Big Life

Chapter 294

38 – The True Story (1) 38 – The True Story (1)
Where are you going now? From now on, what happens suddenly when I decided to talk about myself and the novel.
"Yes Yes. I will leave immediately. Thank you, please. "
I rebuilt the phone and I wrapped my forehead in a pale complexion. Myeongseok asked him first to shake his gaze.
"What are you doing, Mr. Ha? It was like a very urgent phone call …. "
"Oh dear sir, I am very sorry, but I have an unexpectedly serious problem, so I need to ask for a novel consultation next time."
"Do not say that and get up first. Where are your destinations? I'll take you. "
I did not ask for a reason other than that.
I know how reconstruction attaches importance to human courtesy and promise. It would be unusual for him to go around like that.
"No, sir. Today, I brought the car, so I can go directly. "
Two people walked into the parking lot after leaving the restaurant.
Rebuilding opened the door of his car and looked around the bright spot just before the ride.
"Thank you very much for your heart. I will pay you back next time. "
"Please drive safely and I will be waiting for your contact."
The burr!
The reconstruction was set up as a university hospital with a start-up and immediate navigation.
Is it because of this that the car was dragged out? I was also grateful for the sad road.

– We have not yet confirmed whether it was a simple fault or another. The patient's consciousness has not returned.

The smile of reconstruction that chewed the police's words became darker. The expression "whether it is different" will ultimately refer to suicide attempts.
Even if suicide attempt is clear, what kind of life have you been living in the past?
I wanted to be somewhere well after I left the letter. Reconstruction was a feeling of crying before we could grasp it.
'So if you go to Guncheon police box …'
It is the place that I visited with Sue in the 'mustard bath' which I saw in my dream. Maybe this is the place where the grand priest might have seen the scenery. This time I go to see his son.
Is it a coincidence?
I thought it was somehow, but there was no contact between them.
Suddenly, I started to see a toll gate in the future.

*** 'Do not do that, Father.'
A springtime zoo where the sun is warm.
Now, the middle school student, Sangdo, was putting up with tears to burst. My lips were hurt, but I could not let go.
It was a picnic with the father who gave time for a long time alone.
But his father was not with him. There is no reason to go to the other family's table and read the writings of the house son and praise. He even asked for his name and phone number, from the instant he went to the landmark map.
'I am also working hard ……… I won the first prize in this writing contest …'
I could not help but tear my tears.
Sangdo turned his head and swallowed all his cries. Then I grabbed the top of the kimbap and grabbed my heart.
It was a young age, but it seemed to be vague.
My father is not someone who can feel the emotions as much about writing. My son, I hate, can not be doing it.
This may be because the child who is 5 to 6 years younger than me is much better at writing.
"Sangdo, come here and eat some apples."
They did not measure the sun. The father of his family sent his son to Sangdo. The boy with the apple tray in both hands sprang his face with a clear smile.
"Oh, please eat apologies."
“······.” "My brother, the adults would like to apologize. Bro!
"… Just go."
The boy did not back down and repeatedly suggested apples.
In the end, the first place to sit down was Sangdo.
It was the end of the memory that I could hardly forget with the texture of the cold water that had been put on the sock's face at the water level.

"Just go … · · · · Please just disappear · · · ·."
"Sensei, are you feeling sorry?"
“······?” The sun shines with both eyes.
The world, which is visible through the palm trembling eyelids, was shaking. Gradually the focus stabilized and the boy 's face begging for apples began to be seen.
"Seniors? You see me? "
Unlike the boy, the boy asked with a big adult voice. The top opened the eyes narrowly and looked at the boy.
The shape of the boy was clouded like a water fog rising in the morning lakeside, and the face of reconstruction appeared in the place.
"Well, are you …?"
"Do you recognize me? Ha rebuilt. I got in touch immediately. You've been awake in six hours now. "
The naked gaze of the top was hovering around the reconstruction.
I realized that the scenery I had just seen was a dream. Furthermore, it took quite a long time to realize that reconstruction was in front of reality.
“······.” Sanso closed his mouth and turned his head to the other side. Pain was coming from all over the body including broken limbs, but it was heartbreaking.
I waited for the reconstruction without further question.
But both eyes were staring at some of the items on the top. One book in the old bag was his work 'Evil'.

*** "I have already written. It will not take a few months because it is short. "
Private cottage located in Chuncheon.
Taejin said to his cell phone. One hand touched a small USB memory.
– That's great, sir. I can not imagine a criminal like me. How to give thanks as Minister of Culture.
"It is not empty. I just hope that it would not be a work that would be touched on Korean-Chinese diplomatic relations. "
After a few more calls, Taejin hang up.
Through the open windows, a gentle gentle wind was flowing. Taejun laughed slowly, waving his body back and forth, sitting on a rocking chair.
"Huafufu · · · · It tastes like this."
It was a new landscape that was not seen by the former Taejin. After the publication of 'Five Dreams', the world surrounding itself was turned upside down.
The critics, who were all the same, were now praising their hearts for the sake of you. The acclaim of readers pouring out on the internet every day was also incalculable.
"Now I see ………. What kind of joy you have lived in since college. I pretended to look superficially on the outside, but I felt the pleasure in my mind. I feel that honor is feeling very well these days. "
Still, Tae Jin had not put his USB memory in his hand.
As the 'Five Dreams' did, I was going to draw a piece from this report as part of the diplomatic relations between Korea and China.
The first two times were as painful as death. It was considered to be a lesser insect than herself and had a long nightmare.
But now it's past that too.
Tae Jin, who laughed at revealing his teeth, was not at ease. I am ready to digest everything I have left behind in my own name.
I did it because I ate my heart.
"There is nothing wrong with you."
Tae Jin, who opened the drawer, muttered as he pulled out one old black and white photograph.
It is a photograph of the days when it was early 20s.
He looked at the naked body of his dry body next to himself and he was speaking.
"You proved that your writing goes to the world. Just make sure you understand my name. How can you count the value of my youth that has been good to you for so many years? "
Suddenly, the laughter period gradually disappeared from Tae Jin's face.
This is why I am reminded of the truth.
Everyone in the world, including the eldest son, could not deceive himself even if he did not know.
"You would have taken this placenta of many shades to the grave anyway. I would rather … · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
The picture in my hand was wrinkled.
Geeko Tae – jin could not grin and tore his picture. Sculpture There was no longer a long-established friendship between the two fragments scattered to the floor.

