Big Panda Boss

Chapter 725: Old friend

The generals of the Holy Light Legion present toasted in response.

"Your Excellency Samville, it seems that it’s been more than two hundred years since the last time I don’t. I didn’t expect to see you again and have been promoted to a demigod." Lord of the Light Salin Slytherin said with emotion: "I’m afraid that I will change my name soon and call you honorably."

Samville smiled lightly and said: "Becoming a **** is not easy, this matter can't be rushed, and now we should give priority to how to defeat the demons is the most important thing."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

This time, in order to assist the Terra Empire against the demons, the Supreme Heaven dispatched three angel legions to garrison the borders of the demons, and also allocated a hundred thousand holy light legions to help defend the empire to prevent the demons from sneaking attacks from behind.

The Seventh Army of the Holy Light led by Salin Slytherin happened to be assigned to the border between the Terra Empire and the English Empire.

Sarin said: "Before I came, I heard that the three gods of the British Empire had already taken refuge in the Great Demon King Beria. We must first prevent the British Empire from taking the opportunity to invade. I don't know how much your Excellency Samville knows about the British Empire. How many troops does this country have? How many strong people are there?"

When the generals of the Holy Light stood up, they raised their ears with a serious face, preparing to know the enemy.

Samwell sighed slightly with a strange expression on his face: "It's true that the British Empire has just fallen."

"The country is subjugated??" Everyone swept across the faces of black question marks, wondering if they had heard it wrong? After all, the enemy has subjugated his country, so what are they going to fight?

Sarin was extremely surprised and said: "I didn't expect that His Excellency Samville was so powerful that he would have destroyed the British Empire."

Samville shook his head quickly and said: "There is someone else who destroyed the British Empire. I don't dare to be greedy for the credit. And that person didn't need a single soldier. The entire empire bred civil strife until it fell apart, and the huge empire died overnight. Nowadays, the royal family of the British Empire is almost dead, and only a group of noble warlords and the insurgents are fighting with each other. Look at this situation, I guess it didn’t. Don’t even think about restoring peace for decades."

Sarin was stunned: "Your Excellency, are you joking? Even if it is a knight novel, I dare not make up like this!"

"I also hope this matter is made up." Samville said with a serious face: "But reality is often more absurd than the plot of a novel."

"Where is it that sacred with such terrible methods?" Sarin asked: "Didn't the three gods of the English Empire stop it?"

"I also don't know if the three gods of the British Empire have taken action to stop them, but the fact is that the British Empire is dead." Samville stated: "As for this one who destroyed one by himself. The people of the entire empire are currently guest in our military account. If you are curious, I can recommend it for you."

Sarin looked speechless and asked if this person was you, right?

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not putting gold on my face." Samville said, "That person is actually from the East, and he is also a monster. When you see him, you will understand...this person is very special. ."

"Come here." Samwell called in a guard and ordered: "Go and invite Boss Chen, and he said that this handsome will introduce some friends for him."

"Yes." The guards immediately led away.

Everyone was whispering for a while, and they were all curious about who was the expert who had such methods.

After a long time, the guard went and returned to report: "Return to the commander in chief, Boss Chen will bring it."

Before people enter the door, they listen to the laughter first: "Hahaha, Samville is so loyal, he even knows to take care of my little brother's business."

Chen Fan, dressed as a local tyrant, walked in swaggeringly, and first swept the angel sitting on the upper right seat, woman? do not know.

Glancing again, I saw an old acquaintance.

"Aha, Brother Salin?" Chen Fan was surprised: "Why are you?"

Sarin was stunned for a moment, then took a closer look and was more surprised than him: "Are you Old Chen?!!!"

"Haha." Chen Fan laughed and said, "Brother Salin is really fate. I didn't expect to be able to resewn with you here today."

"Do you know??" Samville was more surprised than the two.

"Know, know." Sarin got up and introduced: "This brother Chen is a life-saver."

Samville stared at Chen Fan speechlessly, thinking that this guy has too many friends, right?

"Also invite Boss Chen to sit down first and then retell the old."

"Please, please." Salin immediately gave up his position to Chen Fan, and he stayed aside.

The two were seated again, and Sarin immediately raised his glasses to respect each other.

Chen Fan was naturally not polite, and drank several cups in a row.

For a while, the atmosphere in the hall became a lot more active.

And the angel who has been pretending to be cold has been watching Chen Fan secretly since he entered the door. He always felt that this person was familiar, but he couldn't remember seeing him there, so he secretly took a photo of him and uploaded it. Compare to the database...

As a result, a message pops up directly from the database: Your permission is insufficient, access is prohibited!

The angel's heart jumped, and he stared at Chen Fan, who was pushing the cup with everyone more Chen, hurry up and tell us, how did you do it? "When Chen Fan finished his wine toast, Sarin couldn't help asking: "Your Excellency Samville said that you single-handedly destroyed the British Empire. Is it true? "

Chen Fan laughed and said, "That's the commander-in-chief putting gold on my face. How can the exaggeration be true."

"What the **** is the truth?" Sarin asked curiously, and everyone pricked their ears.

Chen Fan smiled helplessly: "Oh, I just caught up by coincidence. Do you all know the old emperor of the British Empire? I heard that I have been emperor for hundreds of years, but I just went to see you the day before. After losing him, he passed away after turning the sky around. Then a lot of princes and princes were fighting for the throne and each became emperors, and they almost didn't get their brains. I just sold some arms and made a fortune. In the end, I almost made a loss-making business. You said that this made me go for a reason."

Except for Samville, everyone else suddenly realized after listening, they all showed knowing smiles. After all, compared to the illusion of destroying the country by one person, it is clear that the ‘fact’ in Chen Fan’s mouth is easier for everyone here to accept.

"By the way, Brother Salin, why did you come here as a guest?" Chen Fan smoothly shifted the topic to Salin.

Sarin replied: "We were ordered to help defend the border of the Terra Empire to prevent the invasion of the British Empire. But we did not expect that when we arrived, the British Empire itself would be subjugated. local."

"Oh." Chen Fan rolled his eyes and took the opportunity to promote sales: "That happens to be Brother Salin, I have a batch of unsold arms on hand right now, how can I deal with it cheaply?"

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