running and wearing a ponytail. She rushed to the breakfast shop stall and roared: "Boss, hurry, hurry. I'm going to be late!"

The boss hurriedly packed her a cup of sweet soy milk and two bean paste buns. He laughed and said, "I said you can't get up early for this girl? How do you have to pick up every day?"

"You don't understand, all the quilts in winter have been given ten seals, but my aunt's grandmother took a lot of effort to get out of trouble!" The girl took the food and turned and ran away. go with.

The boss shook his head in a dumbfounded smile.

Suddenly, a ruddy-looking aunt came out from the alley at this moment, cursing, "Dead girl, take care of the car!"

Chen Fan's heart was shocked and he raised his head abruptly, tears almost bursting into his eyes!

The boss replied: "I said Aunt Wang, you can't persuade your daughters carefully. It's like running away early in the morning, so it's like a girl should be."

Aunt Wang smiled bitterly and shook her head: "Oh, this girl doesn't know who she is like, it's really not reassuring!"

The boss smiled and said: "Well, children, wait for a few years to grow up and be qualitative. When Xiao Chen was a child, he didn't specialize... ahem, two bowls of soy milk?"

Aunt Wang sighed and said, "No, I saved a lot of cold rice and cooking rice last night. You can get me two fried dough sticks."

"Okay." The boss packed two fried dough sticks for Aunt Wang.

Aunt Wang carried the fried dough sticks, took out her mobile phone and swept it away: "Money sweeps to you."

"Okay, go slowly."

When Aunt Wang turned around, she found a young man in the store was wiping tears in a frantic manner, making her feel so squeamish.

When Chen Fan wiped away his tears, the familiar but much older figure was gone.

He did not follow up, but extended the mental field to return to that familiar and warm home.

There are many appliances in the home that were not available before, but it is still clean and tidy.

The room that belonged to him was transformed into a girl's boudoir. Chen Fan didn't feel embarrassed to spy more, but turned to the master bedroom and saw two photo frames on the cabinet.

One photo frame is a family of three, and the other photo frame is also a family of three. The only difference is that the teenager in the middle has become a girl, and the couple on both sides are also much older...

"It's dinner, get up soon." Aunt Wang shouted while pushing the door and entering.

"What are you shouting early in the morning? The new neighbors who moved in last month have said it several times." I saw a gray-haired uncle who pushed open the toilet door and shouted.

"Who makes you hear it, can you hear me if I don't speak loudly?"


"Don't you, go wash your hands and eat."


Chen Fan smiled knowingly, and suddenly realized that he suddenly opened up, as if to untie a knot that had troubled him for so long.

As long as you are happy.

The boss turned around and suddenly found that the young man had disappeared just now, leaving only a hundred yuan bill on the table.

Chen Fan left, ready to go back to his other home.

There are also his cherished friends and relatives in that home.

The flame golden lotus soared into the sky, breaking through the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it reached the moon track.

Chen Fan sat on Baolian looking back at the blue planet and stared at it for a long time, when suddenly a little guy jumped out from the moon's orbit and passed him and flew towards the earth.

Chen Fan smiled knowingly when he saw it, silently said a blessing, and then turned away chicly.

"If possible, this king will be waiting for you in the sea of ​​stars."

The flame golden lotus suddenly disappeared in place.



As soon as the flame golden lotus flew to the orbit of Jupiter, it seemed to hit an invisible barrier and was directly bounced back.

Chen Fan held his forehead and opened the lotus cover, his eyes widened and looked back and forth, but he didn't see any obstacles!

"Damn it!" Chen Fan slowly flew forward with the lotus, and hit an invisible barrier within a thousand feet of distance.

Chen Fan reached out and touched it, as if touching an invisible film.

He popped out his paw and scratched it It only caused a ripple of space to spread, but he could not tear the invisible barrier.

"Huh!!!" Chen Fan was immediately surprised, rubbing his paws with a touch of chaos and scratching again.

A dark claw mark was immediately scratched out of thin air, but the crack disappeared almost instantly.

"It's interesting!" Chen Fan slapped Baolian and flew fast against this invisible barrier. As a result, he orbited Jupiter and found that the invisible barrier was completely a huge closed cover.

"What the **** is that great **** imposing such a big restriction?" Chen Fan was puzzled. He took out the space gem and found that it failed. He couldn't help but guess: "Is there any shocking secret in this solar system?"

But this ghost place doesn't even have a trace of aura, and it is a piece of worthless poor mountains and rivers in the eyes of the gods. What secrets can it have?

But something abnormal must happen!

It's impossible for that great **** to be full and to support it, and how to ban it by going to this poor mountain and bad waters under the arduous cloth.

Unless there are really big secrets or treasures hidden here.

Chen Fan suddenly thought that the Asa Protoss had used the earth as a template to imitate the Midgard star and placed it in the center of the nine kingdoms. Obviously, there must be something else in it!

It's just that the first **** king of the Asa Protoss has long been missing, so no one knows what that **** king thought.

Then the problem must lie on the seemingly ordinary earth!

The flame golden lotus hovered in space. Chen Fan sat cross-legged and closed his eyes, slowly spreading out his mental force field, and soon discovered that this barrier was actually a giant formation.

And they put everything on the bright side, with Jupiter as the array eye and the sun as the core, connecting nine planets to form a great array of heavenly development, sealing the entire solar system to death.

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