*** "Do not you feel uncomfortable?"
"I do not want to boast money, but I do not know what to do."
It was the answer of the sunshine returning poignantly.
From the private room for one person to the caregiver service, all the conveniences that reconstruction provided were recounted.
Two weeks have passed since the accident happened.
The reconstruction was to go to work every day from Seoul to Gyeongju to see the tops that do not behave at all. It was not hesitant to stay at Gyeongju on the weekend when Suhee brought his silver bullet to his family.
In the meantime, the topography was almost silent.
Except for the fact that he was not a suicide attempt but a sham fiction, he did not make it right.
Whether the reconstruction was sitting next to me or not, I spent the day with my eyes fixed only in the spring landscape outside the window.
To be honest, the reconstruction was unreliable in saying that the sun was shaking. It is also because the state of the superstructure was extremely bad.
At night, I groaned and nightmares, and I sought almost alcohol. If you look at the image of such a prize, it has been a reconstruction to be afraid to ask what kind of life you have lived in recent years.
It was not one or two things I wanted to ask.
What was happening in the meantime, why I sent a message of grudge, why I came down to Gyeongju, and what extreme emotions are in the eyes of the reunion.
Anyway, reconstruction was never urged. The sundeck on the bed was a fragile bird that seemed to fly even if it was tugged.
I just decided to wait for the reconstruction.

Then one day. Drink!
Reconstruction lifted his head as the vibrating cell phone stood still.
The look was surprised. It was because it was a top-of-the-line phone that had never even been ringing before. Unexpectedly, the name of the lecture was on the LCD.
“······.” As soon as Sangdo confirmed his opponent, he buried his cell phone in the seaport. The longer – lasting vibration stopped, and he sighed a long sigh toward the ceiling.
When I saw it, reconstruction was intuition.
A little while ago, a phone call gave a change to the corner of the mind.
"What are you curious about?"
It was a sudden question that rebuilding was embarrassing.
The top was looking at the ceiling with no expression.
"I'm wondering what keeps me hanging around. I do not want to see any more.
Rebuilding quickly came to mind when I wanted to ask.
But unlike the will, the lips opened and instinctively the first question popped out.
"Do you hate me?"
“······.” "If my guess is right, I want to know why."
“······.” "My father's great life has given me greater respect and greater respect. I thought that I wanted to be able to get a kind of beauty by any means. So I had to meet Seon-hyun.
"The beauty of the species will freeze and die …"
The sincere private talk was too small.
Red eyes filled his eyes with tears. He did not hide the sadness of his gaze.
"It is not your fault."
"At that time, I met with you … I wandered around the country and read your text as it came out. You can not ignore your writings while living with your eyes and ears blocked from the world. "
The breast of the upper body which breathed the breath was inflated to the utmost.
"I think that my father's temperament remained after my father's plagiarism. And I wonder who you are. You've been interested in my father who has never met before. "
"Sir, I am …."
"Do not tell me! I will only tell you! "
The top shouted with a crying face.
Rebuilding immediately finished his mouth, and he snorted and snorted.
"The more I read your story, the more I think. It is not human beings who have ties to our father's grave. If you were a son, not an incompetent person like me, my father would have loved it very much … "
He stole a wet face with a full arm, whose fracture was not fractured.
The hand moved back into the bag and was carrying out "evil".
"I read thirty times exactly and thirty times."
“······?” "It was a great work. So the tears are gone. How hard do you spend it day by day? What did I do in the meantime. I forgot about the plagiarized subject and hated my father. And I wasted years of precious youth. It comforted himself that this would be revenge for his father … "
“······.” "Now I know why I hate you. When you look at it, you are twisted. It makes me think of my mistakes that I do not want to think about. Now
I told him there and I took out the cell phone that the top was put on the seashore.
And with one hand, I fooled my fingers.
After a while, the reconstruction could sense the vibrating cellphone in his pocket.
"I sent the phone number and address."
"… What do you mean?"
"For my father, you want to get the beauty of your kind? You go to see it and take it if you like it. If you need copyright and what you need, bring your paperwork. I'll give it to you without any trouble. "

About 10 minutes later. The reconstruction that was in the driver's seat was setting navigation.
The place where the lady of the lecture was living was not far from the hospital.
Address is Gangcheon-eup, Gyeongju.
I went to the place where I went to visit the mustard bath and rebuilt the accelerator.

38 – The True Story (1) End

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